Sunday, October 29, 2023

One true thing..fall.


Waxing poetic even

I absolutely love this photo   Sebastien Gervais took for across the field this Friday Night..
J and I sat on the visitors side..they are above us in the bleechers..J was having a conversation with a young engineer  sitting be side was half time..This is a memory for my heart bank.

He is a stellar sports photographer..stellar... if you click on the link you can find his work

A lovely warm fall... yet when the leaves were peaking.. many overcast days with intermittent rain.

So grateful for my husband who helped putting some gardens to bed.You may remember I had something with my elbow..Oy.

I went nuts cleaning two beds the day after having family or dinner..

And I felt so grateful I could.

So a word for all of you who like to gogogogo with chores..  go slow and steady.

I went nuts..the arm went nuts.

Tendinitis/tendonosis,tendonitis..whatev..I have some already..but if you do.. don't exacerbate the issues..slow and steady you can move on..Being a madwoman..slows you to a halt.

No frost yet..

So many things are blooming still..roses,nasturtiums,borage,feverfew..shiso,rosemary..herbs are looking fine.. I did empty pots and floweboxes even though they were brilliant.

You have a fear of frost here.It makes things harder to pull plus you freeze.

I got my garlic planted with my left hand.NOT recommended.

I hope it doesn't pout.

Your non dominant hand is not great for yardwork.

With the grey weather and so many sorrowful tragic barbaric images coming from all over the world..not to mention the Lewiston massacre..when I was finally able to make muffins..slow and steady lol..I was just about to take the pic for IG and here..

I was thinking about what a holy respite photography has been for me..I took out my first photo book..must have been 10 as the photos are from the suburbs..where my parents bought they first home..they had always rented..those duplexes to the left..I shared upper balconies with a sweet the city..I went form city to suburbs to eventually country almost my whole married life.

Getting back to photos..I must have 50 photo albums least... not counting the later Shutterfly books.It seems I was always taking pics.

And I cannot tell you what snapping photos has been for me.

Unimaginable pleasure.

And memories.

A whole spectrum and colorwheel of images live in my mind and in albums because of simple clics.

Nicéphore Niépce..Merci.

Halloween is everywhere..small country towns..I love looking at it all.

It will be cold here and we live on half acre/ acre lots so our visitors had dwindled to none.

Have you ever watched the movie with Meryl Streep..One True Thing..

Halloween is featured ..I LOVE that tearjerker movie.

RIP Matthew Perry. I always wanted to hug him and make him feel better.

Such a tragic life.

Your face and smile made us all feel good ..We wanted the same for you.

If you have not read his book...It's a must.

I read it this year.

A life of suffering.

All that glitters is not gold.:(


  1. Putting the gardens to bed is a lot of work, but knowing that taking care now will help ensure a bountiful regrowth in the spring. I’m just back from doing the same at our house in the hills, as winter is on its way. At the Florida house, everything is still blooming away. I’ll need to trim back the Bougainvillea before long, but that’s about it. I so love the photo of the two of you on the sidelines! We attend as many of our grandson’s soccer games as we can. Always traveling back and forth. Go easy on the elbow, that type of injury seems to take forever to heal. All the best to you and yours!💕

    1. We woke up to snow cover and what the heck I woke up to Sciatica yesterday.It better leave soon..I go from feeling like I'm 40 to 80.I am sure you love your Golden Boy's games too:)I hope you watched the series Beckham on Netflix..It has made me appreciate soccer more and Beckham more:)

  2. I'll bet you are breathing a huge sigh of relief to have your outdoor work behind you. Yes, thank goodness for our husbands when we overreach. I'm one of those people who struggle to know when enough is enough--I try to push through, but sometimes I need help.

    Monique, I absolutely loved reading what you said about what photography has meant to you. Your "holy respite." Beautiful sentiments. And that photo of you and J at Max's game reminds us of the deep joy of being grandparents. What a blessing to live close enough to your family to be interwoven into their daily lives.

    Take good care of your elbow, Monique. Hope it heals well for you.

    1. Hi Pam.. we had snow..a covering..and with it..yesterday sciatica came to visit:(What is up with this..Thank goodness summer is over and I am so happy we are not on our way south..Funny how sciatic pinches you for no reason..well not funny.My grandchildren..ours..have been our most favorite blessings .You know:)..Like they say..If you know..Have a very good week!

    2. Monique, have you tried doing stretches to help your sciatica? If you go online, there should be some videos/diagrams of moves that help. I used to struggle with it, too. The exercises helped me--but I'll confess, it took a while. Hopes and prayers for you dear friend!

    3. Yes..I did look and I did something stupid and rolled my area on a hard foam roller..I''ll stretch this aft..for sure.I am resorting to Ibuprofen..too:( Ive had it before like you:( GO AWAT..crikey.
      Thank you Pam:)

  3. What are those lilly pond green leaves please?
    And the blueberry muffens?? Yours has to be good 🙏

    1. Nasturtium leaves:). Edible..The muffins are from Diane Morrissey on IG..I will send you the link on IG:)

  4. I love the photo of your muffins surrounded by the various cameras. Through your wonderful photos it is obvious how important photography is to you. I have a red album just like yours which was given to me by my sister for a very young birthday. I did not have a camera but enjoyed placing special photos inside with those photo corners. I still have it and my grandsons & I love looking through it.

    Do take care of your elbow. Holidays are around the corner and one will need to be in tip top shape. With the help of Collin & Reid the Halloween decor has been replaced with Thanksgiving. We are expecting a half inch of snow tomorrow. Just not ready for any signs of winter.

    Have a good week, Monique.❤️

    1. We woke up to snow cover! We still have leaves on the trees..LOTs..And sciatica yesterday..OY Ga..What's up with this.I need every part of me for Christmas..That book must be precious..Have a great week:)

  5. Yikes Monique I hope you mend quickly. I guess you will need to slow down so you can mend quickly. Maybe go ona binge of watching movies or go through Downtown Abbey again or all the Doc Martin seasons. I bet Halloween is not the same as when the Littles were little and lived across the street. We have not had any trick or treaters at this house or the last house so I am used to it. But now you have football games and get to see your favorite young men in a different light. Enjoy as much of the fall before we are into the grey days of winter. And take it easy!

    1. Thanks! We got up to snow cover with still so many leaves on the trees..It's a lot at once..And a deep pinch in my bum going down my leg..EGADS..sciatica..reared its ugly head.I've abused my body with heavy yardwork.I think my girls should not do it:)

    2. You really did yourself in! You do realize we are not the age to abuse our bodies like that. It does not help that you are a driven person. Maybe it is a thing with women born February 17th. My friend Pam is the same way. And she too overdoes it thinking she is 20 years younger.

  6. So glad your gardens are put to bed. Such a shame about your arm.I have done that too, it can be quite painful. Wonderful photos and precious memories. The photo of you and J is wonderful. Such loving grandparents.

    1. We lucked out in the Littles dept:)I think my mom had something to do with that in a very ethereal way:) They make me happy just looking at them.
      Enough with the booboos:)

  7. I love this particular edition M. So sweet, nostalgic and so you! The comment about taking apart still beautiful planters spoke to me. I did that 2 weeks ago and knew they could have gone on much longer. But needed a break already plus I wanted to do it when the weather was still comfortable. And massacres both far and near are chilling realities. So very sad and scary.

    1. It's Arlene. No idea why it made me anonymous.

    2. A so very troubling:(. Very very..Glad I took it all away. a while ago and then J helped..but I planted my garlic with left hand in a squatter's position and now I have sciatica..I never talk about important health stuff..this better not turn out to be,:(

  8. First of all, if you have never submitted to any of the Somerset publications, I'd think about it. Your photos are magic. The muffin photo.... I love that more than I can say. I could see you in another life as a food and design stylist. Mesmerizing. We are much the same with photos -- my parents were photographers and I got my first camera when I was about nine or so and haven't put it down since. I hope by now your elbow tendonitis is easing and am so grateful J was able to help you get the garden to bed. I think I'm pretty close too -- and better be, because we have already had snow and frost. I'm bringing in the geraniums to winter in the basement and see if they might not come back for next year. We'll see. It's worth a try!

    Your blog is a beautiful respite from the ugliness and terror in the world. Thank you for that and your beautiful spirit.

    1. You're such a doll wonder so many interact with you.You know us all..and are kind to all.Yes what a world..:( Disheartening to say the very very least.Crippling actually when seeing images of starving children. and much worse.Crying for help.I know you loe photography and memories:) Definitely not shallow lol:) Just full of kindness and joie de vivre..thus..all your friends!

  9. From the first time we 'met', GW and GBs, I always have loved your photography. You've always staged things so beautifully. I love the photo of you and J at the football game and your decorated sign for Max. Team spirit! I do hope your elbow and other aches are getting better. I know you have a hard time not being productive but for now it may be time to binge watch some great shows and maybe a good book. I just recently started "The Giver of Stars" by Jojo Mojes and am 2/3rds of the way through. I think you would enjoy it if you haven't already read it. ♥

    1. I did read it! I think it may be a movie or already is and I saw it? I will have to check..It was good.I had to check my Goodreads account and yes I read it:)Thank you.Everything is feeling manageable.My lower back and right calf still off..but with a few Ibuprofens.. heat.. a pillow between my legs I was spot on to go to Max's quarter finals..they move on to semi..will get tougher..this is their first yr in D1 thanks to Lucas' team last year they moved up to Division 1.. Oli quarter finals this aft.And our Lucas is done..his new team did not meet requirements o go on.To me..Lucas will always:)xoxNext yr I wont try and be wonder Woman.Thank you Susan:)

    2. Such a good story! I think I read that Universal Pictures has bought the rights to make a movie but it hasn't been filmed yet? So glad to hear that things are better better for you! I'll be cheering for Max!!! ♥

    3. I was GRATEFUL:):) I know not everything goes away or gets better.Thanked my lucky stars.xo

  10. Lovely post and lovely pictures! Wow, you really celebrate halloween, the houses are fantastic!!
    Love from a rainy Sweden & Titti

  11. I hope you framed that photo that Sebastien took of you and J :-)

    1. No:). I never thought of it:) TY! Not sure if it is printable.

  12. How did I miss this post! I admire you for still being able to work so hard in your garden. I need help now and I am not a great gardener and don't have much of one to take care of. You are such an inspiration. Loved the photo of you and J at the football match. I love how much you are both invested in the boys. That is wonderful! What a great blessing for them and for you! The Halloween decorations are marvelous. Your town really goes all out! xoxo

    1. It does.. Oh Marie they are so easy to be invested in.And the way the boys hug their parents..I mean..Lucas 18 still hugs so well:) I lucked out in family..not in my youth family..with losses etc..but this one yes:)
