Monday, January 16, 2023

Just chatting..:)

Present state of affairs

Christmas has been put to sleep..It takes a day..a long day..but it is worth it..

A different Christmas..looking forward to next yr.

We will be home in Nov..Less rush about..

I am considering a buffet for brunch..That long table I bought..for the kitchen for us all to sit comfortably is already a tight squeeze..

These boys..

I am telling you..

Sooo talll..

And they do gym..

so all bulked up too.

So I watched The I ..the only one that hated it? No my husband did too.

Rave reviews..

I like dark..

But this was a satyrical horror ridiculous concoction of awful ingredients.

I like dark..

I like happy.

I love a great ending.

I love to smile..

I love to cry watching a movie.

This did nothing but make me wonder what are we coming to?

I mean it's not a biography like Dahmer..for the horror of it all (Only watched one..) a true story..

It's a flight of unappetizing fancy.

Give me all my fave shows and forget about this.

Have you seen Hidden Figures?We loved that.We loved it because the women become victorious.

I hope to God this kind of racism does not exist anymore.

We got mad like we always do when we see this horrible racism.

I still like Yellowstone..and yes Kevin Costner is in the above mentioned movie too.

He's a great... natural ..well aging actor.

All Creatures Great and Small back on:)

The Bear was great..season 2 coming..

Ted Lasso coming also..

Dopesick was amazing.

Elvis ..that Austin Butler..WAS Elvis.Kudos..and Poor Lisa Marie.

Tried to go see The fault.. I didn't know movies changed over so fast.

Anyway speaking of The Menu..I saw a very neat tip.. you know your whole head of garlic? Mine is still so fresh that dividing and peeling can be a tiny chore..But if you need the WHOLE head..microwave 15-18 seconds depending on size and you will not believe how easy it makes the task.

However if you need only one or two..better to not do that keep the remaining head intact and fresh and pull apart and peel as needed.

I have a new BFF in my kitchen..

It's a cordless hand mixer..cordless!

Here it is.....

Mine is white and I bought. it on sale.

I would have bought one yrs ago..had I known.

I don't always need my almost 30 yr old KA stand mixer.It's out and available..Bt sometimes i need smaller.

This is it.

It's great!

I have been painting..but I can't share..  as they are gifts:)

That's about it..Take care..stay well..


  1. So lovely to see what's happening around your place. We don't watch much television other than on Friday or Saturday evenings. We recently finished Jack Ryan (3 seasons) and enjoyed that. Great tip about the garlic. I have some heads from my brother's garden - big fat Russian garlic - and they are hard to separate.

    1. Jacques likes Jack Ryan:) I only watch ap 2 hrs 7-9 PM..:) All these shows are over a long period:):)Have a great week!

  2. Please, please show us yr watercolors 🙏 PB

    1. One is already sealed and ready to go..the other I'll take a pic but It's a birthday gift so I can't:)After the fact I will:)

  3. Enjoying your lovely winter landscape photo. It has been a strange winter here. Not a speck of snow in the middle of January!
    I have not been to the movie theatre in ages. I tried to watch the Golden Globes but knew very few of the new actors and none of the movies. A friend told me to see BANSHEES OF INISHERIN. It is on Amazon but have not had the time to devote to it as it probably will need concentration. Otherwise, I am a PBS girl. Love all CREATURES GREAT & SMALL. I am not able to watch YELLOWSTONE. Everyone seems to enjoy it & I do like Kevin Costner. Did you ever see WATER WORLD?
    Enjoy your week.

    1. We started Waterworld) Maybe we will give it another go one day.We started The Banshees.. and stopped..Maybe we will give that another go too:)

  4. I love your just chatting! Yes, those dining tables... they don't grow when the people do! We see the same things -- and our little guys are still -- well, little! Buffet makes sense. And I'm glad you are painting again. "All Creatures" is mu must-see viewing. I love it. We're streaming a lot on Acorn and Britbox but there's some Netflix I must return to. My friend (who sees a lot of movies and all kinds) didn't like "The Menu" either and told me I would really hate it! But that's a good garlic tip. Please share your watercolors after you gift them! Happy week. (We have no snow-- yours is pretty. But I'm glad we don't have any!)

    1. Well one I have already put in a sealed addressed envelope(never the late's almost comical)and didn't take a pic.. I will take a pic of the other but can only post after her birthday:)I am taking a Roisin Cure class today at 2..The thatched might like that!

    2. Thank for the recommendation. I like her stuff but have never done one of her classes!

  5. Ah Monique, when I read that you are planning some changes for next Christmas, I smiled. I'm already trying to figure out how to improve how we do things, too. We love our little cottage 99% of the time, but when we have the whole gang around the table, it's a bit tight. We serve buffet style, already, and that seems to simplify things a bit. The other thing I thought I'd never do is to eliminate big Christmas trees. We had two small trees this year and it was so much easier to handle. I'm even thinking about hosting our family a week before Christmas because they have so many other family gatherings to attend on the 24th and 25th. We have plenty of time to figure it out, but we all know how quickly the next 11 months will fly by, lol.

    Your wintry scene up top is so lovely. I'm glad you're painting. You have been blessed with many talents. I'm sure that the gifts you are painting will be much appreciated.

    1. I hope so.. sometimes I get a feeling when painting and hope the feeling flows into the watercolor.That's true this was your first Christmas there right?I am sure it was lovely..:) Jacques always wanted us all sitting enjoying each other..but we are too big now.I did have each family alone the two previous weekends.. sit down.. card game (Splurt..enjoyed by all)..
      But all of us just don't fit comfortably.So buffet and sit here and different tables it is doable:)I truly think I don't have talents.I just try everything:) I just cant seem to sit and watch tv..or read in the day.I like to move my hands ..:)And yes..before we know we will be xmas baking..again:) Have a great week Pam.

  6. So great seeing your pics and reading your blog. Yes Christmas will be rethought here at the Raspberry patch too, Kids bigger and a new partner (not me my daughter hahaha) TV and movies are a real crapshoot for sure., I am always so inspired when I see your blog or posts on IG. Take care M. A trip to La Belle Province is still in my thoughts :-)

    1. Even if it's summer..Christmas in June or July lol..You made me laugh at new partner:) I didn't think you would trade yours in:)They grow so fast! In all ways.. enjoy these years when they still craft:)Have a nice week!Your cookies started something here lol:)

  7. I have a kitchen aid stand mixer, but to be honest most of the time I use my smaller hand mixer. For many things it is just more convenient. Mine is red, but I love your white one! Love most of the shows you mention, but what channels are you watching them on? I loved the one with the black girls! I, like you, hate racism. I like to think things are a lot better now than they were then, but we still have a long ways to go! I can't wait to see what you are creating with your paints and brushes. You are so talented. Love all that you share. xoxo

    1. I had no idea they made cordless..I cannot say how much I like it.. well I can..a lot..
      PBS..Apple TV is now $10 CDN:( But you can cancel when you want).Netflix..Prime..Disney plus you can cancel anytime..I don't lock in.I found with Britbox.. we were done everything lol..and then the price shot up.I had had an introductory offer for the first yr,..
      I just made two humble cards.. 2 today I am taking a Roisin Cure class :)
      YOU are so multi talented!Far more thanme.

  8. Lovely post as always. I love "chatting" with you!
    I have long used a hand mixer. We have the giant Kitchenaid which Monnie usd frequently, but I prefer my small one.
    Can you believe we don't have a TV in our home? Haven't for decades. Monnie streamed movies on his ipad. I rarely watch movies. I did watch Elvis. Enjoyed it! I had a new level of respect for the kind individual Elvis was. Sad about Lisa Marie. Too young!
    Happy snowy January!

    1. I remember you didn't have a tv..I'm afraid we are so used to it..J watches the news..AM..lunch and dinner..I pay no heed')It is background noise for me..Elvis..the end was utterly amazing.Yes far too young..never a good age..that was my mom's age ..well 55..

  9. A lovely scene! No snow here. It's been such a strange but pleasant January. J and I have been walking several miles in the park each day that we are able. Looks like winter is coming though :) Some snow showers mixed with rain on Thursday and then back to chillier temps next week. I love your movie and series reviews. ♥ I did see Hidden Figures in the theatre before Covid. It was a great movie. Yellowstone we are caught up with the latest episodes. Watching 1923 now. There are only 3 episodes so we have just 1 left. Then, I'd like to watch 1883. All Creatures - love it! Haven't seen either of the Hulu series as we don't subscribe. Loved Ted Lasso. I'll probably resubscribe to Apple TV when the new season starts. Like you, we just watch in the evenings after dinner in winter when there's nothing else to do. I have to check out your new BFF. I love using my small mixer too but I hate how the cord always gets in the way! Off to see where it's sold. ♥

    1. We just started 1883..2 episodes in.J loves it.He grew up watching westerns and was a little cowboy in the 40's:)My new BFF in la cuisine is way cheaper in le USA of course.I bought mine on Amazon on sale instead of $179(ridiculous) $109.00 Even that made me a bit surprised..What I hated about my beaters apart from the cord was that everything beat out of the bowl..nothing was low speed really..This beater heaven .Several miles ohmygosh.. even when we walk the beach for about an hour I don't think we walk several miles,,Kudos!!I know J averages 15k steps every day..not me..But not in continuous miles..Walking to town is a little trek for me ap 20 mins there then foot and its only 1ap 1 mile there and back.I don't know how you manage several miles! Wow!!And it's cold here :)

    2. That is expensive there for the mixer! Here, I see it most places for $89.00. Still high for a little mixer but I have one in my Amazon cart :) I have the same complaint about my hand mixer. Low is not low speed! When you have someone to walk with and talk to it goes more quickly. I don't like walking alone. It's been in the upper 30s, low 40s F here and we've had no snow on the ground for quite a while. Not sure how I'm going to like it next week when it gets colder! I walk 2 miles. My J walks 4. We park my car at the 2 mile mark. J follows me and picks me up. We drive back to the beginning of the park and start walking. When we get to my car I drive home. J walks the 2 miles back to his car. I started at 1 mile and worked my way up :-).

    3. That is have inspired me:) To walk to the village when it gets milder and back that would make my exact 2 miles.Let's see how that goes:)So $90.00 US is ap $122.00 Cdn..I honestly think this is the best thing I have bought in years:) Primarily cordless..and primarily soft to high..two pimarilies make it a win win right? LOL.I know I spoiled myself..But it's not like it will not be used right?I love the stand mixer but some things don't require those new shortbreads:) Tried all rice..nope..I would say a bit of rice the rest durum;)Well and the C and F...

    4. Start out gradually. I kept adding a 10th of a mile so I wouldnt get too tired. You don't want to hate it the very first time :) I will lose my walking buddy once the golf courses open :( The soft speed and no cord mixer would be worth it for me! I need to get rice flour...on my shopping list for today! Then trying!!

    5. :). Not all rice though too soft and would not bake need to just add a bit to the durum semolina

  10. Lovely photos. Lots of rain happening here. It’s either drought or rain. Finally a few days of sunshine. I have a lunch planned today with a few gal pals. I have a Valentine dinner planned along with the cloggers luncheon. Also a birthday party brunch for a dear girlfriend. Great tip about the garlic. After reading about the menu, I decided to not watch it. I like dark too, but not Jeffrey Dahmer or such.
    Glad to see you are still painting. Your littles have all grown up. Enjoy the rest of this month.

    1. The hostess with the mostest:) The care you give to all your guests is truly special..from table setting to setting the mood to particular attentions:)Kudos Linda:)WE have seen all the rain and I hope it did not cause damages to you...

  11. Love from me and Leaf …🍀❤️🐾🍀

  12. I haven't watched the new series of All Creatures yet. I started watching Yellowstone but didn't keep going. The Menu sounds intersting.

    1. Maybe yoiu will like the menu:) It was not for us:)All Creatures is so sweet:)

  13. I shared the tip about the garlic to a dear friend, and then forgot she has never owned a microwave. The reason I passed it on to her was due to her receiving 20 heads of garlic from a local organic farmer, and the cloves are so small that she doesn't want to peel each one. Instead I suggested that she use a garlic press. Joe has watched Dopestick, and I'm looking forward to All Creatures.

    1. I'm sure Joe told you how good Dopesick was.Tragic.But good.Those big pharmas that don't care..UGH..and the acting! Excellent.I don't have small cloves but it works for big!Wait a few seconds after micr:)

  14. I just followed a link on my site / blog to yours and I LOVE IT!!!! It is great to meet you and I can't wait to come back and follow your adventures. I LOVE yellowstone too! Happy New Year La Table De Nana! Bren Haas
