Wednesday, December 16, 2020

~~Dec 16th~


Some cards are just so pretty they become adorable neighbour sends me the yearly  family pic..I love it..I think I show you every yr..)My daughters do too..they end up on the tree:)
I even have a Jewish friend..Arlene..who sends me a special Christmas card every year..
Don't tell me they don't brighten a day..♥
The first one is from Diana an IG friend:)A lovely lovely lady..
All that glitters IS gold;)

I make pets de soeurs  aka nun's farts w/ my leftover tourtières dough..
A hit very year..
Really all you do is roll out the can butter it up and press brown sugar all over it then roll up like cinnamon rolls..slice and bake..Or just pat in the brown sugar..roll up ..slice and dot with butter..
Bake until caramelized..and dough is cooked.

I made the most beautiful quiche!But as Mary Berry had a soggy problem..I can now make it w/ my eyes is a Ricardo recipe..and usually spot wasn't.. will vary the recipe w/ dear Pol Martin's and blind bake way longer.
Maybe for next next Christmas morn here God willing.

The cake is from last yr..had to look at it again:)
And the Ikea lantern living room is also from last yr..I wanted to see some of last yr's comforts..

Speaking of last year..I made 3 fruit to have and to hold Christmas morning on my table..and one to give and one to eat maybe during the yr..
Forgot about the one to eat yet each time I opened our basement fridge the metal festive container kept winking.

I decided to peek..let me tell you that anything soaked in a ton of rum wrapped in cheesecloth..then foil,,then a tin..
Is fab one yr later.
If you like fruitcake..
This is Pierrette's recipe ..a girl ..well woman..I worked with who was an excellent cook and I wonder how she is. should be iced ..she liked to ice hers..but I had just made J a choco it's staying like this.

By the way Jacques is shy of 6 ft w/ 5ft 10 maybe..155 lbs and fit as a fiddle case you think a slice of dessert is bad for him;)
He's far fitter than I endurance wise..

My gifts are wrapped except one..

Update on QC..from Dec 25th till Jan 11th all non essential stores are closed..unlike the past lockdown..stores like Walmart and Costco will NOT be able to sell anything but food and pharma.
This should have been during the first wave too I feel..It harmed so many stores.
Work will be from home as of this Thursday.For people that can..
School will get one extra week holiday Jan 4-11..with some being distanced my daughter's K class.
No Christmas gatherings.However is someone is all alone..she may visit ONE bubble.

I hope that bubble has been safe.
And the list goes on..

I read something very moving in French..

A photo of an elderly woman in a hospital bed...clasping the bars ..
the caption below..

While one generation becomes extinct without even a hug..another generation's problems are Christmas dinner get togethers....


  1. Beautiful images! Wishing you a Merry Christmas. xo Diana

  2. I am isolating
    Over 300 million dead in this country alone and people complaining about not being able to get together. Thankfully you are not. Prayers

  3. It is a beautiful greeting card! I love your red tea pot♥... I have the same one, only black. Nun farts and soggy bottoms - LOL. They all look beautiful and delicious! That's amazing about your fruit cake. Lots of places turning to lock downs again! I wish they wouldn't have let them lapse as quickly as they did. Especially restaurants and bars! Ours are still open :( Although we have not stepped foot in one since this all began. Give someone an inch and they take a mile. So many sad stories out there. Hopefully, 2021 will bring better times soon, Pea. Will will all celebrate then!

    1. We've seen a lot in our 20 odd year friendship which I love.
      All cyber..all wonderful..♥
      I have preferred our garden days and daughters days..and weddings and trips..

      But we WILL get through this..

  4. Like the quiche...and all the things I see today....we 8n Holland are also in lockdown...till 19 Christmas shopp8ng anymore....I live isolated since grosery deliverd every week.....I only buy flowers and vegetables and fruit is in a little affraid to get sick....i only see a view friends at the strange world right now....take care and stay safe and healthy from me Ria 🍀💕🍀

    1. It mst be very hard for were used to your shop and people...definitley a sad time..Take care Ria...

    2. Yeah...thank you....see my blog post with Christmas Ria 🍀🎄🍀

  5. Do you really believe that families and friends will not gather or travel? People have been asked to not do it here either. Including Thanksgiving a few weeks ago. Yet far too many did. And parents are lying to the school nurse about why kids are absent or whether or not they traveled or if there's been an exposure. Some parents are calling anonymously to tattle on each other. Since TG the cases reported in school have increased. I took myself off the sub list.

    I'm glad you liked my card. Your pictures and memories are amazing.

    1. I know many won't obey..we will.we always do..We will drop off..we have all that land in the back at one point we thought we could do something for an hour extremely the freezing it's still not feeling right.That was when we thought we might be allowed..
      On FB..there was a poll..will you snitch on your neighbours?
      I mean wow have we come to that.The law's the law..I don't blame you for taking yourself off the sub list..Yay.
      I see people on some have cases..they got together at TG..

      Who really knows how we will get a hnadle on all this?
      Many are boohooing the vaccine..
      LOve my card..

      Apparently a Santa had covid and now all the kids that saw him have to get tested...

  6. Your last sentence bought tears to my eyes, an elderly lady dying alone, I wish I could have put my arms around her. Your images are beautiful.

    1. Polly when I saw it I cried and everytime I read it here my eyes well up..
      Because that IS what's happening:(
      And thank you for your nice comments.I do appreciate them very much.

  7. That last quote. It breaks my heart.

    As always, your food photos dazzle and I'm absolutely certain they taste delicious (even with a soggy bottom!) That cake looks to die for -- it's so gorgeous. And your card was so pretty. To open that would make me jump for joy and I know you did! I wish our lockdown was more strict. It goes till 12/22 but too many things are still open. Not our governor's fault she can't be more rigid; the legislature won't let her. I am so glad Canada is being careful.

    I don't think I've ever had a REAL fruitcake -- I bet it will be delicious!

    1. Hopefully one day this will be behind us..but so many lives lost and that quote is so true and I tear up every time I read’s a tragedy of extreme proportions.
      Thanks for coming to visit ..cheering up makes time go by...

  8. So sad about Carrot the deer getting shot with an arrow in Ontario :((

    1. Had no idea..hopefully his antlers will shed soon..if I understood correctly.
      To be truthful..he has hope..everyone we lost..lost

  9. Lovely images. I wish you a happy, safe Christmas.
    Next year will be better, my dear.

    1. I know it will Nina..thank you and to you too❣️

  10. That last quote is so true. It’s just all very sad. It makes me cry. I am sorry I did not get any cards sent out this year. I will make up for it next year. That is one very beautiful card. I have always loved your lantern.I wanted to do one. Maybe next year. I love your kettle and your cake. Fruitcakes are always notoriously good keepers! Especially when alcohol is involved. This year has been a bit of a bust. I feel if we can get to the end of the year without having lost someone who means everything to us, then that is a win. Next year promises to be much better. ❄️🎄❄️🎄❄️🎄❄️ Merry Christmas.

    1. You have had a particularly extraordinarily trying year.
      That quote is so poignant to me.
      To everyone ..who has an ounce of compassion.
      It seems some are devoid of it.
      Jacques said the airport was packed of people flying to seek the sun..not US but..Cuba etc..
      Why can’t people just be...
      One thing for certain Marie 2021 will be better for you and no one is counting cards or gifts🙂

  11. Beautiful Monique. You have a wonderful way of displaying food as art. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. Thank you and to you too!
      I am sure I’ll pop by with more..I have no one to talk to who is interested😊😊😊In which recipe I used lol..but he enjoys eating them.

  12. Using a treasured Christmas card in your tree is a lovely addition and tribute to your friend, Monique. I may do this if I can find space.! I found the most perfect small live tree that doesn't take up our whole living room but just right. Isn't that a good feeling?🎄

    Your photos of the beautiful dishes and bakery you make give me such a cozy, warm feeling. Coming to your blog is always so wonderful.❤️


    1. Thank you Jane..I'm sure your home is super cozy and has holidays everywhere:)

  13. Oooh, that quiche, a perfect food. I didn't know about the new restrictions in QC. So often I yearn and dream to go back. We have modifications here, but stores haven't been shut this time. Masks are finally required. Some people are getting together privately, and traveling, probably more young people than old. Thanksgiving did bring an increase here. Yes, so sad to be sick or die alone...

    1. Francois Legault is being revered by some and called The Grinch by others..I can't believe people who flew to Cuba..etc to get away from it all..they'll return and the worst may happen again.

      Different times for certain..

  14. The food looks amazing, Monique, as always. I hope that you are keeping safe and healthy and warm.

    1. Defintelyfollowing the rules for sure..:) Thank you and take care dear Amalia..tiny snowglobe look right now..not much.. like a dusting of almost invisible icing sugar...

  15. The quiche is so beautiful! I hope 2021 is a little brighter for everyone. xo

  16. My BFF in high school (long time ago) was from Hamilton, Ontario and she told me about pets de soeurs. I found a recipe and am going to try it. Our neighbor is from Quebec and if they turn out good, I will take him a plate. I will have to substitute butter for lard. My mother cooked with lard, but I have none in the house. Would love to find some good quality lard. Monique, thank you for your beautiful posts and for uplifting words and joy of living. It has helped so much this year.

  17. Dear Monique, I've been backing, bread, I mean, and for the very first time in my life I've been sucessfull! It's perhaps a light of hope when everything else is going so wrong. Happy new year. Hugs
