Home Piglet,We're going home,because that's the best thing to do right now~
There is something extremely therapeutic about crochet.. The first things I learned..were dishcloths.. I am happy to have a stack by sinks w/ soaps..because not only should you stay home..but you must wash your hands. You can't know how wonderful.. crochet can be until you get into it.And it didn't happen at once for me..I had to be inspired and want to..and watch you tube video after you tube video until..Eureka. I am truly a beginner..not sure I can even follow a pattern.. But I can follow you tube videos and excellent tutorials.. I'm repeating myself ..I think I am just trying to share a passion.. The bag for my crochet hooks..was found first at Amanda's.. IG feed..the tutorial at Sew Happy Creative.. But start with something like..at Marian's exquisite blog.. A dishcloth..handy and practical.. Just little things are fun too..that blog Just Pootling ..has a Youtube channel now..she taught us how to make the rainbow key rings..remember the primrose wreath? Same girl..Kate. I am indebted to all who taught me. ♥ In my searching for things..I came upon a box of clothes a friend's mom made for my girls more than 38 yrs ago..I would guestimate. Sherril's mom even knit some things w/ toothpicks..I only have several outfits..I think one of my daughters has the other sets..Look at the details♥The skating outfit..all one piece! Now that..is exquisite craftsmanship. She was such a nice mom..and like me..Sherril loved her mom so much.
Much less happy note..I made a mask for J and I..I only had enough elastic for two.. I have ordered more.. I wasn't going to..and one night..or day..Linda sent me a pic ..and I thought ..I must make some too..JIC..and as it turns out I need mine.. This is the pattern I used..It was easy.And look..a perfectionist I am not.If you have a machine..and know how to use it..this can work.. I am in awe of people making masks..by the hundreds and either donating..or selling and giving all the proceeds away to charitable organizations that help. I applaud those selling them for $5.00 ~$8.00 which covers costs ..not time..because not everyone sews.. On the other hand..making a business out of it and charging a lot more....? Well I guess business is business right? Can't judge right? One pointed finger points 3 back at us;) Because I did buy one.. an artist designed the pattern and I have loved her work..when I saw her fabric was used for masks by a commercial company that sells some of her original art into prints or house accessories....I ordered one..I have a good excuse though..a Visa US gift card expiring very very soon..sooner than borders will open... No shipping fees..no duty because it's under the value ..And it will be another mask I can see for spray painting ..disinfecting etc..One I didn't make.. Are you like me? I always feel what someone else has made is far nicer. The difference is just so humbling w/ the givers. On Facebook..which I don't partake in but can see some posts..this was very popular..and if you feel that your face and soul can still smile.. have a peek..it does have some truth in it.. All this blablabla to hopefully inspire you to try something new in case these times are weighing so heavily on you and that you have the time. Distraction..is a band-aid.As temporary as it may be.♥ And today..is Earth Day~ What a difference a year makes..
And..it's snowing. Baked some easy egg/challah bread..made the dough in the machine then shaped..it makes a small loaf and that's great for J and I. The recipe is so easy.. La recette~ 3/4 cup water 2 eggs 1 tbsp butter 3 cups flour 3 tbsps sugar 1 tsp salt 2 tsps yeast All in the bread machine.. remove ..shape.. I followed the shaping here as I forget from time to time.. Let rise ..brush w/ egg yolk mixed with water..sprinkle sesame seeds. Bake in a pre heated 350 oven for 25 mins..I think I did 375F. Another dish that was so good..reminds me of my youth ..is Un Macaroni Chinois:) I found the recipe at Cinq Fourchettes..Nancy is a QC blogger /recipe developer.cookbook author.
I know many don't read French so I wrote it quickly for friends..in English.. Here you go..not my best calligraphy nor my best pic..mini Ipad pic..recipe written early morning to share on IG.. Footnote PS..Don't use the roasted sesame oil to sauté..just to flavor..use reg oil for the sauté..and IF you use the SPeppercorns..make sure you crush a lot..either by dry roasting first and grinding ..or another method..or just use ord.pepper. Linda was kind enough to tell me the proper ways:)
Still playing with paints and just wanted to share a great IG story by Kateri Ewing about using color dot charts to create our own unique palettes with colors that speak to us. I've always liked them..as you can see from 2017 and The Holbein card..and from a home made one bottom right.I make messes of them..that's fine..I have so many pristine cookbooks and who cares if they are pristine:)? It's really not easy to stay home..and not be so very concerned with everything going on. The death toll in CHSLDs here is very tragic. How can you live a whole life..and end up old and alone ..being cared for by not enough staff.. Even in private places that charge up to $10,000.00 a month? I just don't get it.They paid taxes..most raised families. A crying shame. This is just a tip..so much is so different. You just can't turn a blind eye. I find it very hard to be anything but introspective right now. I am forever grateful to have hobbies.
I always liked to dabble in things... but one day.I realized they would be floating devices. Who would know these things?
Oh my..I know in one of my families..the parents are working from home and busy.. 3 boys ..who are out of school ..with..no structure like in school..I know their bonds just grow stronger and stronger..and they never complain..but as a mom ..I worry about all of them. Our other family..one son..the dad is a policeman so still works..the mom at home..because she's a teacher..so Noah is alone..with mommy being his end all..she's used to it but now it's 24/7. It has to be exhausting for parents. I find my children are excellent parents and that warms my heart. Ok I won't keep going on because there are 1000 subjects I could broach and we all have opinions. I must say..and you all know I'm not political.. I sure like Gov.Cuomo. And I LOVED getting some pics through IG..from a mom and her daughter that are pretty special.. honing their craft♥ We have to focus on other things than the news at times.. Like cute photos..This little girl has excellent parents too.
That's fine with me..like everyone else though I'll be remembering Easters past.
I am practicing primroses w/ a tutorial from Just Pootling..she has a you tube video..s I'll get better;)Promise. I hope.. I've planted seeds..thank God I had some left.. If you want cute Peter Rabbit seed packets.. Go.. Here PR Printables
Still painting..
Mainly homes though..still repeating myself about staying home..
Finished my Covid Blanket..
And made only a few treats..my Laura Secord Cream Filled eggs.. .for pick ups and drop offs. Jacques and I are fine..our family also. I feel sorry for everyone who is not fine:( Very different Easter 2020.. Take care and stay home♥
The above has all been repaired and ready to frame,grateful I did all those needlepoint Christmas stockings as I had yarn leftover that matched the areas!
In this time of truly nesting at home.. I again implore you to stay home..and not mingle.. I recently voiced my opinion..to someone from 30 ft away..stating I thought people not going by the rules..were selfish..irresponsible and stupid. Why should health care workers risk their own lives while idiots disobey? The person said..:"Oh well..it's human nature..blablabla..." Sad. We can't be complacent. Be aware of all the acts of kindness..but don't stand for ignorance...The ignorance of people not being disciplined. Being even more at home..than usual..if that's at all possible..I've looked at things more closely..like some stitchery I did in the 70's and perhaps very early 80's. They hang in the basement here in the hallway leading to my craft room..which has a lot going on right now.. The first one..I unframed because some stitches were fraying and it was stained..but not many..so I have now restitched the frayed ones on the roof and a few stray ones..it's re~stretched and ready to be stuck in a frame when I can get to one.. They are 16x20. Caroline wants it..and then Mylène said she would take the others:) I gave many as gifts..and I gave some to clients. I regret the gifting of a few;) Anyway..time to refresh items I have grown to love again. Linda @ http://linda-keaveney.blogspot.com/ stitched as a young mom too and we follow each other on IG..I told her i would show more details:) So some are here.
awful pics ..sorry..
I can't tell you how stitching these kept me company as a very young mom in the 70's w/ 2 baby girls sleeping. I still love stitching~ The pillows are from the same era..but have been in our living rooms..forever..the words..I've always had words pretty much everywhere..
In all of this.. a story that actually made me laugh.. Many of you know that Mylène and Alain wintered Bécassine at their home..not sure when I will have her back..as we are not seeing anyone or going anywhere for feed and such..but she's in great hands.The hands that raised her. During this quarantine I guess M cleaned out her fridge and found a piece of Boston Cream pie I made for birthdays Feb 14th ..lol So Alain fed it to the chickens..it looked fine..lol again.. Anyway the chickens went nuts pecking away like they always do.. but Bécassine pecked twice and walked away. Alain said to Mylène:"She's just like your mother..2 bites of dessert and that's it"! SO TRUE. Anyway made me laugh that Bécassine is like me:) We all need a smile these days. If you are still reading.. Take care..Stay Home. And Thank you M.Legault et Cie for being such a great father to QC.