Friday, August 9, 2024

...Just a little bonjour/hi:)


It is pouring here..  Roads in Montreal are flooded.

It's too bad we are getting older because I would live here my whole life.
We are still fine..  but let's face it we have less time ahead than we did.
It's a perfect yellow cottage for us.
 My darling Oli came to shovel prune some huge hostas..  lol he has two other names for them..hostages and hostiles...not sure what I will do with the holes..
It's things like these that show me I am not the digger I am now that I was  at 47.

Im listening to TikToks on Dahlias:) What Ill do this fall with them.. steps etc..
Ill start saving those marigold seeds again..I love them..originally from Susan..
Funny though my cosmos seeds I saved.. the blooms are smaller..than last years..wonder why..
Tomato harvest has been soo good..but now..BLIGHT:(
When I pick dahlias..hydrangeas..I immediately place in HOT water..a drop of bleach or two added to the vase..
In all my bouquets I add a drop or two of bleach and remove  bottom leaves ..

Anyway.. I jumped on here to tell you..that I have followed Marie for yrs..and vice versa..

She has started videos..I watched through her food blog..
The English Kitchen..
You can watch here..
I have to say KUDOS..
It takes a lot to put ourselves out there.
She is doing it.
I enjoyed watching and she made me hungry for sandwiches.
I admire people with chutzpah.
She's been through so much.
Her food blog was out of business for a bit..that is a loss of revenue for her.
Instead of sitting on her laurels..
She started filming:)
Just thought I would tell you all.

Have a very nice weekend..It is Friday ALREADY.


  1. I hope the rain eases soon, Monique. Your bouquets are beautiful, especially the pale blue hydrangeas. Are you protecting your dahlia flowers from earwigs? or slugs? I've ordered a bunch of organza bags to put over my ripening tomatoes because a rat/squirrel/raccoon ate the first ripe one. Grrrr.
    So good to have those strong handsome grandsons to dig for you.

    1. I do protect them with organza bags:) Every time one starts..I bag it..little wedding veils:)It helps 100%..They don't seem to stop here earwigs:(. Your roses yesterday were sublime:)

  2. Suddenly this year I have been "thinking" that time is running short ! It is odd as I still feel young....well.most of the time
    Still doing all.of the things I have always done. Some with more difficulties for sure
    Also I am able to let go of things instead of ruminating
    Hey ho young old age is upon me. March on

    1. It's a shock to discover our mortality.When we are young..we NEVER ever think of it..As time marches on..we do see that our last chapter is far from the first..Way past the halfway mark:(I don't want to seem maudlin..But it it is what it is right?

  3. We’ve had that same rain here all week.
    Your flowers are awesome. So plentiful and lush. I did not know about hot water and bleach for Hydrangeas and Dahlias. I wonder how much of a difference it makes. My cut D’s seem to do fine.

    I had a knee replacement 5 weeks ago. My garden has been largely neglected this summer. Oh well.

    1. I have been wondering about you..Never want to pry.. I hope your are well into 100% healed..I put a dash of bleach in all my bouquets..Its funny the first bouquet of dahlias..they were spent so soon..then I read the hot water trick and they last days:) I think every growing zone is different with diff requirements?And maybe it's in my head lol..
      One yr..I could not garden..and looking at all these beds made me sad..They grew though..and the next yr they were fine.One of my daughter's said they were waiting for you:)

  4. It will be months (yes) before I am 100% healed but I am progressing very well and the surgeon says I am ahead of where he expected me to be now. And then I have to do the other knee. With me, always feel free to pry. I welcome it. I am embarrassed about the lack of garden upkeep but Larry has been wonderful doing all the errands, shopping and dog walking. And he has poor tolerance for heat and humidity. I’m just happy to have him keep my planters watered.

    1. Yay Larry!!! Oh take care A.. I saw the we creep up in yrs seems we all of a sudden need specialists..he said I had the beginnings of cataracts nothing to worry about now..EXcuuuseeee mee? Me not worry? That's a laugh and a like your day it will be one eye then the other..

    2. Nothing to fear. I had them taken care of 4 yrs ago.

    3. Oh I remember now!Im not afraid:). TY:)

  5. Your flowers are beautiful, as are the bouquets. Such wonderful tips for preserving the flowers to last longer. Ole is so sweet to come and help. We are all getting older, time continues. We badly need some of your rain. Happy weekend.

    1. I think this is the worst rain I have seen in my life.. major arteries..bridges..highways flooded with cars abandoned:( So may people with flooded basements..I am grateful.I cannot imagine us being out yesterday having to abandoned our half submerged car on a highway:(. Happy weekend to you:)

  6. I find your honesty refreshing, Monique. You are so right..."we have less time ahead than we did." Yesterday, as my husband and I waited for his cardio check-up, I couldn't help but think most of us have routines in our lives. We love, we work, we play, we plan, and most of us hope and pray for more days. I find that we are waking up to our new chapter in life. Some days, I think the title of that chapter is "It's Later Than You Think," lol. But we are trying to look for the good--always. We look for beauty and you surely never disappoint with your gorgeous flowers, Monique! They always make me smile. Thank you for sharing with all of us.

    1. A new chapter for ure..It's later than you true..but sometimes I think I am not thinking that way .I find I am thinking..It IS late.:( When I putter in my gardens or paint or bake I thank the heavens for this time of quiet introspective solitude.:)xo

    2. Yes! I like the term "introspective solitude". I think our thought processes help to prepare us for whatever we face. If I get too busy and have no quiet time, I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with her head cut off!

    3. Yes..same..and then the..quiet:)Its funny as a realtor for ap 30 yrs..I felt like I never stopped and never felt it was too much..until I stopped..and thought..This is better:)

  7. Three cheers to Marie and her videos. That's wonderful -- and yes, she has been through so much. But strong and a real fighter -- and her recipes are delicious! Loving all your dahlias and I'm thrilled that you had Oli to help you with the digging. Good news on the basement but I'm terribly sorry about all the rains. I hope all survive and well! Happy weekend!

    1. Yes so many kudos to marie!!Sad for all the flooded people..Unseen this much rain..Climate change for certain.Oli never complains.He's walking sunshine:)

  8. Beautiful photos as always. I love seeing your flowers. My garden looks a mess after being away. Makes me sad to see, but I face the reality that the heat and limited water are a way of life here in the summer. I will enjoy yours! Thank you!!!

    1. Oh carpe diem..Seize the day..Travel..visit..see loved ones..Our gardens come back to us..Enjoy xoxoxoxox

  9. Your flower images are, as usual, incredible! thank you

  10. Thanks for the advice on adding bleach to cut flowers. I don't have many flowers this year, partly because we moved in May & because we've had no rain. the leaves are beginning to shrivel up & fall off the trees it is so dry. So blooms are few.

    1. We have had those summers:( Where the leaves browned early and colorless on trees..the grass was brown and plants were dying of thirst..Meanwhile we had more rain and the poor people I have seen on Tik tok with floods on their streets and homes:(

  11. Hello Monique, happy Monday. Absolutely beautiful photos of your garden and bouquets…but, I think I love the one of the tomatoes the best…simply lovely. I so enjoy visiting here, it’s always so pretty and informative…and yummy.
    I so enjoy Marie’s blog, the English Kitchen and now her videos also, it’s so kind of you to recommend her to your nice followers.
    I was wondering if you worry about your crystal decanter getting cloudy from the flowers. Some of my Grandmother’s pieces that I would like to use as vases are hard to get inside to clean. I do wash them every time, use vinegar and dry but am concerned about the ones I cannot actually wipe out. I do use a bit of bleach when I make a bouquet, they last so much longer. Thank you. My best to you and yours. V.

    1. I don't worry:). You know as I mentioned I have less time ahead mom's daughters..well it's not their style..I see on Marketplace so many lovely things once belonging to people.. that sell for a pittance..So the value of my mother's things are sentimental to me..And they have withstood the bouquets well..That very narrow topped one requires a bit more diligence..but you know that bleach helps even with that.I don't entertain friends anymore..Just family and they are not fancy:)I did used to love having company.. ind .salt and pepper place cards etc..But life changed for me 15 yrs ago..And now..I am very happy being far quieter than my realtor days..Im so glad I enjoy being quite solitary.A huge adjustment but it happened:)Thank you for your nice words..My husband always tells me how nice my followers are:) TY!!

  12. Good Morning from Not-Yet-Wet Indiana, but the reddest sunrise in my recollection blasted through my aerie windows this morning. I sometimes take a nap in the afternoon, and was a bit confused when I momentarily thought that I'd lingered until sunset, because of the seething cast of fire through the leaves. That old Sailor warning thing may just be true, for the sun-down-the-stairs has withdrawn in the last hour, and I'd best be off if I'm going to get home dry from my errands.

    I just wanted to tell you about a silly saying I think I must have started when long ago I frequented a cooking/recipe/restaurant site called e-Gullet. One dish of something looked so scrumptious I think I said Couldn't you just DIVE into that, and it caught on, for folks right and left were using that phrase or just a simple complimentary "DIVE!" when a particularly unctuous sauce or a tempting tarte Tatin or succulent Sunday Roast was presented on the screen.

    So today, I've postponed my flit-about with DIVING into every single picture. The colours and the petals and the charming faces and the memories of the dahlias, the mistaken "Prune hostas" in which I thought fleetingly "OHHH, they're having them in PURPLE now!!" before I parsed the sentence properly. Each and every photo sings of the crisp cool beauty of stem and leaf and the soft perfection of that breed, that seed-line, that ever-perennial colour and shape of those flowers, flourishing true to their heritage all these centuries. And they are there for YOU, and now for US, through your generous spirit and lavish heart. What a morning's show----surpassing a wander through the most interesting gallery, and filling my eyes and day with such beauty as to last the storm. Thank you, Sweet Friend, for your EVERYDAY blessings, and the lingerings of such beautiful lasting images.

    1. I DIVE into your words:):)I remember EGullet..seems like an eternity that I have thought about it though...Thank YOU for all your poetic words..How very kind of you as always Rachel:):):

  13. Your blooms are so beautiful Monique. Each one is a treasure and you photograph them so beautifully, even the bee. I so love. Thanks so much for your nod to my new challenge! And it is a real challenge for sure. My videos are very simplistic when compared to others which are so much more sophisticated, but that is me. Simple. Hopefully I will get better as I move along and learn more! Or maybe I won't. The important thing is I am having fun while I am doing them! Thanks so much my sweet friend. You are such a dear heart. xoxo

    1. You deserve the nod..I would be way too aware of myself.A very bad thing.I am proud of you.
      Who cares about all the fancy posers. I hate lip fillers fake eyelashes..people can look like spiders are on their eyes.I like makeup you know that but it has to look natural..Keep having fun keep learning.. best thing for our brains..curiosity.

  14. All of a sudden this morning, I realized I hadn't even opened my blog email for a couple of weeks! Low and behold, a new post from you, and others I hadn't seen :( OY. So sorry this comment is so belated. Your dahlias and marigolds look wonderful. I am so impressed that you started the marigolds from seed and they actually look like the originals. I plant so little from seed anymore since we are gone a couple of times during growing indoor season. But if they can be planted outdoors in spring, I love to do that. Zinnias for one! I loved seeing your fairy netting bags! Amazon? I am so impressed with Marie's video! Yes, kudos indeed for her as people seem to be going for videos more and more these days so she is definitely on trend. I can't believe it's the middle of August already! Your blue hydrangeas are so pretty. I am blue with envy :)

    1. Yes Amazon Susan..5x7. but I did order a few larger ones too..The marigolds are direct seeded..nothing indoors..Only the Costco Dahlia tubers I bought at Costco.I potted them up indoors to give them a head start.I hope some of my tubers survive indoors this yr.I will do again.I am totally impressed with the brand of bulbs ..tubers..etc our Costco carries..TASC...excellent products..FYI:)Have a great rest of week:) Yes kudos to Marie..KUDOS:)I am not brave enough..I don't have any ambition also:)

    2. Good to know! My ambition, whatever, it was, isn't anymore - LOL.

  15. Such beautiful blooms. Lovely to look at. Thanks for sharing.

  16. I enjoyed Marie's video, I love sandwiches. Your photos are beautiful and your flowers are spectacular. My dahlias didn't grow, maybe they will next year.

    1. I hope so for you! Yes Mari is very cool to do this and because we know her ..kind of:) For so long it is fun!!
