Friday, February 21, 2025

Birthday Girl...


She was the most pleasant baby..Loved being rocked..woke up happy went to bed happy..My young mom friend could not get over her nature..Easy peasy.Our first was feisty lol going to bed for her was sheer torture and she let us know;)

I'm so glad they are such good friends..18 months apart.Best days of my life being a young mom..then the best ever days lol was becoming a nana.Heart full.

These are so good..I found the recipe at Simply So Good you can find it here..Keeper:)

We had two storm days.. but the 16th was the worst.I looked out and our crabapple was filled with what appear to be robins.The wind and snow..blizzard  like I could not get good pics.How do these darling tiny things withstand this weather?

I think there are about 125 ft..from our gas tanks to the road..It's an area the snowblower cannot go I shoveled it:( So heavy so deep..

Next yr I will try and find someone if this happens again.I usually make a path on snowshoes..I could not with the depth..Lesson learned..

I didn't have fun.;)

Inside far warmer.The girls bask in the sun.

And  children play in the snow:)

All these players played as children..and now they have won the 4 Nations hockey tournament.Kudos for their courage and hard work.

Have a lovely weekend...

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Bonjour from QC Canada.


The biggest storm ever recorded in decades in coming..
I love winter but not disproportionately..
Oy..up to 15 inches.. More Friday and Sunday too.

This is what the world needs more of at this moment in time.

One of my Montreal people with a story to go with on IG..

I am always grateful for the light in our kitchen no matter what season.I surprise myself with my gratitude for  our home..and where it sits..

I don't redecorate..I just seem to be comfortable as is.

I had a nice digital loan re Elena Faita..Yes the highest honor..She has a cooking school and owns my favorite store in Little Italy.A dream..

Dante....Her son Stefano owns restos and is a very accomplished chef with a TV show to boot.A huge line of products to enjoy.

Proud of that family.

Did a bit of stitching but.. honestly..compared to kits I stitched up before..the quality is cheapette.

Not impressed but it kept me entertained.

Another chef I love here is Ricardo..His coquilles St-Jacques are on repeat here..I add Shrimp..and make that full recipe for 4.. for just J and I. For small ind. ones..This recipe for 4  is just right.

Rachel is you are reading this..I have not received your photo:(

I have even emailed you..Wonder what the glitch is..?

I have only about 5 of these large crewel works that I made in our home now.I gave the rest away.At one point I think I had counted over 50 works.

I am second guessing two of the people I gave one to..and one that I gave a few to..Should not have.Trust your instinct lol.

It's that wee voice that is stronger than all the rest.Shh...Listen..:)

I just love the ones I have left..not bragging just happy I made them..and have them still..

I'm not baking Valentine treats because I am in charge of desserts for an upcoming bday..The littlest..48 unimaginable.
So if I make anything that turns out Ill share in my next post.
Until then..
I received this kit of English cookie cutters years ago from Marie I still love them .She is so kind.
Happy Valentine's day..I'm just calling it heart day..It's a great excuse..and you don't need a boyfriend a partner a spouse  or a lover..Just LOVE everyone..  color..creed..etc...
Let's make the world great again.
