Friday, June 7, 2024

Maine 2024:)Photo Heavy.


We went to Maine:) Left for 4 days.. but you actually just get two full days as two days are pretty much travel days..border etc..and ap 6 hrs away.

I did not bring my DSLR as I knew there would be a lot of walking..

So all phone pics..unretouched..And I am the worst camera photog.


We stayed in home base ..  so close to many  charming towns..not far at all....In fact one town..Perkins Cove..we walked from Ogunquit along the  Marginal Way.

Everywhere you look..Charm abounds..

I am not a person..I love nature.. and outdoors..not city scrapers and towers and no light..

Beach Roses.Rosa Rugosa..I have some here but they are chafer food so slowly but surely I have shovel pruned them.I did not see what bad bug on anything there.

They grow wild along the shore..

We love to walk from Ogunquit to Perkin's Cove along the Marginal Way.. It s a lovely walk  with never ending vistas

The homes..OHMYGOSH the homes..

You never ever tire you can't see it all all at once..

Low Tide is so pretty also:)

I mean..

Kenneybunk PORT is very charming also:)

One lunch had a mermaid flying overhead..I only ate lobster rolls:)

The place below is bustling..this was early morn..

Love is in the air:)

Many flower boxes had pride flags..their walkway in Ogunquit.I just love the spirit of Ogunquit.

And talk about flower boxes..SPILLING OVER!!

A lovely artist was painting outside a gallery in Perkin's Cove..
I asked if I could take a pic (from the back lol) and try and paint and she said yes..
This is Christy.. she has a website.. 
And is on IG..

So nice.
Makes me want to do oil again one day..
Then again.. her art is beautiful.

Where did my young hands go? Probably where my face went..:)

Yes I am that nerd that makes a wee Maine bracelet before going;)

I will stop here ..if you have come this far..thank you.
I like to save my pics in this manner..making up for all the pics that were lost that terrible November when I deleted my albums:(
I have come home to struggling gardens.. 4 days away can do that..It's like I am constantly on them. so when I go away.It shows..
Even the garlic have scapes..

Onward..will try and system restore..
Take care...


  1. Fun to have a quick getaway to Maine. Enjoyed the pictures! As you know, we love Ogunquit and the last time we were there, we visited Snug Harbor Farm which was not too far away. One of the nicest garden centers I have been to. And gorgeous terra cotta planters.

    1. I would like to visit garden centres but one cannot bring back plants into Canada..but I would have loved the terra cotta planters..So many things I wish to cut back on though..Just being away 4 days in this drought:( My gardens need TLC every day.Then a huge downpour last night..Lol Im never happy:)

  2. Oh Stop It! Your phone shots are wonderful. I believe I shot images of that same artist last June. And oh the lobster rolls! I want one now!

    1. LOL did you? How uncanny!! I bet you did as the red hair would have certainly been noticed by you:)

  3. What a lovely getaway! Your pictures are beautiful. I'm envious, though, of all that delicious seafood you must have eaten. Such a treat. I understand what you mean about coming home to gardens in need of lots of attention. Every time I want to do more landscaping at our little home, my husband reminds me of the intense labor it takes to maintain it. He's right. I remember those hard days. But once a gardener, always a gardener. Right? I'm sure you have yours back in shape, already.

    Oh Monique, my favorite line: Where did my young hands go? Probably where my face went. Oh gosh, you hit the nail on the head. My daughter is always buying different types of lotions for my hands, to no avail. I guess I should simply be grateful that my 70-year-old hands are still able to work. I actually think the hands of the elderly are beautiful.

    Don't work too hard. Take lots of breaks. Keep on painting. I loved the "back painting" you did of the artist in Maine.

    1. You are right we got things back in shape..My husband did all the mowing and between heavy showers I clipped spent things..weeded..and now things are pretty again.Our 70 yr old hands..yes..THEY STILL WORK...What a everything else that is still in operation.Thank you Pam.. truly two nice days spent there.We met such nice people too:)

  4. No need to apologize for these photos, they are fabulous. You had great weather apparently and Maine looked spectacular. It’s like stepping back in time. We’re battling the heat on the west coast-again. Wild fire predictions are grim.

    1. Oh nooooo..Take care..Yes it's so not's everything I love..And the homes..well Architectural Digest plus..Im not glitzy and Im not skyscraper dark streets crazy.I love light:)Do take care..Fires.. are such horrendous things.

  5. Such a lovely getaway to such a charming place. I bet the seafood was so fresh and delicious. Beautiful views and those pretty houses. Thank you for taking me in a wonderful virtual trip to Maine.

    1. You have taken me many wonderful places:) Many.Thank you:)

  6. THE CLAM SHACK…music to my ears
    « And I only ate Lobster Rolls” 😭

  7. I haven't been to Maine in several decades so I reveled in every photo -- some bringing back memories, others spots new to me but similar to others I enjoyed. Your weather looks wonderful for this excursion. (I would have had only lobster rolls, too!) I loved the painting of your Maine artist -- YOU are the Maine artist on this one! And the photo of you on the bench warmed my heart. How many times have we sat like that, looking out, just savoring. I'm so glad you had a wonderful time!

    1. We did.. since our return..intermittent heavy downpours.I feel so lucky the weather was just never know:)Especially for such a short time..So glad..That artist is kind..she liked it:)Pouring as I type..Looking forward to your trip!

  8. What a delightful getaway!!! Your photos are wonderful as is. ♥ The naturalized roses, the seascapes, the gardens...oh my gosh, I'd have tons of questions, what is this, what is that? Such a wonderful climate it must be for growing flowers. I need a lobster roll tout de suite! That's all I would have eaten too :) I still haven't cut back all the faded peony and iris flowers. Never ending work. Our hands - LOL. My oldest grandson looked at them and said, "why are your hands all veiny, Nana?" The youngest just looked and touched, then he looked at his smooth 8 year old skin. I'm sure he felt sorry for me. :-)))

    1. Lololol our hands..They have loved and lived though:)I have things to top off too:) One step at a time..W both worked today in the rain..a good day..her trimmed all the bushes..looks like Maine:) LOL no it doesn't:) But tidy:)

  9. I SO LOVED THIS! What a treat to walk the shores with you, such an incredibly beautiful getaway! I'm so glad you clicked your days away, my traveling days are gone so this was a really wonderful seeing something fresh and new from your wonderful eyes. As always, thanks for sharing.

    1. Oh my you live in two paradises..The earth and the water.No need for travel..there's no place like home..s:)

  10. What a lovely time away you and J had. Its nice to get away as a couple, perhaps this was an anniversary trip? I like to think so! Happy Anniversary to you both. 50 years is a beautiful accomplishment. Not many make it. Had I and my first husband stayed married it would have been 50 in August. Was not to be. Three of us gals got married that summer, not one of us is still married to the same guys. Oh well. Briar roses do very well on the East coast. Perhaps it is the sea air? There is a whole Island covered with them off the coast of Digby here in NS. Called Briar Island. You need to take a ferry to go to it. Just a short ride, but worth it as it is beautiful. I love all of your photos. You are an artist no matter what medium you use, phone, camera or brush! I am in awe of your talents! And your gardens are always gloriously beautiful, a real testimony to your hard work. xoxo

    1. Marie Im starting to feel..the work..A shoulder..torn...tendonitis in elbow..mostly all right hand side.But I don't listen to myself and stay out there pulling weeding..etc..One day I will get some garden help like you did..But as l as I can I must.I love it complaints sound like I don't but I do...Yes 50..Funny I told the post office man and he said oh that's so rare..You had a very interesting life and made the most out of every situation.The last time..YOU DESERVE MEDALS.And look at you now..On your own:) Capable..happy:)

  11. So charming and wonderful photos! :)
