Friday, July 5, 2024

...Flower Frogs ,flowers and life.


I was deadheading my hellebores and thought:"you are even pretty past prime"...

We should feel that way too.I am appreciating the stars that are aging naturally without the huge lips,taut faces. etc..

If life should be like this we would have a rewind button.

Just saying.

In the gardens..  so much has come and gone but still some to come:) Thank goodness.

Speaking of gardens..(Who me? ) LOL..

On IG.. I spotted a new craft..making flower frogs..unknown to me ..Yet not new..So just Google and ye shall find.. Linda at Crafty Gardener made some years ago..

It is so easy to make these..Air dry clay.. fit your topper to size over the jar/vase you will use....make 5-6 holes depending on size..I used a straw..and make designs..I much prefer the terra cotta add the color once your clay form is made and dried..Let the air dry clay dry overnight the shape you gave it..Paint and..

Varnish..Make a bouquet to give or keep:)


The Daylilies are starting..all the true pretties.. I'll highlight some next time.My basil is so awful:( I'll start over..Funny some yrs some things are knock your socks off and others..not at all.

I love my new to me nasturtiums.. From Susan..the seeds..I did not have the heart to snip them for my flower frog lol..took my usual suspects:)

On the homefront..

Noah turned 16! We went to lunch with him..(tradition) and asked Oli to come with him..More fun for Noah:)

Max and Oli are both involved in Team Québec football..Both traveling far for it..Max in Regina..Oli in Antagonish.

I can't believe Max moves mid August...For college ..and his football.

Lucas is still day camp coordinator now..still into football..last yr college I think..Then uni..

The loves of my life..My family.

Have  a great weekend.


  1. From the looks of your glorious pictures, summer has arrived at your garden! The colors...oh my! And the homemade flower frogs--that one with the snail is precious. Your first line went straight to my heart: You are even pretty past your prime. If only all of us on the planet would stop and think about that very thing. I believe all living things have beauty, no matter the age, but we sometimes must look closely to see that beauty. I don't have many flowers this summer, but I have a pot of hot pink geraniums sitting on a bistro table. As the individual petals fall, they drop to the table top, then the wind takes them to the surrounding ground. Those tiny bright pink spots on the green grass are so lovely. That's how I want to age. I hope to have purpose and dignity and deep love for all around me.

    Your boys are growing up so quickly. I like the idea of taking each one for a birthday lunch. Maybe hubby and I will start doing that, too. Our littles and their mom and dad are on vacation this week, and I truly miss them. I woke up this morning praying for their safety, and I thought, just a few more days and they'll be home. It's truly amazing how most of us moms/grandmothers continue to want and need to nurture all of our days. They really do put a song in my heart, and I know you feel that way too, Monique. Hope you're having sunny days with a bit of rain, as needed. Thank you for your beautiful post!

    1. Oh when they were born my heart could have burst:) What is this overwhelming love lol?WE started that when they were toddlers.. so cute in their car seats..and we would take them shopping..later same thing lunch and a shopping budget:) Lucas..right before Covid would even hold my hand going towrads the stores..Covid changed all of that:( Slowly but surely back into lunch out but now they prefer $ instead of shopping..I mean..young men now.. saving for things etc..until last yr when Noah still shopped for Lego..Oli to a mall and different stores..Fun days:)I have had those prayers in my head about keeping them safe:) I love seeing pretty petals on the grass too:) Enjoy your homecoming:)

  2. Your opening lines -- they are just perfect and so true. Pretty even past prime. That's so true. Sometimes even more so in an odd sort of way. There can be an elegance and beauty to age -- in plants or people. Sometimes I leave the deadheads on till their last bit because they do have texture and beauty. (And some just DON'T age well! Alas...)

    The flower frogs are wonderful. I like the terracotta look, too. And wonderful in those sweet jars with the pretty yellow blooms. I might have to try that -- I think I still have some at home if it hasn't dried up into oblivion yet. And Sarah Middah-- i have several of her books and isn't she just the best? Oh, this is just one of my favorite places to visit!

    1. Oh thank you:)):):) Sarah Midda.. I am trying to remember who introduced me because..KEEPERS.For the rest of my life..I am so tired of all the injected lips and was beyond gorgeous.And natural.This Carbon Copy society with botox starting at 20 is frightening.What does the future hold? Have a great weekend!!!

  3. Monique, I think my comment disappeared! Will try again and see if this posts.

  4. Oh,it did! Simply disappeared! Now what did I say????

    First, I totally agree about aging naturally. I admire those celebs who know how to age with grace and dignity. You are such a natural beauty! Adore the photo of you working at your desk. I cannot understand the huge lips. How can these young women think they are attractive? And then even less attractive with heavy red lipstick. They look like a comic book character at best.
    As for the garden photos, I smile at the thought of how beautiful it must be to look out to this space. My day lilies and iris are pitiful. I planted Hellebores this year for the first time. Long gone are the blooms. I just hope the plants survive the heat!
    I'm trying to wrap my head about how old your boys are now. Littles no more! I know they are true JOY in your life.
    Love the flower frog idea. I'm going to pass along the idea along to a friend who is creating for an upcoming craft show. Cute idea!
    Happy July!

    1. You are a NATURAL beauty! I think I would just stare if people in my family or people I knew had work done.For medical reasons..yes..not for vanity.I am sorry some of your plants are not faring well..I think you have humid days also? The wonderful cookie baker that lived in Austin just moved to Houston ..and it seems there is less humidity?
      Hellebores are funny for me..funny happy they bloom for at least 1 month:) I just love that.Sarah I think your frined would appreciate this it is easy..economical and can be made to fit on any jar..and you know us and jars Sarah:) xoxo

  5. Your flowers are so pretty. Yes, I HATE Japanese beetles.I found one on a geranium in Balconville and freaked out! The big 16! I remember wanting to turn 16 so badly as if something special was going to take place. I hope you enjoyed Noah's birthday. My youngest grandson Reid turned 9 in June. He is nuts about football. I think he can tell you the names of all the football players in the world!! He is going to play FLAG football with though the park district this fall so he is very excited about getting all of his gear. He is tall, can run fast but as thin as a rail. I will be like you now...going to football games

    1. Our boys did flag also:)Max won with his team..and was interviewed on TV.I was so surprised at how unphased he was in front of the cameras..This is before Covid I believe..Time flies..The girls at his college have an amazing flag team.It's so great to see young women so into sports:)I was not..our girls either.At that college.You will love going to the games..You will only see him:)

  6. Your flowers look lovely. So sorry you are dealing with those awful bugs. Love your tradition of taking the boys to lunch on their birthday. Such wonderful memories in the making.

    1. I wonder how much they remember:) I ask them and it's not that much;)Thank you!

  7. Beautiful flowers Monique as always 🌸
    Have you tried painting them?
    My current obsession xxxCAROLG

    1. I try and fail:). I will continue..3 d is so hard for me..I seem to need a flat photo:(

  8. So true about plastic surgery! So many actresses that I loved the way they looked and then I could barely recognize afterward...Renee Zellweger, Jennifer Grey, Melanie Griffith. So sad. I love how peonies look when theyre done blooming also. No flower but the seed crown is so beautiful. Your garden is looking so lovely! My nasturtiums are so slow to flower this year! We have ANOTHER rainy day, little sunshine might be the answer. I can't get over your boys. Max moving away for school, Noah already 16. I hope he always keeps his love of legos. Dane still loves them too. What a wonderful way to display flowers in a little work of art, flower frog. I think I'll have one of the boys help me make some. ♥♥♥ Have a lovely week, Monique!

    1. If I had boys young enough to enjoy..we would make some..I remember the hours we spent in my craft roomI was elated in those moments.Nothing made me happier..They were so focused:). They used to ask to go in the art room:) Never now..but we are rarely alone with them here anymore..Oli will come a few days when he comes back from Antagonish and we will hire him:) It's all gone by too fast dear Susan.You too have a lovely week:) xox

  9. Your flower garden is lovely, despite the Japanese beetles. I can't stand seeing them on my plants, and my morning routine of having coffee in my garden has changed to picking them off the plants. Love your tradition of taking the boys to lunch on their birthday. xo

    1. I often don't even have gloves on..Nuisances..Not too late to start the day tradition:) It's a special time:)Have a good weekend:)

  10. I thought I had responded to this post, but I guess I got this confused with IG! My senior brain! I do so love your garden. It is beautiful. I have ear wigs decimating my Hostas, but not a lot you can do about them. They are pretty abundant! IN the UK it was slugs. I guess every area has their pests! Happy Birthday to Noah! The boys are all growing up so fast! Your little clay flower frog is so cute! I love it! xoxo
