I've had some time alone on my hands lately~
And I read a few~
Some French ones also..some inspirational ones..some meditative ones..
Some were old.. some were borrowed..some were blue..some were lent..some were bought~
Some appear here..some not..
Like Coventry~ By Helen Humphreys..I immediately passed it to my neighbor..and a neighbor had passed it to me....Some Carolyn Myss books~

and etc..

Medicine for the soul. ~Inscription over the door of the Library at Thebes
I must admit..some I forget quite soon after I have read them..and others stay with me..
I enjoyed many of them..It's hard for me to stay interested in a book I don't enjoy~ But I usually see it through..like it's a MUST to finish what you start~:)
One above charmed me from page one. True To Form~ I don't know why..it just appealed to me..every single page.
I read one of her books and it was a nice light read..the next time I went to the library I was in a rush..and went directly to her name and picked mostly all of hers..and True To Form just happened to be in that group..
So sweet~♥
I'd forgotten what great company a book can be..Yet was there a Nancy Drew I didn't read when I was young? How I loved the look of the covers and the feel of the pages..At a recent library sale..I saw a slew of Nancy Drews..all $0.50 each..I was so tempted to bring some home..but felt a young person would benefit more from them..and at that price..be affordable.
They looked the same..
Books kept me company as a young girl..and I see they can still ..in my let us say more advanced years~
I have come by to visit Jain and applaud all her time and effort she puts into Food For Thought~ She shares her love of books and inspires..but adding a very unique and fun dimension .
Some times travels are involved..just to make a post perfect..all the time..some research and work is involved.
I appreciate all the photos and all the reviews..and the recipes~
There is something for everyone.
I just wanted to pop by and say thanks Jain.. and hope to be posting again soon~