Wednesday, December 3, 2008


This is a wonderful time of the year~
It brings back floods of memories..
While I was out husband started getting Christmas ready here..I think going to our daughter's home yesterday spurred us on..everything was Xmas..:)

Today I was with Noah.. and his mommy..while J started to get the outdoor lights and the tree up..
I decorated it this evening and while having dinner.. we looked at old home movies..

What treasures..although they are mostly from the 70's and 80's with the girls.. they look like the 50's.. :)(Probably because of how I looked!:) )

Dark in some spots.. we had added old music.. what a rush of memories.. How both daughters have so many resemblances to their sons..
How life seemed so sweet.
With My Friend Dolls for Xmas and skating on the rink J always made for them right outside their door.
Cookies for Santa..
The life cycle continues..
Now we see our grandsons.. and their delight in the lights.. Santa.. the trees..

For me.. and my parents.. it seems sooo far away..but the last clip of one of the movies.. has 1960 in it..
I am six..I have both my parents.. and I am the carefree child..
I am at a Carnaval.. I am swimming in the summer..
I remember Christmas.. at home with our white tree and artificial fireplace.. the kitchen with the old gas stove and the wringer washer.. bathing in the sink..Do I remember because of photos?
Surely I think.
Dressing up with my brothers in all the aunties coats that laid on the bed while they partied.. The hats..the stoles..

The Perry Como sweaters my brothers wore.
My crinoline and shiny shoes.
The canopy bed with my doll...

I have very few memories of those yrs..Too few photos!! Take pictures.. take pictures..They are tangible memories for years to come.

My daughters take pictures:)~

This year..a cousin of mine.. that I have not seen in years... emailed me photos of my father from yrs gone by.
I cannot say how much seeing and keeping those meant to me.

The collage above is a sampling of some of the photos..
Maybe one day our old movies will mean the same to the girls as these photos mean to me..
And the cycle goes on...
My dad reminds me of Jay Gatsby..My mom.. certainly Grace Kelly:)
Louis Armstrong sings in some of our old movies..

With the tree.. and the lights..
Tonight was a bit of Christmas..For me.


  1. so heartwarming, one day i want to see your movies too~ funny how i said gatsby from that one pic. i love your family legacy, you have made on heck of a family~

  2. Your posts just sound so "from the heart" and I really enjoy coming here to visit. Your DD's take after you, so yes they will love your movies some day.

  3. Oh, Monique, your post really touched my heart... so many of us can identify and you stated it so well.

  4. What wonderful pictures and how sweet of your cousin to share them with you. Your cousin must have known how dear they would be to you. I always think it's sad when I see old photos at estate sales and in antique stores where nobody knows who the people are!

    What great memories you are building today too with the younger generations. They will have plenty of memories of you even without photos. Unforgettable you!

  5. Suzy.... the funny thing is.. yrs ago she mentioned she had photos..I asked if I could have copies or something..we didn't see each other again..

    I found her on the internet! A genealogy thread..I emailed the name hoping it was she..and then the link was made..she was very kind to take the time to scan and email.My brother loved getting the photos also.
    Thank you for the comments everyone.I am so glad you can relate.

  6. Monique, a beautiful heartwarming post. So perfect.

  7. Very touching, M! How wonderful that you were able to make the connection and get the photos, I know they are dear to you :) I love the shot with the car.

  8. What can I add?

    Everyone has expressed what I have felt and thought as I read your touching and poignant expressions.

    Through your words, photos, artistic talent, deep love for your family, friends and life you communicate beautifully, meaningfully and deeply.

    Plus, s'il vous plaƮt? Toujours.

    I love seeing life through your eyes and thoughts. xoxo
