Sunday, November 17, 2019
Nocember~:)'s beginning to look like Christmas is earlier and earlier these days..I mean..the me;)
We see it in Costco simultaneously w/ Halloween it seems..a bit too early for stores..not for personal preparations because ...if you like can't start in December:)
I made lots of felt ornaments this year..2 sets of 3 each I can only share after Christmas once the recipients have received them..
Some are tucked into envelopes ready to go..
That's a lesson I learned last year..if I send something to can be there in one week..if I send it in North America..say can take one I will mail all by Dec 5th this year.
Hopefully snail mail will be prompt and not procrastinate.
The red pick ups are felt ornaments I made thanks to Downeastthunderfarm.
I made some birds etc..
It's a great site for beginners..easy patterns.. you just need felt and floss and a needle and scissors..go see:)So many delightful just need to know a few basic stitches..and they can be found on Youtube..
I started years ago by making Alicia Paulsen's patterns which are more detailed and intricate..
Below..the beginnings of the set of 3 for my daughters Christmas 2018 set.And a different bird as a gift for this yr w/ matching little watecolor tag.
I love felts on trees..nothing matches..nothing breaks..and they live happily with all different kinds of ornaments.I love hand made ones and bought ones!Urban Barn often has such dear ones!
And I know US stores carry them because I have received some as gifts♥
And (not at the time) one of my daughter's sets that got thrown in the garbage Christmas morning a few yrs back.. image from Alicia's site.
That year I had made an extra set for me..I gave her mine..I added their names on the Christmas lights above the beds..I love to add all kinds of beads:) I had found tiny initial beads:)
I invite you to give a few ornaments a try:)
I've always loved embroidery..even embroidered J a jean shirt in the 70' much cowboy embroidery lol..
Must have been true love..he wore it:):)
Long gone..
The shirt:)
I keep certain books..books I books..cookbooks..sweet charming books..poetry books..
I'm glad I kept my Lifes Little Instruction Books.. Author..H.Jackson Brown..
I think I have can pick them up very reasonably many yrs later..:)
I've had mine for 20 yrs plus I think.
I re-read a few a little while ago and although some thoughts are no longer de ce jour..most still ring so true.
So I thought..
I' d like to leave a list for my girls..of my little thoughts as they hit me from time to time..
We don't want to hear much in our 40's..I can't remember having anyone to tell me things..I wish I had ..had someone..
Things we don't really know younger..but things I really know are true..:)And important..and maybe if they know these things were true for me..they might be true for them:)
The first thing would biggest..
1. Listen to your INTUITION..that voice only you can hear..and even if it's whispering..listen.
And abide by it.Don't even question it.
Everything that voice warned me about? She was right.
Had I listened..oh..had I listened.
I bet it rings true for many of you.
So I might just add these Nana's Words Of Insight;)
..This coming year.
I leave you w/ more felt:)♥And snow..we've had snow!
Courtesy of the web~
Sunday, November 10, 2019
So~ Book 2~ come in..things aren't the same anymore..but I have been lifted up by try and continue.
We can't all be savvy tecchies:)
And we can't all be so caring as all of you.
So to all my kind readers..and my tecchie kind readers thank you for making me reconsider ending my book.
Linda reinstated my header and sidebar almost immediately which ..made looking at the first page more bearable for me.Then added pictures..and has not stopped working on my humble blog.
She is a blogger's Fairy Godmother I was told.
And sure enough..:)She is♥
Val has sent me numerous emails..all helpful with tips and tricks and sent me Noah that has now reappeared on my sidebar:)A kinder little soul would be hard to find~
Little personal notes here and there..even my daughters..
and one of my daughter's friends..Amanda..who is so very convincing..she's a writer extraordinaire..and suggested Nana should continue♥
So..I had made this little Ikea lantern before all this happened..and feel it's like a welcome mat for you to stay if you wish..
Looks like all photos from 2015 to now are going to have to be painstakingly added one by one and I need to get my head around it all.
It's not like I can pray to St-Anthony....the patron saint of lost magically make them reappear.
I urge you all to BACK up..
Go to Blogger..go to settings..go to other..and back up.
Right now if you can.
Put your Google albums on that if you delete them..they will at least be in Trash for 60 days.Mine were not.
I am going to make a pinkie promise and try not to harp and dwell on the past.Move on..
I am one of those people..What if?If Only..
All in my head of course:)
I used to be the girl that said:"Everything happens for a reason"~
Until I didn't..because some things you just cannot believe they happened for a reason.
In no way do I think that this is one of those life altering moments..
It's a blog.Period.
And I learned a valuable lesson.
And I am so thankful for this blog.
The reasons are exponential.
So ..let's try and not look at all those ugly blacked out pics..and move forward.
And again..know how much I appreciate everyone.
It's not just a cyber world's a small small world after all~.
I follow a Gentle ..Man ..a wonderful artist on Instagram..
I recently bought his book.
It's a keeper.
Charlie Mackesy
His IG account
The following 3 photos are the cover of his book..and 2 pages in it.
Monday, November 4, 2019
~The End~La Fin~
Oh lala.
I inadvertently deleted many Google albums..
and most of the pics have disappeared from my 1200 posts plus... humble blog.
12 years~
I am sad for me..
Because I loved my trips down memory lane..
I would scroll back and watch my alphabet boys grow up..
look at our gardens..the little trips we took..
I would re-read your thoughtful kind comments.
I can't leave my blog looking less than it was..
So I will be deleting it.
I guess in about 1 week~
My photos are not in the Trash bin of Google Photos as I never backed them up..
Never envisoned this happening:(
I'll keep IG for now..
I guess the universe made a decision for me.
I loved meeting:)
So many of you through my blog these past 10 yrs.
Some of you have become friends.♥
We will keep in touch for certain..
Thank you to everyone who kept commenting even in busy times..
Your companionship meant soooo much to me.
You have no idea.
Je vous remercie du fond de mon coeur.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.