Tuesday, January 31, 2012


At the time I am posting this..we are a few hours shy of February~

Le mois des coups de coeur~

Our eldest grandson..he is the ripe old age of 6..the first of the Alphabet boys~came for a visit yesterday.. ..We were in my craft room..w/ stuff everywhere..I had a Valentines' bag itching to get out of the closet..and a white tree my daughter and I bought..partly because it was 90% off the original price..so $2.49 and mostly because the years of my life with my parents.. that I remember...our tree was white and plastic..the late 50's ..60's and very early 70's..
I didn't have a whole heck of a time with them..19 yrs..seems like forever when you are nineteen..(little did I know it actually was~)..when you are 58..it's a splash in the bucket(Is that right?)

..It isn't plastic..but I saw myself with my canopy toy bed under that tree and bought the tree..
I thought..let's do a Valentine's tree~..Lulu..would that be fun? Sure!The idea had come to me the night before in bed..I do most of my thinking in bed and all day long:)

He is such a boy..and only enjoyed wrapping the heart glitter strand around the tree and eating a bracelet while he played with his pirate ship and watched me:)
I had everything on hand..Ephemera from the Graphics Fairy and Heather Bullard from last year or the year before..Ikea boxes..cupcake wrappers,cookie cutters..

It's a Sweets tree.. for bakers .. and drawers:)Nana got carried away and now it's in the little pink upstairs guest room..

I thought I would share to kick off February that often lacks a bit of color in my beautiful part of the world~

He's such a doll..I said do you like it Lulu? He said":" Ya it's cute nana:)"

C'est tout:)

I'll be making little ornaments to add to this frugal tree..Home made..Come back if you like and see.:)

February is a neat month..our youngest daughter's birthday.. 35 this yr.. a few yrs ago I was 35...my god daughter's birthday..sometimes it has 29 days..sometimes not:)

In short..Feb is unique for me.


  1. Monique, your little "sweets" tree is pure delight. I'll be back to see more as you add to this. Your pink upstairs guest room is charming. Show us more. ;-)

  2. It's Unique because it's your Birthday too!Di~

  3. Isn't is wonderful how birthday months are shared in families! So you have at least 2 in February :) We will have an addition to the March birthdays this year. We have 2 in April (J's dad used to be 3). 3 in September. It's all wonderful and special.

    Your Valentine tree is beautiful and Lulu is such a handsome young man!

  4. Your tree is charming! Your time with Lulu is priceless.
    Do I detect that this is your birthday month?


  5. Magical! Lulu is a sweetie, your special tree is dreamy ~ I love it, and the memories it evokes. You are such an inspiration for us on so many level, Ms. M. Thank you, Merci, merci, merci. You can make a gray day so colorful . . . :) xo~m.
    P.S. February is such a wonderful month . . . for many reasons, and one reason especially. Maybe two ~ you and my dad.. ;) Both of you the best. <3

  6. That is just gorgeous! I love it and now I want a Valentine's tree too! My sister Joni has often done one. It is so magical. What a pretty white tree and for such a price!

    Happy birthday to all of your February birthdays! February is a great month! (No birthdays here but 3 sons in March and two nearly on the 29th two leap years in a row!

  7. Fabulous idea Monique!! I love it! I love the colour as well. Now here I am in February wondering where I can find a white tree, lol. We have a special activity coming up in Church for the ladies this month and a Valentine Decorated white tree would be the perfect decoration! I will be back to see what else you do with it, but from where I am standing it looks pretty perfect now!! Love and hugs from a very chilly UK!! (We are in a deep freeze at the moment.) xxoo

  8. a true Valentine's month for you...birthdays, sweet memories, lots of love...a big thank you to you for dressing up our February...you got me in the mood too.
    Lovely tree and sweetest decorations..how I wish I was guest in the upstairs pink bedroom..

  9. I long for this month all of blah January. Today, I feel so happy and your post made it even better. Love your Valentine tree.
    This weekend our youngest,Gaƫtan is coming home to celebrate his Feb. 17th birthday; he will be 40!and yes I remember being 40 once a upon a time...je m'en souviens.
    Happy February!

  10. You are all so nice!! Let's not mention mine ok?:)

    I plan on adding cookies etc.. I wish I could find a strawberry shortcake ornament I made over 30 yrs ago:) It would be just right..
    Marie I wish you could find a tree..you are so creative..I bet you could just make one..

    February sounds quite busy .MARCH especially:)

    Mary..If I get around to it ..your inspirational painted cookies will make it:)

    Jacqueline..I can just imagine yours..i actually thought of you..You have access to such pretty things..a cupcake tree would be grand..

    Ronelle.. no one will have your French delights..Oui..make one and show us:)

    Sarah..ME things would be perfect..

    Have a great day~Lulu says thank you too:)

  11. A little hearts tree for Valentine's Day - what a lovely idea. Leave it to you, Monique, to think of something so charming and new.

  12. Oh, what a beautiful Valentine tree, Nana! Maybe next year I'll get this done for my granddaughter Izzie, who has a birthday on 3 Feb - as well as my own on the 24th, and my sister's on the 16th. Such a lovely idea, and as always, beautifully done.

  13. February is a special month...the birth of my first baby on the 9th...my Valentine...I brought him home from the hospital on Valentines day...he will be 21 next week. The time has flown by...
    Your birthday too Nana dear....
    I love your tree....your pics make me smile!

  14. Gorgeous post Monique....lots of birthdays..really special ones near and far far away!
    Oh your tree is so special xx got itchy fingers now but just no time.

  15. Not forgetting Nana's birthday! :)))

  16. :) Hope all your celebrations are SWEET:) Lots of nice memories here..I am going to change this post so we are switching subjects..I have known many of you a long time to remember too much:)xxx
    Shel and I are twins:)Different years,countries..etc,,but the same !

    Katrina..great idea..and Izzie can amke some decorations..:)x

  17. I'm just catching up on all your posts and am having so much fun. I really like your valentine tree...it's so cute.

  18. This is such a neat idea, I love how the pinks and red pop out. The quotes and cupcake hearts make are great personal touches. Lulu is such a love bug. February is special isn't it? Happy early birthday.

  19. Beautiful little tree!
    I love the idea of using it for other holidays too - so fun.

  20. It is very sweet, M., and unique! Making the memories with gkids is the best!
