In Spring..I like to bring in the "Entrée des Artistes" floor mat .. and replace it w/ colors that go better with the wicker porch seat cushions..it's a fountain of youth for the porch after a brisk winter..COLOR.
Angels Gather Here was a gift/birdfeeder when when moved here 16 yrs ago..it's beside the door and has not even weathered.
Little did I know that day that darling little angels would gather here:)
An old hydrangea wreath..there's a little picture frame in it w/ words about Nana's House..
It was so sunny..not complaining.. but I had my exposure set to + 1 something..never looked..anyway..everything was soo bright it didn't show up..birdhouses..wicker..and hello.. all things that make me like our front door.
I LOVE old wood doors..OLD metal doors..OLD anything..but married to a guy who loves new;)
I made my first cake with our eggs..Marie had posted a lovely vanilla vanilla vanilla cake:)
She is an enabler..lol..Marie and my chickens;)
No doubt you recognize..Carol's work..I am so in love w/ this one..it's getting framed too..if I can find the right size..etc..
right now it is in my recipe book acrylic holder..replacing Mimi Thorisson for the moment..she won't care;)
right now it is in my recipe book acrylic holder..replacing Mimi Thorisson for the moment..she won't care;)
You know..I was always careful here with what I hung up..all my curtains are on spring rods..well the few that I have..many things are hung w/ 3 M hanger thingies..
What am I saving the walls for?Who am I saving the walls for?
Stopping this nonsense.
right now.
right now.
This time of year..
I could literally post a post a day..
Life is born..
and I get excited and sleep worse than usual..
worth every sleepless moment..
I search our gardens and borrowed landscape..for bouquets:)
I never ever pick Trilliums..you shouldn't..
but I love looking at them..and talking their photo.
2 ducks spent today here and at my neighbors..Jacques ..said :"you are getting a few too many pets"~LOL
So ...I am reading a troubling book..One Hour In Paris..
that could very well be..one hour,anywhere on earth.
In fact at 18..I wanted to backpack in Europe after college before
University..and my mom was sad about it..
so I stayed and went to University..and she died that same year..my first semester at McGill..
I left after that..not for Europe..but I left University..
and the rest is history..
The subject of PTSD..is of such importance to me.
I truly believe..that this can happen under many circumstances..
and I truly believe it changes a person for life..
rape victims.. veterans..abused children..adults..either physically or mentally..
in so many more ways than we can describe..
If someone is brought to the point of physical pain that has no description..and that does not end..
I believe this causes PTSD.
Same for verbal abuse etc..
If you have a chance read the book..
so many poor people live w/ this..
and the people that cause it..get away scot free..
As in Amazing Grace that I just read..again..PTSD..because of one maniac..very good book by the way~
sadly..these things happen more than we know..
I just watched 13.. on Netflix..I cried the first episode..and then the drama..caught me off guard..same thing..not to be confused with 13 reasons why..which I have not watched.
And it happens repeatedly..
we need pacifists..kind people..caring people..smart people..in
charge..to take away the bad.
This is the time of year..where I just have too much to say;)