Friday, July 19, 2024



Seeds from Susan:)

Like sand through the are the days of our lives..
Remember that show? I was early 20's with two babies at home..the only ever time I watched a soapie..

Tradition..July..harvesting the garlic.. bunching it..tying  and hanging to cure in the she shed with a fan..
Over 100 but last yr..all were huge..not this the biggest will be saved to plant late Oct for next yr..
 The photo with the garlic confit..bottom left bulb..this right last year..see how long FRESH home grown organic garlic lasts?

So many things are done:( Still things to come..

So ..see those muffins?

OMGOSH lol delicious.
I'm not a cake..pie ...candy..brownie.. ice cream eater.
But a muffin and coffee? Yes please and not always of course..miss moderation ..
I am on Tik Tok..I don't account is private but I follow people and comment..
I follow a young woman..Bel..

Here is THE recipe.
Do add the raw sugar..DO... that crunch on a fresh muffin..?C 'est la vie..
I mean I needed another blueberry muffin recipe like a know what..
Oh and I used Fresh blueberries and added a few on le top:)
I love that it makes 6..and not small..good sized:)
I 've loved going out for coffee and muffin with a friend more than lunch.:)
I did it with Nancy..a lot..but she moved many yrs ago:(

Tradition it was.

See that tunnel on the last pic..That's where my garlic was.. ap 20 ftx4 ft..all tidy now..  well my YOUNG friend I have coffee with occasionally gave me this keep the rabbits etc at bay..Is she sweet or what?
Sowed bok choy..just a check it out;)

Have a great weekend and upcoming week..

Watching a few good shows..

Presumed Innocent..

This..  Oh my good.

And this is super funny and sweet..We are on season 2..we don't binge watch things..

If I think of anything else..I'll add:)


  1. Good morning Monique, I would love to walk through your beautiful garden and then find myself in your kitchen with one of the incredible looking blueberry muffins!!! I am having coffee just now and I NEED one of those muffins. Flag football practice begins this week. I hope to make it to a few. Enjoy the weekend. My oldest grandson is coming over today and we are making crepes. Since our trip to Paris it is all about everything French. I even ordered Badoit water from Amazon which is a one time treat.❤️

    1. How fun having ordered the water.I love hanging on to memories:) What fun the crèpe making!! Enjoy!And the muffins are super;)

    2. Count me in! I'd love to come along with Ga to see your gardens and sample muffins! Bel is a hoot to watch. I'd better keep that recipe!

      Monique, your nasturtiums are magnificent. That color! Everything looks like it's doing well. And do you think you have enough garlic ;) I've never tried to grow it, but I'll bet it's wonderful. Lord only knows how old the garlic is in the grocery stores.

      When you mentioned Days of Our Lives, it brought back so many memories. I watched that show religiously for many, many years. I know it started in the 1960s.

    3. I watched I guess 75-78..A girl I knew..the only one about my age who had babies.. watched it all the time..she told me about it.Very few at 21 had babies..fewer now..She is a hoot to watch:) Nothing complicated.. no setting the stage.. just bake and enjoy..This is the second thing of hers I have made..and thumbs up:)I wrote it out as to not lose it..The crunch is gone the next day here ..under cloche..but same day Sugar in the raw crunch..Yum..Thos nasturtiums were seeds sent to me by.. Susan at Savoring Time in the kitchen blog:):)

  2. Your gardens are lovely. How fortunate to grow that wonderful garlic. With our intense heat, I hate the way our yard looks. It’s also been too hot to even swim. It has been a crazy summer. The muffins look amazing. I shall look that recipe up. I use TikTok with CapCut. A fun way to showcase videos. Wow, Days of Our Life brings back memories from 1969 when I was married and raising my first child Christy. I watched that show for years and I am amazed it is still on. It was the only soap opera I ever watched. The new shows sound fantastic. Unfortunately we got rid of Apple TV. Happy weekend.

    1. It was the only one I watched:) I can imagine that your heat is disheartening for gardens..You must stay in air right? The muffins are so worth it Linda..Sugar in the raw on day not crunchy here under cloche but same great taste.First day stellar..I love that it makes 6:) Have a lovely weekend:)

  3. What? No rabbits allowed? OK, I'll come alone this visit. I'm eager to try those blueberry muffins, please, and to stroll your pretty garden. I promise not to nibble on any of the flowers. Always adore your beautiful posts, Monique. Happy Weekend!

  4. So many Summer flowers! Maybe you should live where flowers are all year round? I sometimes see that garlic at marché Bastille..what does it taste like and what to do with it? I Love ❤️ regular garlic 🧄 Parisbreakfast

    1. OhI prefer having a reprieve in winter:)I love the seasons..if winter was 2 weeks shorter even more:)What does garlic taste like? Maybe an acquired taste?:)We find it enhances almost everything:)

  5. Add and add and add and we'll come back and back and back . . . all that scroll of blossoms and the stepping stones gracefully disappearing from view, the confit making a quick surge of WANT in my mouth, garlic to lie down and ROLLL in for the plenty, the shine of those fat blueberries and just the THOUGHT of the crackly golden sugar atop that slick muffin (scarce a dessert hits our table without a liberal sprink of Sugar in the Raw, or Turbinado or Demerara---THAT lineup of shakers against the backsplash is like Midas' realm to me). Just a cavalcade of DELICIOUS today, with even that gladiolus seeming dipped in syrup for a voluptuous bite. All the sweet way down to the DOOL mention---that one I knew every character of in the seventies, for my Mammaw would regale me of their downs and ups and new neighbors and love affairs and sorrows every visit in her porch "swang," with our big glasses of sweet tea and the scent of her pink roses enclosing the porch. Bill and Julie were as real to me as my algebra teacher, and much more charming, besides, and Mammaw and her two sisters (one in town and one way down in Mobile) were all avid watchers, and when something long-sought or shocking and just a karma Catch-up occurred---one would pick up the phone and call another, with the third getting stompin' mad that SHE couldn't get through the busy signal to discuss it.

    And a sweet, colorful, profitable, happy week to you!!

    1. I regaled in your DOOL memories:). Your stories are like Steel Magnolias to me:)
      Thank you for taking the time :) To write a story:)Have a great week!

  6. I'll try to the muffin recipe. Oh my it looks so good!

    Did you at one time have a Peter Rabbit scarecrow in your garden? For some reason the rabbit sign made me think of one I copied yrs ago. A little blue jacket with little black shoes....

  7. I did have a Peter Rabbit and around 2005..etc..then the coat got damaged etc..Well Tilly on IG reminded me and she sent me a pattern for the coat.How could I resist so the garden is back lol with a slow start.I'll post soon:)My basil.. was so awful!!!!! It made the little potager look bad..Beige shoes..Great memory..Terry?

  8. I enjoyed your post and the beautiful photos. Those muffins look amazing and I'm always looking for something to watch -so thank you for the recommendations

  9. Love the color of the nasturtiums :-) I had that color last year, and this year I bought a different variety which I'll never get again. Have a great weekend and upcoming week. I'm glued to the Olympics, and Celine gave a wonderful performance.

    1. I agree! Beautiful opening for les JO 2024 in Paris!

  10. Your garlic, your garden. Beyond fabulous! It looks so beautiful. Love your rabbit sign and calendar, too. Boy, July is flying, isn't it? The muffins, yum. You always take me to a world of beauty for which I thank you! (I really want to see "One Life.")

    1. Sir Anthony is wonderful in it Jeanie.I love him:) Thank you!

  11. I used to watch Days of Our Lives, and Another World. They were great company for a young mother like myself with four children under five, three in diapers. It was pretty much my only contact with the outside world back then! They were like good friends! All of your garden photos are beautiful and what a lovely crop of garlic. I keep telling Cindy she needs to grow some garlic! Will look up the shows. They all look very good! Thanks for your recommendations! xoxo

    1. She might like it very much:) And marie I love when you recommend shows also:)
