Tuesday, August 27, 2024

So Garlic is my fave withhhhhhhhhhh Dahlias now..and French marigolds:)


So listen.. if my tubers do not overwinter.I am buying more new tubers:) It seems I have a designated spot..Like I do for garlic..And I love picking bouquets every day.
100 yrs ago..when I was a realtor..I would hang a bouquet of flowers on my clients new door handle.. with ribbon.. and a note..To later return with a gift..But I wanted a bouquet to greet them.
Very much like this one I did here.
Depending on circumstances..weather..lol..timing..and taste.

My friend Joanne was a nanny and her little one's  milk came in these metal containers..poked holes on each side..and added the ribbon..in this case garden twine.I can't believe I still have 3 of these metal containers..
I may have gotten the idea from Martha back then.

Our porch is up a few steps.. like tall:) Look how Café au Lait is soaring.
Have a I mentioned I just love dahlias?
Would like to add a few more..Funnily enough only two varieties here ..But look how Labyrith has two very distinct colors!

Not far behind this summer..

My nasturtiums as always and my French marigolds

 Meanwhile the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees..are feeling fallish..nothing dramatic yet.. However..

The cosmos are starting..and again soo tall..and these are from seed I saved and not like any that grew here..I wonder how come?

Still into these.. I love them.Look that's a big parchment paper muffin cup..It still rises above and beautifully..

I have lots of blueberry muffin recipes here..not sure why this one is hitting the mark repeatedly..:)


So on a sad note for all of us..Oli our youngest..  is QB at his school..He was so looking forward to this season.

You may remember he won gold for Team Québec this summer..away in NS.

I have to say humbly..he is a stellar QB.

Games start this coming weekend. His arm..was bothering him..probably for a while..HE NEVER complains this child..

Many tests later..Growth spurts(he is so tall)... can cause fractures ..primarily in athletes with repetitive movements.

QB? Same arm..always repetitive

A cast was placed this morning..Aug 26th.:(

Out for the season.

My heart aches for him.

To know him is to know..football makes his heart beat.

Friday, August 23, 2024

...Mid-late August


For years I have made zucchini relish YEARS..and my husband's mom's ketchup..Red Pepper Jelly and Dills..This yr I may make red pepper jelly but I did make 2 batches of a very similar to my recipe but different..
You can find the original I made through a link here

Or you can try my new one from a sweet super efficient in the kitchen young woman I have coffee with occasionally.She gave me a jar last yr and I vowed to make hers this year;)

So similar to mine..

10 cups finely chopped zucchini
4 onions finely chopped.
4 tbsps large pickling salt
2 cups of water
Let all this soak over night
The next day squeeze every drop of liquid out.
2 tsps turmeric
2 tsps celery seed
1 green and 1 red pepper chopped
4 cups of sugar
2 cups of vinegar

Cook 15 mins..add  2tsps of cornstarch. cook another 15 mins(I dilute my cornstarch in a tiny bit of water)
Place in sterilized jars and give them a water bath

This relish is wonderful in burgers..hot dogs(we don't do  hot dogs) But even in an Italian sausage hot dog.I put some in my egg salad ..:) I do! And chicken salad..if I don't put a touch of Major Grey's chutney.

The net is FULL of recipes for this..all with slight variations..many the same.

Maybe it's not a US thing?

Anyway..It's so easy with a food processor for the first bit..just don't liquify..You need pieces..
Also made these savoury leaves:)
From a French IGer..TikToker
He made his with arugula..I used baby spinach..you can use basil also:) 

You can find his method and recipe here...

The gardens are on the close apart from marigolds  nasturtiums and dahlias..sedum  cosmos.. and  stragglers..  Annabelles turning green.. That is a parsley caterpillar,a beauty but watch out for her.She will eat al your parsley..

The boys are back in school..  so grown up..  one graduates high school this year and has his learning permit..others in CEGEP and grade 10..Where did my Littles go?
One thing for sure..I'll keep this paper for fast and not my fave things.
I didn't know I would end up liking this one so used this paper.Regrets..I've had a few;)
This one is of Max.. when he was on Team QC for football..a big things..Oli played also.. for his age group.
Fun to watch on TV:)

Have a wonderful weekend and week..

Friday, August 9, 2024

...Just a little bonjour/hi:)


It is pouring here..  Roads in Montreal are flooded.

It's too bad we are getting older because I would live here my whole life.
We are still fine..  but let's face it we have less time ahead than we did.
It's a perfect yellow cottage for us.
 My darling Oli came to shovel prune some huge hostas..  lol he has two other names for them..hostages and hostiles...not sure what I will do with the holes..
It's things like these that show me I am not the digger I am now that I was  at 47.

Im listening to TikToks on Dahlias:) What Ill do this fall with them.. steps etc..
Ill start saving those marigold seeds again..I love them..originally from Susan..
Funny though my cosmos seeds I saved.. the blooms are smaller..than last years..wonder why..
Tomato harvest has been soo good..but now..BLIGHT:(
When I pick dahlias..hydrangeas..I immediately place in HOT water..a drop of bleach or two added to the vase..
In all my bouquets I add a drop or two of bleach and remove  bottom leaves ..

Anyway.. I jumped on here to tell you..that I have followed Marie for yrs..and vice versa..

She has started videos..I watched through her food blog..
The English Kitchen..
You can watch here..
I have to say KUDOS..
It takes a lot to put ourselves out there.
She is doing it.
I enjoyed watching and she made me hungry for sandwiches.
I admire people with chutzpah.
She's been through so much.
Her food blog was out of business for a bit..that is a loss of revenue for her.
Instead of sitting on her laurels..
She started filming:)
Just thought I would tell you all.

Have a very nice weekend..It is Friday ALREADY.

Thursday, August 1, 2024


 August came so fast in 2024.

Dahlias are BEAUTIFUL.Once protected with white veils..the blooms are perfect.Here I have two Café Au Lait with Annabelle.A small mouthed decanter of my mom's that I use as a vase.That painting in the back is one of my faves I did of Lucas ..he was much younger..

August..every year in a garden can be different.Some years some things do so well..others not.I follow Canadian Gardeners..2 have flower farms..and one I was disheartened for her.She started with such high hopes..and so much..did not come to flower farm fruition.

I also saw Fruition Seeds will stop selling seeds etc..The site is so full of info..Their decision doesn't really affect me as I am Canadian.But perhaps some of didn't know.

Take for instance Dahlias..I had tried in the past..both times..they bloomed so late.. right before frost so I got maybe 2 blooms.I tried saving the tubers..to no avail.

This year.Costco tempted me and the gardeners I follow that grow them well.

Yes I did buy from a big box store.

Yes very happy with the outcome.

Started indoors in pots.

Then put in ground..a designated area.

Every one produced flowers.I am hooked.Fingers crossed I can save the tubers.

Take for instance those FRENCH marigolds..In this small potager I was able to keep them going and thriving.

In one of my front beds..they were all eaten upon sprouting.

These bugs are almost unseen as they live underground. Asiatic Garden Beetles.. I think they are the second ones shown..I have all of them my town is pesticide free so we actually invite these things..Rose chafers are not pictured..I have them.

I bought my tomato plants at Costco..in this case not good..all mislabeled..That's supposed to be beefsteak tomatoes..looks more Roma to me..2 of the plants are determinate which means they do not grow at all they are little bushes.:(Full of blight..

Lessons learned..and again every yr so very different.

Our boys are so busy..Max leaving this week to be a boarder at CEGEP..

Lots of birthdays..M will be 49..Lucas 19..

In Sept this one will be 15..

He came to help  with hedge cutting..pond cleaning..etc..He rejuvenates me:)
He was part of Team Qc for Team Canada.. and he won Gold..

Max was part of Team Canada and won silver for Team Qc.

Their summer was literally training for Team Canada..I applaud their determination and courage.Definitely not about the winning but I am happy for them when they do.

Oli worked for about 4 hours here.I have to say that intense sports training creates people with non complaining attitudes.Used to rigid rules and trainings and workouts.

Anyway..I am always worried about their football..the injuries etc..but what stamina and discipline..maturity.

Thanks for listening:)