Monday, October 16, 2023

A new leaf.. an old leaf..Not peak at all yet..


So..  all the leaves are turning..and falling..  it is getting magnificent here.But its definitely not peak and when I went for a was  mostly cloudy..Colors shine in sunshine.

I had the new covid vaxx (lol too early) and the influenza.. I'll have the second shingles end of month..

I'm fine..apparently the second shingles..has repercussions..I will let you know.

I started garden clean up on a welcomed sunny afternoon after all our rain..October 12th.

Getting rid of the old..making room for the new next year..

So against the way I always am..I started blocking and unfollowing people on IG and TikTok..that make me feel bad..


I don't want to hear from them.I don't want to see their posts.

Either I know them..yes know them..or they flaunt wealth..or things they sell where I live and have never said hello:) 

Why put myself through being nice..LOL for what..did that, have the t- shirt.

J'ai bon coeur but being too nice once changed my life.

Buh bye.

Carrying on:)

Garden journal update..

Front side garden..clean up front of garage..done..back peony bed..done..side gardens..started..

Too early for my garlic yet.

My gardens bring me much more than flowers..

Introspection,reflection,calm,exercise,beauty,cycles of life,miracles,memories of the Littles with me in them,memories of building here and starting all from scratch,my great family helping with all the leveling..seeding..planting hedges,laying stones..Looking back..looking forward.

Not sure any of you will be interested..I never thought I would..but one night I tuned into Netflix..for this..

David Beckham

It's on Netflix and I think the small photo above is from it..

Well..I thoroughly enjoyed it.

And I think some people have the drive and determination that surpass everyone..He did.

What he went through.

Fans are awful when you are not winning.

I found the documentary well done..tasteful..and he certainly is a hard worker..does not give up and is charismatic.

And he has the perfect partner in Victoria..IMHO..I never knew anything about her....You get to know a bit more..

Just an FYI if you are looking for a 4 part documentary series..

And if you are looking for a way to distract yourself from the terrible news.

I'm not going to voice an opinion here.

I have learned more than I ever knew re Gaza and Israel.

I am heartbroken seeing the scenes flash across our tvs etc.


Peace .


Peace on earth.

Take care everyone.


  1. I envy your autumn walks through that beautiful landscape away from the world. I echo your sentiments about social media. I follow several people on Instagram. I try some and then delete because they turn out not to be my cup of tea. Yesterday I removed all plants from Balconville. It is ready for the holiday lights. Collin is going to string clear lights on the railings, put on a wreath facing outward, tie two big red bows around the large concrete rabbits in the corners. Voila, fini! I use two soap operas on Britbox as distractions. I try not to watch too much of the news repeating the same inhumane scenes. I have many Jewish and Palestinian friends. Today I am off to have a CAT scan. It's not the scan but the results that can be worrisome .
    Peace and Love

    1. Peace and love.
      I hope the results are top notch.I've been there..done that..more than once..all related to having been too nice once..
      I think Balconville will be the pride of the compound:) It will be beautiful.

  2. LOVE your Fall olor shots ❤️🍁 We don’t have that here at all.
    I did that in the Summer on IG.
    How did I come to follow 4,750 accounts? I’m down to 860…still too many ☺️

    1. Oh good job! I think we get momentarily smitten and then think..:What was I thinking?:)

  3. We are enjoying a beautiful fall season, too. I love getting up and looking out the window, to see how much more color there is, every single day. I want to appreciate this time of year.

    Today, my husband and I are getting the flu and second shingles shots. Hoping we don't have too much trouble with them. One thing for sure, I do not want to have shingles if I can avoid it!

    Monique, I have been cutting out the negative banter, too. It brings me down and sometimes makes me angry, and I know that isn't healthy. Yes, we must hope and pray for peace. Everywhere!

    1. Thank you for feeling what I feel:) So the nurse called me back and no prob that I got the latest covid shot too early.But I did postpone my shingles shot to March..10 months..instead of the end of Oc..I just felt it was a lot for Oct :).I had no soreness..nothing after the flu and covid last week..J had shingles..and you are right we don't want! I wish I could get a shot in my elbow for garden clean up.Peace on earth to all of friend sent me the lovliest poem about peace.I can't add it here because my background is black..It is by John O'Donohue..A Blessing for Peace. It's great.Have a good week:)

    2. I found John O'Donohue's blessing. It is beautiful and exactly what we all need at this time. Thank you for mentioning it, Monique!

  4. Your color is coming on beautifully, Monique. I especially love the golds. Here in Lansing it is much slower than up north. You see pockets. I will probably go on a "hunt" this weekend.

    I have an instagram account but I seldom go there. I may have posted five things? I like the concept of the platform but completely agree with you about the "people who make you feel bad" and the marketers, along with those who never visit. (Although people probably think I never visit because I don't go on there that much... hmmmmm.) I've done that with some blogs, too.

    I'll be able to get my Covid and Flu shots this week (Had to be two weeks off antibiotics first). Can't wait. Did I ever think I'd hear myself say that about shots? I don't have netflix anymore but am going to sign up for a few months when The Crown returns in November. I'll probably binge a lot and quit it!

    Have a wonderful week. I hope you've been able to tackle the garden. Our weather hasn't cooperated!

    1. I am looking forward to the Crown too..Try and sneak in Beckham...I never really knew of him..nor Victoria..He adores his children..loves to cook..clean..what's not to appreciate:)? Have a great week.

  5. Your autumn photos are lovely. I love seeing the leaves change color. We are having hot spell this week. The weather has been up and down. Glad your family lives close by to help you. I tried to get my flu shot yesterday. I think I will pass on the Covid shot this time. I have had the shingle series. I might just want the Beckham documentary. I agree with you. I wish the world lived in peace and not greed.

    1. Me too Linda:)It's a lovely diversion..and it's a good ..well done documentary:) He is very charming..and against all odds and criticism he kept going.

  6. Had no problem with the shingles shot. Avoided Covid during the pandemic but decided not to get the June booster. Big mistake I was hit hard by Covid 2 weeks ago. I am still recovering. Can’t have a shot now until January. I’m sorry people have been mean to you on your account. I find your writing and photos so uplifting. Loved Beckham, the poor lad went through hell.

    1. Oh no one has been mean on my posts I am so fortunate.... I just get feelings and can read people..or I thought I could:) And if I have an uncomfortable feeling...I don't want to see their name nor posts.:)That man did go through hell you are so right.I had no idea. Shameful the way fans treated him..Shameful..the press.. some of the coaches..I was rooting for him the whole time.I am so sorry you went went through such a tough time with Covid..:( I hope you feel 100% soon.

  7. Yes I am shocked as well at the thoughtlessness (tee hee is that a word !?) Of others. Particularly those who I thought of as friends. Since my husband died their behaviors seem to have magnified to the point where I have cut some old friends off. Friendships of thirty years + it is as though they thought it okay to say all the nasty things they had stored up over the years. As for comments on Insta from people I don't even know !!!!!! My life has become a much smaller place. Yes it is a bit lonely. However I will NOT put up withthat kind of chatter. Well dine you

    1. I this last block was once a friend..but was she?
      I don't think a friend is mean to you..or does things she knows are hurtful.So goodbye.
      I bet if you lived next door..we would connect:) For sure.
      For sure.

  8. Thank you for the beautiful walk in the gorgeous Fall colors, your photography is lovely, as usual! I tried Twitter and quit after seeing a person I truly admired ‘retweet ‘ horrible language, yuck! ….wow, I got off there fast, who needs to read that ? I cancelled and haven’t tried any other social stuff since! I guess I’m too old…I don’t understand why folks have to be so negative. And TV news, enough is enough…so tough, heartbreaking, sad to watch these days.
    Praying for peace, peace, peace…everywhere♥️
    Have a most delightful day and don’t work too hard. xo, V.

    1. I can't work too hard! I was appalled that I further injured my elbow yesterday:(I should not have gardened that heavily.
      Twitter is too cool for me:) I don't get it:)
      I am on FB but not.. through my daughters I can peek.I have an account I have never used.But to see someone I know go on and on about her love for her family..:( When I witnessed the truth first hand..I just cannot.
      So..Block away or step away.:):):)
      These images on TV and the web
      TOTALLY heartbreaking.

  9. Neither my husband nor I had a bad reaction to the second shingles shot.

  10. I probably would have gotten the Covid vaccine earlier too if it was available here. John and I got the flu shot a couple of weeks ago and now our pharmacy has the Pfizer vaccine, which we wanted to stick with, so we're getting it on Monday. I haven't had either shingles shots yet! John has had them both. He didn't have any bad reaction to the second one, so that, and the RSV vaccine are on my list to get next. I hear you on culling! I get so many blog emails every day too, people I don't even remember following so I need to do some culling too. A new leaf :))) It gets to be too much and then if you don't get comments back, etc., it's not worth the effort to keep deleting them. I need to cull my attic too :-) I haven't even begun to work on my garden yet. I have another beautiful bunch of dahlias to pick today for Lindsay. I do have to cut them back soon so I can let the tubers strengthen before I dig them up and clean them. I want so badly to pick the beautiful zinnias in the garden too but I should really let them go to seed. Did yours made seeds yet?

    1. oy susan i am typing with my left hand.i had m and n for dinner sunday and tried to make all special and it was fun.the next day i went nuts in one of my larger gardens chopping ripping pulling etc feeling grateful i could do all this with my elbow.wrong next day couldnt move my arm.elbow swollen ..i was able to see my dr the swelling was a cocern .so now its full blown tendonitis and my right arm is so sits in a sling at j helped and pulled out the zinnias. i cut some heads on the ground with laft hand and brought in.fingers crossed.never going nuts again.slow and steady.

  11. OH NO! That sounds awful, Monique! I'm so SORRY but happy you were able to see your doctor so quickly. It must be so painful :( I only had tendonitis once and had to wear a removeable brace to keep me from moving my arm. A cortisone shot helped tremendously but it took a day or two to take full affect. Forced temporary retirement from gardening, baking and typing for you :( Rest is best. ♥♥♥ xoxoxo

  12. The covid is back for sure but I think I will pass for a another shot of vaccin, the vaccin makes me SO sick!!! Well some lovely pictures from you and take care now...

    1. Thank you! I have been lucky with no ill effects of the covid vaccinations..Lucky:)
