Sunday, August 22, 2021

~Not always Mrs Greenjeans~Proof.Right here:)


So some garden chat..I was asked where my tomato plants are 90% here..that's the back of the garage I have trellis on it for my once beautiful clematis.I started loving starting tomatoes from seed and ripped out perennials that were in front of the clematis.Clematis have suffered last 3 yrs tomatoes take over.This was taken from the kitchen gloomy day..I have over 20 huge tomato bushes.And all except 3 have spots all at bottom creeping way up now.

People are so nice and tell me I have a green thumb..because..I only show what works:)
Cleome is a no brainer..everyone grows cleome..this is my prize winning one..I bought a flat..and this one shone compared to the rest.

This was my kale crop..

Let us not forget my Bells of Ireland..

Parsley .. thank goodness in raised bed it's fine.

So there you have it..and I could show you seeds that did not take..but how do you do that? And Calendula always a winner here..I have 3 leaves somewhere.:(

I love my little tomatoes all the varieties..  2 are from Fred one isn't ripe yet..Banana legs..but Red Fig Pear is.
Sweet William and Sun Cherry from Susan yrs ago..
Dancing With Smurfs..Bumblebee Sunrise and White Currant from me..originally from an organic heirloom gardener close by.
All seeds indoors..transplants..dug up by a varmint and replanted.
Oh the struggle this yr!
Still I get a little basket every day now..hope they all ripen.

Made a and large..they are pretty but not quite what I expected..soo..

And my fault I bet..Instead of one part AP and one part Oat..I used AP.Had no oat flour.
It didn't taste like the title..

Detroit style pizza.. my sauce my pesto my tomatoes..
I think I'm going back to just not baked in a pan except cast iron..and that's so heavy.. we love free form baked on a stone.

But it was pretty lol and tasty.

However the Air Fryer salmon w/ a side of massaged kale salad (not my kale lol)
Is the bomb.

It's simply the best.I used to put Smoked Paprika or Herbes De Provence..
This is IT.The BOMB.

Room temp salmon..rub w/ evoo..s and p..and then this magic.
My air fryer pre-heats ..bake at 390 for 7 mins or to your taste.

Dill and Basil still so fine..funny I pinch off ends of basil every day..and look ..more..
Every three days..I make Gaby's vinaigrette the way you can keep this vinaigrette longer in the fridge than she states..IMHO..I do..or Pesto..Love both.
I dried some basil yesterday..not worth it..I find it's the oils in the leaves that are so very fragrant.
We are in a terrible heat wave..
It's rare that it lasts this long.
And not a drop of rain..the back gardens are drooping as the front ones..I can water the small hexagonal bed by hand as well as my tomatoes..the rest??Sad..I mean they are living things too..I feel for them..

These back blooms are usually sky high..  this one is horizontal now and some branches have toppled to the ground in heat exhaustion.

Sometimes you find treasures:)

Have a good week.


  1. Your cakes are picture perfect! I would never be able to get them out of the pan.
    It has been a dry summer where I live. Fortunately I have sprinklers set up for all of the new plants that were planted this spring.
    Enjoy your week.

    1. Unfortunately for us..the use of our underground sprinkler system is prohibited..water ban..neighbouring town also..So we cannot use it..:(You made me laugh about getting it out of the ban I know far too well what you mean:)Been there Ga:)

  2. Oh Monique, I love your honesty and your sense of humor! It seems everyone is struggling with gardening this year! Too much rain for us, and too little for you. Too much heat here, also. My husband and I are trying to juggle the care of two homes right now, and it's the first summer I didn't plant a garden. But the past few years, I have struggled with growing nice tomatoes. Once we get settled in our little retirement home, I think I'll research container gardening. I believe my issues with tomatoes must be due to soil, and using containers might help me control soil better. It's discouraging when we work hard in the garden and the yield is negligible. I think many gardeners are ready for fall to come, so we can put their gardens to bed for another year. I think the photo out your window looks so lovely. You have a beautiful place to call home!

    1. H Pam I was inspired by an Instagrammer last night and ordered seeds for large italain tomatoes for next yr.I have to retink my soil and area.Yrs ago my husband could build anything..not at my asking lol but he could ..I still love my porch swing..potting shed etc..where we have lived..but building is not really in his calendar now and I don't blame him..I'd love a raised bed for tomatoes..yet I say I need more beds like oysters on a shell(I hate them)..too much work..not sure what I will do..2 a lot of work!!
      Thank you!

  3. I am not gardening anymore after moving into a condo, but I do remember days of good gardening and days of bad. Your pizza and salmon look and sound great!

  4. Four star glorious in every way. I do think I need to add cleome to my garden. It's lovely. My potted basil here at the lake is going great guns after a slow start. I keep picking leaves (the guy at the market said pick the large leaves, rather than cutting a stalk) and it just keeps coming. I'm worried when I go home today for a few that it might not make it. We'll see! Even the food you say disappoints looks fabulous!

    1. Like pretty people that can disappoint lol:)
      Here I was taught to pinch off before it blooms at fork if that makes any sense;)Cleome wont be livng here ever again..Two homes..very tough..but I could not give up that lake house for sure.

  5. Hot and humid here too, plants are suffering, some have already been cut back or removed. I gave up growing my own kale, just never produced enough, and when I want it, it is so cheap at the farm stand. Forgot to pinch my basil for a few days, now it has gone to seed. Oh well, will save the seeds for next year.

    1. A very hard summer on gardens for certain..Linda I started cutting unsightly things back too!

  6. I love findings in the bushes!💙 Mon the salmon do you oil it before you season it?

    1. Yes make sure it is room temp rub oil..salt and pepper it then that maple bacon seasoning.Costco has it where the spices are look up it’s not eye level Jacques never found it..I was relentless lol.
      My air fryer preheats ..I cook them both together 390 7 mins I guess it depends on machines and taste.Caro and Fred love it too

    2. Thanks Mon, I make cod similar to yours!

    3. I'm sure it's great with cod..I'm a creature of habit and usually make Fred's topping..funny Jacques doesnt eat that topping and suggested the salmon way.But I love Fred's Med topping..♥

  7. You are not alone in your tomato woes. It is much the same here. First a very cold and long spring, then that terrible heat dome and continuing heat, and now it's cold again just as the fruit is beginning to ripen. Sigh. We do what we can and the rest is not up to us.
    Beautiful basil and dill! And I'm going to look for that La Grille seasoning because we love salmon.

    1. You hit the nail on the head such a cold and long Spring.I’d love a tomato raised bed..ordered seeds for big Italian tomatoes—That’s a gardener for you right?an optimistic one planning next year.
      I’m sure you will find the maple bacon seasoning and it’s so worth it!Have a good garden week

  8. Thank you for sharing the Air Fryer salmon w/ a side of massaged kale salad. It really is the bomb.
    The Maple Bacon Seasoning definitely makes it a hit for me. You are not alone in your tomatoes woes. The leaves on mine are looking funky.
    I've already cut back my clematis and some other plants that didn't like the heat. The hardy hibiscus are doing great, and also the late season daylilies.

    1. Thos hardy hibiscus are stunning..I see them as I drive along the roads..I have not had luck..Debbie I am already buying seeds for next yr..glutton for punishments lol.
      SO GLAD you like that seasoning♥

  9. Thanks Monique...summer basil and tomatoes are the best. :)

  10. I'm late!! I had to smile at 'not Mrs. Greenjeans' :) We all have flops here and there! Sometimes it's nature, sometimes critters, or even bad seed. This has been a rough summer on all of our gardens. The heat has been oppressive. We had a little rain and so a little cooler today. I do want to try dill from seed next year! Yours looks lush. I love dill. I wonder why they call it 'dill weed', LOL. Those cakes♥ ! I love that you have the mini and large pans. Salmon lovers here too. Loved seeing your tomato patch. It's hard fitting everything in our yards we'd like to grow, isn't it!

  11. I thought I had commented on this post, but see that I didn't! I think you do enough things so well that we an quite forgive the failures on your part! Not that I ever see a failure. I think you are close enough to perfection in everything you do! I love dill, and want very much to do an herb garden for next year, possibly a container garden. Your cakes are perfection to me. Mine would probably stick. I need to try salmon in my air fryer. Yours looks gorgeous! Everything looks gorgeous! My chipmunk discovered my lone cherry tomato plant and c'est la vie! That's how it goes! Your tomatoes are all so lovely! I bet they taste fabulous! xoxo
