Friday, March 30, 2018

Happy Easter~

The above were so bad the boys ate the icing your old tried and trues:) Quite a few fails this year!!

Above..Ricardo..not a fail:)

Above..Linda..not a fail..

Above..Linzers..FAIL!!  First time ever..We think I forgot the's missing? Oh yes..the sugar,inedible.

I love Peter.

What's up w/ this one? LOL.Poor him.

My Peter Rabbit banner fell 3 I am using   thumbtacks:)
Oh the things we do for love~♥

I tried some new carrot cake cupcakes the night we celebrated J's bday..stick to the old tried and the boys ate the or two bites were taken out of the cupcakes and left;0
So 1/10 IF..Failure.

That mousse is delicious..It's  Ricardo mousse.I practiced first w/ a main one..above..but will serve  in shooters..small ind. for an app.
You can find his easy recipe here..I have marmalade coming out of my perfect:) And yes..imperative to put through a sieve.. it makes the consistency perfect.I used a reg sive the first time..second time a mill..way better w/ mill so easy.Add oregano..and aste taste to make sure it's delish..add seasonings if necessary.

Every Easter ..I will make Life and Linda's butter:)
Go see..for my bunny..a 3 d mold that failed miserably for chocolate last yr..I filled each side with one stick of creamy butter..Linda shows you the needed consistency..filled..tapped..spread..unmolded and used the bit of lefteover softened butter to join the two halves..and there you have it:)
Thanks again Linda!
I made the cutest bunny Linzers..LOL  cannot even serve them and I insisted we thow them away.I forgot the sugar I think..never happens right?
Jacques will eat anything almost to encourage me.I said,not these.
Lots of goodies in the making..for Sunday lunch..hope the next few things work.

I painted a little greeting card that I am not ok with..Looks like a misfit.
Some just doesn't work..the harder you try the worse it is.
If my cake and mini desserts turn out..I'll share them next week..but wanted to get the butter out there for everyone before Easter:)


I just want to say..Happy Easter weekend.
Happy Passover starting today..

Happy Everything to you who come and keep me company.
I am so grateful for your companionship.
So grateful for your inspiration.
So grateful for your kindness.

Grateful for Beatrix Potter too♥

Monique xoxo


  1. I don’t feel so bad that I had some fails but I do not have as much made yet. I made box cupcakes and put too much batter in, they failed. I’m hoping the next batch which called for oil rather than butter works better. Then I pulled out my little digital scale and it is not working��. Needless to say this made making the Jamie Oliver Victoria Sponge cake tricky because everything is in metric measurements. I put the batter in the pans with that little devise that helps release them easier (the ones you have too). Guess I didn’t even the batter enough because the edges are higher than the middle��. So we are both doing smashingly this year. All that work for your Linzer cookies and cupcakes, Oy! You know it is bad when the boys only ate the icing. Katherine did not eat the Elmo cupcakes for Lillian’s birthday so I know how that goes. And everything looks adorable. Everything looks adorable at your house. That bunny is all butter, Jerry would love one of those! I found my dexam British Buscuit cutters and need your recipe. Not for today or tomorrow but soon. Have a wonderful Easter with the family. Gerarda is bravely hosting a crowd of 12 and making leg of lamb. She does well though, I’m sure it will be a success.

    1. I am happy you are being entertained!Oh the fails lol!!Hope the rest works..wonder what happened with your scale?Handiest ever thing in the kitchen!So useful.I even love the name Victoris sponge don't you?
      I have Goat's mustard sauce in the fridge.I used my immersion blender to beat the eggs extremely well!☺️☺️πŸ‘πŸ»Have to look up Dexam cutters!You mean the rings in like material I sometimes wrap around the outside of the pans?I am always so disappointed with uneven cakes☺️Happens!!!
      Happy Happy Easter with your lovely family Terry and thank Gerry again for sharing the sauce!!!

    2. Jerry is so happy to hear you are enjoying the mustard recipe. The pans are the layer pans that have that metal piece that is attached to the bottom and extends up the side. You move it around to help release the cake from the pan. They are old, real old. Email me if you find the recipe for the recipe you used for the Dexam British biscuit cutters. It was with a custard filling.

    3. OH yes..Yes!My mom's old pans!
      And yes they were Marie's recipes!I am almost sure..will find the posts..Custard creams so good and bourbon creams...have to use my laptop!In the AM..Marie had generously gifted me with the found some?Good for you!!Treasures!

    4. Monique I found the recipe! As soon as you referenced Marie’s custard creams I knew where to find them in your recipe list. I also found the Pinterest button on your blog, took me long enough didn’t it😊. Yes I have had the biscuit cutter set since you posted yours. I made the custard creams and then I could not remember where I put the box of cookie cutters. Found them today in with the Easter baking supplies.

    5. Great! :):):)I find things!Have a great Easter Terry!

  2. Your home looks so bright and cheerful for Easter, Monique! You have such glorious lighting. I spy snow outside the windows :( Hope it's starting to melt a little. I remember seeing of photo of Easter when your Littles were littler and there were eggs on the snowbanks - LOL. So sad about the failures I have certainly had them too. I just hate wasting the ingredients. Sometimes in a rush I go through the recipe too quickly and forget to add things too :) Ricardo's mousse sounds delightful for the pears and oregano. So pretty too! And your butter molds ♥ So nice of Linda to share the how-to. I think your Peter is lovely. What a cute artist's model :) Happy Easter, Dear Monique~♥

    1. I snapped that pic when the sun shone!Ithas been a some..Easter cccold I am told.I remember that Easter..Giu was still young..yikes 16 and 18 they won't be here Sunday..going to their nonna's.They are very close to their nonna.I love that.πŸ‡πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜❤️

  3. All looks beautiful and BTW I love Peter Rabbit and all his friends!! Love Beatrix Potter!
    Happy Easter Monique for you and all your family! Blessings!

  4. But I love your card.. that is cute..

    Happy Easter!

  5. Happy Easter Monique! Had to laugh that you left out the sugar - I have done that so many times! My little licked the icing off of his birthday cupcakes and he and his friends couldn’t resist picking the decorations off the cake. By the time we lit the birthday candles - we’ll it looked a mess! He had a great deal of fun though, and that is all that counts. Love all your pretty Easter decorations!πŸ’–πŸ°

    1. I am sure many of us live the same experiences w/ Littles:) And thank God for our Littles♥Thank you..A happy one to you and yours~

  6. I love how you said some days it just doesn't work and the harder you try the worse it gets. Isn't that the truth?! Applies to so many things. I also love how you try different things all the time! I think that keeps us fresh. And, at this point in life, we need some fresh! Ha!! And, whether or not all the things you shared passed the "keeper" test, they are all BEAUTIFUL to see! Thank you so much. Wishing you and yours a blessed and beautiful Easter! I know it will be perfect! blessings ~ tanna

    1. I accept your blessings gratefully and return them to you..may we all have blessings:)Thank you so much.

  7. Happy Easter Monique! Your home is so beautiful, and clean and bright - a photographers delight! The cupcakes LOOK wonderful - and so sorry they didn't turn out. I often have fails, they come in threes. The butter is amazing! Thanks for sharing - have a wonderful time with family :)

    1. You too..I know yu will!..All those littles and your baking and cooking!

  8. I say, don't be so hard on yourself. We all have fails. Happy Easter

  9. Monique, your Easter wishes are so lovely. The way you captured each and every detail. Sometime things do fail, live and learn or stick to tried and true methods as you wrote. The carrot cupcakes are too cute! So glad your butter bunny turned out. Something special for your Easter table. Love your sweet bunny in water colors. Easter blessings to you and your dear family.

    1. You will always be part of my Easter memories!!I just sat down..everything else seems to have worked out.Alleluia☺️Blessings to you too...and your is your first Easter without your dad if I am not mistaken.Take care.

    2. Thank you Monique. Yes, first Easter without my Dad. My mom is doing well. We keep her quite busy. We will be together on Easter and my birthday.

  10. I loved this post. So happy and I bet the cookies without sugar were good with maybe cheese. Though I didn't know of Peter Rabbit as a child, I love it now. Happy Easter to you and yours.

    1. I don't think I knew of Peter as a child having gone to French school and I think I am making up for lost time❤️I just love his face and clothes and quite everything Beatrice!I had one bite of those cookiesπŸ˜’Trust me😳Happy everything to you!Just sat down..almost ready☺️

  11. Happy Ria x πŸ’›πŸ°

  12. Happy Everything! I like that, Monique! The bunny butter is adorable. I'm going to remember to make it. The cupcakes look adorable even if they didn't taste good. I hope you and your dear family have a special Easter Sunday. Yes, thankful for Beatrix Potter! 😘

    1. Bon Dimanche! Et Joyeuses Paques ma petite amie ..contente que tu aies une belle pivoine rose parmi tout le beau bleu!

  13. Monique Joyeaux Pacques a toi and ton famille. I hope that there is no snow on the ground. Your home looks lovely the way it is decorated for Easter.

    1. Still lots and lots of snow but a lot melted..muddy pathways..howling winds and freezing..but the hunt is on! I would like some of your cute eggs here:)

  14. Happy Easter Monique! I know how disappointing it is when we try something and it fails. Happens to me lots as well. Nevertheless, you make it all look so beautiful. You have a very talented eye for presentation my sweet friend! Bunny butter, what a cute idea. You bunny pillow on the sofa is pushing all my ADORE buttons, how very beautiful! I hope you have a sweet day with your family and that you have no more failures! Love and hugs. xoxo

    1. The little pillow..they are actually covers..that many love:) This particular one is from Society Six..they ship worldwide..and it's not astronomical to Canada.Quality covers and cute cute..I follow this artist on IG Sillierthansally..she is so talented Marie..comme toi!

      Happy Easter♥

  15. Everything looks so bright & beautiful!

    Our Easter is two 'almost' old people at home on a rainy day eating mushroom soup with Brie & crackers. We did go to church this morning & really enjoyed our boys class that we teach together.

    1. Well we are old..and we would be doing that:) Our children live close is one of my favorite days here with them all..I bet you LOVE the favorite people are littles or very old people:)

  16. You're painting Peter too! My bunny looked a bit cross as well. I think he must have been thinking of Mr. McGregor! :) Happy Easter sweet Monique.

    1. the perfect word! Your i MUCH MUCH better:) So funny Gail!
      WE had a lovely day:)

  17. All the cuteness!
    I can never get enough Easter cuteness!
    Hope you had a wonderful Easter. ♥

  18. You may have had a couple of epic fails but I think you're a little hard on yourself with the bunny. It might not be what you wanted or expected but not so bad as I think you think it is! And your photos are fabulous -- even if the cupcakes and linzers weren't up to snuff. The butter looks great, and so do all your lovely photos!

  19. I so enjoy your posts because you made everyday things so special. It is a wonderful gift, Monique.

  20. Happy belated Easter to you! xo
