Friday, August 23, 2024

...Mid-late August


For years I have made zucchini relish YEARS..and my husband's mom's ketchup..Red Pepper Jelly and Dills..This yr I may make red pepper jelly but I did make 2 batches of a very similar to my recipe but different..
You can find the original I made through a link here

Or you can try my new one from a sweet super efficient in the kitchen young woman I have coffee with occasionally.She gave me a jar last yr and I vowed to make hers this year;)

So similar to mine..

10 cups finely chopped zucchini
4 onions finely chopped.
4 tbsps large pickling salt
2 cups of water
Let all this soak over night
The next day squeeze every drop of liquid out.
2 tsps turmeric
2 tsps celery seed
1 green and 1 red pepper chopped
4 cups of sugar
2 cups of vinegar

Cook 15 mins..add  2tsps of cornstarch. cook another 15 mins(I dilute my cornstarch in a tiny bit of water)
Place in sterilized jars and give them a water bath

This relish is wonderful in dogs(we don't do  hot dogs) But even in an Italian sausage hot dog.I put some in my egg salad ..:) I do! And chicken salad..if I don't put a touch of Major Grey's chutney.

The net is FULL of recipes for this..all with slight variations..many the same.

Maybe it's not a US thing?

Anyway..It's so easy with a food processor for the first bit..just don't liquify..You need pieces..
Also made these savoury leaves:)
From a French IGer..TikToker
He made his with arugula..I used baby can use basil also:) 

You can find his method and recipe here...

The gardens are on the close apart from marigolds  nasturtiums and dahlias..sedum  cosmos.. and  stragglers..  Annabelles turning green.. That is a parsley caterpillar,a beauty but watch out for her.She will eat al your parsley..

The boys are back in school..  so grown up..  one graduates high school this year and has his learning permit..others in CEGEP and grade 10..Where did my Littles go?
One thing for sure..I'll keep this paper for fast and not my fave things.
I didn't know I would end up liking this one so used this paper.Regrets..I've had a few;)
This one is of Max.. when he was on Team QC for football..a big things..Oli played also.. for his age group.
Fun to watch on TV:)

Have a wonderful weekend and week..


  1. I love the painting of Max. Such energy in that wor. Well done. I know what you mean about paper. The relish is new to me but it looks very good indeed. And those leaves -- I have no idea how you did that but it sure makes a great presentation. My Annabelles are green now, too. I like them just as well that color! Happy week.

    1. Ill try and add the video for the leaves the whole thing is in French..didn't know if anyone would want to make:) Yes paper paper paper!!!Bon weekend!

  2. That's a wonderful painting of Max! Even tho the paper might not be your first choice, your love certainly comes through whenever you paint. The relish recipe sounds wonderful. We're big fans of relish, but I've never tried to make my own. Those striped caterpillars--truly a love/hate relationship with them, eh? I remember when we had a large garden, they were all over the parsley and dill, too, I believe. But, when those gorgeous butterflies flitted all over our little farm, I knew I simply had to make peace with those hungry caterpillars. Another life lesson...Hope you're doing well, Monique.

    1. Oh aren't they just masterpieces those caterpillars? I am glad you sense the love..It's a focused love during the painting:) Thank you for your well wishes.I hope you are also:):

  3. Those leaves are stunning! What a pretty presentation. Everything is starting take on a yellow hue, even the air, it seems. So many pretties remain happy in the garden, thankfully. Is that impatiens behind the green hydrangea blooms? Beautiful. We have a hot and dry week ahead so I'm glad my "Littles" don't start until September 3. First year of High School for M! 9th grade. He'll be 15 in a couple of weeks. Crazy.

    1. He's so tall also! I noticed on your beautiful celebration photos that glorious head of dark hair and his height..Oli tuns 15 in a few days..These gentle giants of ours.I love them so..:)Yes impatiens..They love the urn..I miss that client of mine.I hope he knows when I see things.. fewer now as time destroyed planters and obelisks.I hope he knows I think of him and appreciated he and his wife when we worked together.That urn weighs so much..I have never moved it since he brought it over to me.I am one sentimental girl.

  4. The relish sounds interesting and so different. A great recipe for those extra zucchini’s. The butterfly is gorgeous. All of your garden pics are inspiring. Max’s painting is lovely. A wonderful memory for a keep safe. We are having a lovely rain shower and I absolutely love it. Happy weekend.

    1. Oh you deserve a rain shower..I am doing the happy dance for and your glorious gardens deserve..It all.

    2. You won't be loving the rain shower when global warming turns it into floods this winter.

    3. I appreciate rain.I was loving rain for Linda and her drought.Is this PB?

  5. What kind of watercolor paper? I love ❤️ it! Carolg

  6. The relish sound just lovely! I must try it! Lovely pictures again...
    Hug from Titti

  7. I am grateful you like what I do:) be it ever so humble:) Thank you!!!Fig preserves in France:) And France:) Delish...

  8. Greetings! Just want to say your photographs are stunning…love the critters and flowers.🦋🐛🦋🌸💐🐛🦋🐛 Your relish sounds delicious…I wonder if I could actually make it? Those ‘leaves’…how delightful and special!! I love doing those little touches but seldom do these days…only for a holiday. Thanks for the lovely post, happy day you. xo, V.

    1. I never entertain..Only seldom do I do these added touches:) These were just for J and I..I HAD to try..and they work..The relish is very easy..One morning..not even and you are done with a happy reserve for the yr:)Thank you!
