Wednesday, June 26, 2024

When not in the gardens..

Truth be told if it's raining or all my garden chores are done..and it's too hot or too humid to garden.
You can find me in my cool (temp wise) atelier..painting:)
I am absolutely hooked on paints and paper and quiet zen time..painting does this for me..gardening..and baking...
These are people I paint thanks to amazing photographers who give me permission..
And then I invent a story.
Stories from France and Canada.. and England..

This one is a surprise..but she doesn't read my blog:)

Her mom was a tried and true dear blog/IG friend..We spoke of our children and grandchildren..Until she went away:(

I keep in touch with her darling daughters through IG.. 

One of her daughters..this is her son:)

 Just a head's up..  now I can't find this on my chrome..0n my Ipad..but did find on my IMAC

  but maybe you can:)Truth be told if I even go to my blog..and try to answer a comment I am anonymous.

Linda is a fairy ..the fairy blogmother..She mentioned this on my last post..

The anonymous bloggers need to allow third party cookies in their privacy settings in their browsers, so their name shows up.

If you have not watched..

I recommend it.

A tear jerker.

Her determination..humility love for her children..her craft.

The inimitable Céline Dion.

I wish her well.So much so.


  1. I thoroughly enjoy your watercolors M. You are so talented. I am always amazed by people who's hands can pretty accurately create an idea that's in their minds. Plus your imaginative stores are always a treat.

  2. Your artwork is so lovely and your stories are so charming. Such a great imagination you have. So happy you are relaxed by painting, baking and gardening. Thank you for the shout-out. As for the iPad, go into the iPad’s settings. Look for Chrome. Then toggle on Allow Cross-Website Tracking.
    Hopefully this works for you and others.😉

    1. Hiii:)That was so easy to find yet I’m still anonymous …oyoyoy I’ll enter my url here and see☺️Thank you as alwaysss

    2. I enetered google account and it worked☺️☺️☺️

    3. You are something else💫💫💫💫💫

  3. Monique, your paintings and petite stories give me a feeling of quiet as well. What a talent you are! I adore the special pieces you have sent to me. Framed and enjoyed daily! Keep painting and sharing, my friend! Your fans appreciate you!

    1. I hope my friend’s daughter likes the little “envoi spécial☺️)

  4. Such happy watercolours! They really invoke the joy of the environments

  5. What a joy to come inside and see your art and hear the stories that go with them. Amazing. Monique, your blog gives me a sense of hope. Thank you for that! Our community was hit very hard by a major storm system on Tuesday. We sustained 75 mph straight winds. We lost most of our 50-year-old evergreen trees, but we and our neighbors are safe and our "stuff" can be repaired or replaced. Thank God for protecting all of us!

    1. Oh dear! That's a bad storm..We live amongst 100 yr old tress..and wind is not my favorite thing..:( It seems to be windier every yr!!:(I am so glad you are safe and sound.

  6. I know your friend's daughter will like the little watercolor :-) I watched "I Am" and wish Celine the best. She is determined.

    1. Totally determined..Heartbreaking.:(:(I think people that have never been miserably in pain don't quite understand the magnitude of it.

  7. Your watercolors are amazing and your stories are just the best. Artiste et auteure! ♥♥♥ I know your young friend will love your gift! So sweet.

    1. Hope so..her girls are so sweet to keep in touch through IG..Nice girls:) Bon weekend ma belle!

  8. As always, I so enjoy your posts…your photography, recipes and artwork are a joy. I took an art class last evening…so fun, but my work looked nothing like the example or others…ha! oh well, it’s good to keep trying. Your stories are lovely as well. Wishing you a delightful weekend. xo, V.

    1. It's all in the peace and joy it brings you:) We are our worst critics:) Keep it up you will never ever regret it!

  9. I've had a couple of anonymous people of late who seem to "know" me -- I wonder if one is you? LOVING the little people -- you do these so well, Monique. I haven't played with my phMartins in ages. Maybe I should get them out. Otherwise, what's the point of having? Your work is so magical, I just love it. (Linda is beyond awesome!)

    1. No I show up as me:) On your blog:) I had not Played with PH either in years!:) Bon weekend!
