Friday, July 19, 2024



Seeds from Susan:)

Like sand through the are the days of our lives..
Remember that show? I was early 20's with two babies at home..the only ever time I watched a soapie..

Tradition..July..harvesting the garlic.. bunching it..tying  and hanging to cure in the she shed with a fan..
Over 100 but last yr..all were huge..not this the biggest will be saved to plant late Oct for next yr..
 The photo with the garlic confit..bottom left bulb..this right last year..see how long FRESH home grown organic garlic lasts?

So many things are done:( Still things to come..

So ..see those muffins?

OMGOSH lol delicious.
I'm not a cake..pie ...candy..brownie.. ice cream eater.
But a muffin and coffee? Yes please and not always of course..miss moderation ..
I am on Tik Tok..I don't account is private but I follow people and comment..
I follow a young woman..Bel..

Here is THE recipe.
Do add the raw sugar..DO... that crunch on a fresh muffin..?C 'est la vie..
I mean I needed another blueberry muffin recipe like a know what..
Oh and I used Fresh blueberries and added a few on le top:)
I love that it makes 6..and not small..good sized:)
I 've loved going out for coffee and muffin with a friend more than lunch.:)
I did it with Nancy..a lot..but she moved many yrs ago:(

Tradition it was.

See that tunnel on the last pic..That's where my garlic was.. ap 20 ftx4 ft..all tidy now..  well my YOUNG friend I have coffee with occasionally gave me this keep the rabbits etc at bay..Is she sweet or what?
Sowed bok choy..just a check it out;)

Have a great weekend and upcoming week..

Watching a few good shows..

Presumed Innocent..

This..  Oh my good.

And this is super funny and sweet..We are on season 2..we don't binge watch things..

If I think of anything else..I'll add:)

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Blogging is not what is was...

 Years ago it was not unusual to get more than 65 comments..Now..crickets..I DO appreciate your loyal comments and you are not crickets:) You are so nice..

It is just so different..

Moving right along..with Frida..:)

My daughter taught me this fun craft..

She actually gave me 2 unpainted bowls already glued together and showed me what she had made so far.

The bowls are bought at a Goodwill type store..we don't have Goodwill here..

all sizes..

then you paint them..and decorate..

Very cute face planters/vases for very little $$

If you want to try a cake roll that is very Mary..go here...Shown step by step I could not resist.


Now here's one for the records..

There is a new feature in Photoshop CC..It is called Artificial Intelligence/Generative Fill.
That is my peony but the bee added artificially through PS..Imagine that.
How will we know what is real and not?

Conundrum for me..
Although fantastico..not real:(

Have a great weekend and a great week..We have had a deluge for two days..yesterday the full on one...

Friday, July 5, 2024

...Flower Frogs ,flowers and life.


I was deadheading my hellebores and thought:"you are even pretty past prime"...

We should feel that way too.I am appreciating the stars that are aging naturally without the huge lips,taut faces. etc..

If life should be like this we would have a rewind button.

Just saying.

In the gardens..  so much has come and gone but still some to come:) Thank goodness.

Speaking of gardens..(Who me? ) LOL..

On IG.. I spotted a new craft..making flower frogs..unknown to me ..Yet not new..So just Google and ye shall find.. Linda at Crafty Gardener made some years ago..

It is so easy to make these..Air dry clay.. fit your topper to size over the jar/vase you will use....make 5-6 holes depending on size..I used a straw..and make designs..I much prefer the terra cotta add the color once your clay form is made and dried..Let the air dry clay dry overnight the shape you gave it..Paint and..

Varnish..Make a bouquet to give or keep:)


The Daylilies are starting..all the true pretties.. I'll highlight some next time.My basil is so awful:( I'll start over..Funny some yrs some things are knock your socks off and others..not at all.

I love my new to me nasturtiums.. From Susan..the seeds..I did not have the heart to snip them for my flower frog lol..took my usual suspects:)

On the homefront..

Noah turned 16! We went to lunch with him..(tradition) and asked Oli to come with him..More fun for Noah:)

Max and Oli are both involved in Team Québec football..Both traveling far for it..Max in Regina..Oli in Antagonish.

I can't believe Max moves mid August...For college ..and his football.

Lucas is still day camp coordinator now..still into football..last yr college I think..Then uni..

The loves of my life..My family.

Have  a great weekend.