Sunday, November 12, 2023

Time waits for no one.

 We changed the time.I love this time.I love the darker earlier evenings..I  wake up earlier,and just want to start enjoying what I can do in a day..PARTICULARLY since the sciatica is far quieter and the elbow tendinitis is also.THANK YOU .

Above was an art tutorial for the gnome ..Jean Haines..The toadstools were added digitally.

I've started my Christmas cards.. my handmade and not hand made gifts.

Nothing affects J..time wise and Christmas preps:)

 He does love to set up the tree ,adjust the lights cause let's face no -pre lit tree lasts forever so he adds the lights..I take the day to add the precious memories..

He will put the colonial candles in all the windows..

When I worked..and he was retired..I loved driving up our street in the dark and saw that he had installed the candles..It doesn't take much you don't have to be Chevy Chase..subtle ...gleaned from Vermont 100 yrs ago colonial candles in the windows do it for me.

Of course I would love a hydraulic lift to adorn our Three Pines..:) But ..

Back to our regular broadcasting;)

It's time for comfort meals and playing in the kitchen.

Playing in the kitchen is so much kinder to your body than playing in the gardens.

I am over the moon to say that although everything is not perfetto..I can walk and keep going.

That sciatica has settled into lower back mush and a zing in my calf..way better than initially..

We went to both football games..and both boys won their quarter finals..  then we went to Max's semi finals.

To say we were so happy for him is an understatement.

The most riveting exciting game ever.

Max is wide receiver..QB is C..They are great together..they know each other well practice always ..

Out of the blue at this very important game..C, the QB gets hurt and had to be carried off:(All the hopes and dreams came crushing down.Max is QB2..which means he had to become QB..and no wide receiver.

If you can believe they were losing for much of the game until 3rd quarter and Max showed resiliency..talent and such determination..that along with his team mates..they pulled it off in a tied overtime.The cheers were deafening and we all ran onto the field.

These boys..Kudos..32 F plus wind..never ever gave up.

One more game..

Although I am so proud of Max and how he pulled it off..I would love C to be back to get the team. as it should be.Because these are Cs last high school games before college and he is in 100%.M on defense was stellar..all the kids..wanted this.

Tears even.


Didn't sleep so wired.

Update poor C is out for 3-6 months.

So the next and final high school game for them will be tough.

Fingers crossed.

Oli's team in overtime..lost:( Poor darling) he has many more games and finals in his young life..

I applaud their parents.I mean They are TOTALLY INVESTED in all aspects of their lives.

I think those cookies could have been made in this wee cottage I spotted doing errands one day..I only wish I had my proper camera with me at the moment..I know Gignome lives there:)

The side was beyond my expectations.A very cold sunny morning.. and I found this gift.

I live in a quiet little enclave where people are getting ready for Christmas markets..far from the turmoil of the world.. even in Mtl.. the war has reared it's ugly head.
It makes me well up.

I know I am far from the madding crowd.
But I am here.We chose country to city..
I am older and wiser ..
And  need this peace right now.

Fall met winter here as cold leaves shivered on the limbs of the trees not quite prepared for the snow we received.
It's gone..
Gignomeo..  was painted following a Jean Haines tutorial..I've painted a few ever

We will dress our tree today..the little lights brighten the darker days and nights and cast a lovely glow in our home.Oh no..I bought bright white lights..our tree does not look like our tree:(
I will definitely rectify that next year..too late now.
Have a good week.


  1. Delightful gignome and photos…those cookies! ….love, love football 🏈 …
    This time of year, so much to celebrate…Veterans Day, Thanksgiving here…then, Christmas. The best is family! friends!…coming together…laughter, fun, sports, hugs, cheer, sharing, trees, lights…how blessed are we? Very. So glad to hear you are feeling better! I’m still in the garden, sometimes an ‘ouch’…mostly joy. Thanks for this post. Happy Weekend. xo, V.

    1. I love that..sometimes an ouch..mostly a joy!Yes I love this time of year too..Cozy.. fairy lights..comfort foods..early evenings:)

  2. Oh, this greeting on a sunny cold Sunday!! This is "too much sugar for a dime" as my Mammaw used to say---it meant a gracious plenty, and brimming over, and always of some wonderful thing. This little guy is absolutely talking to me, asking about my neglect of all his kin, who came to live with me in the Seventies, couple by couple, Uncle by Grootmoeder, as I searched out any flea market or wedding supply store which sold Gorham---the book on my coffeetable, and those little fellows in mind.

    They were absolutely charming, and that book became the sweet spot of the den, as folks gravitated to those pages, those little scenes of sweet domesticity and fairy-tale lives. You've captured the wit and charm and entire persona of such a personage, and it supplants even some of your walkaways in my list of longings for one of your portraits---if ever you go into the business . . .ad infinitum. I do know I'll spend the afternoon delving into the Holiday closet, to find my sweet little friends. There's a wee couple staring at me right now---when Chris passed away, our daughter sent me the most charming little scene of a tiny fishpond, with a little thimble-gnome couple sitting side by side at the fishing hole, one pole in the water and smiling.

    You are absolutely amazing---Poortvliet and Huygen are SMILING from Heaven.

    1. Rachel I hope you post them:) I will go see what I have missed as your posts don't get to me:(

  3. Oh, I love this post!! Love, love, love that gnome! You have such talent! I’m ready to travel all the miles for some pot pie, finish off with a cookie! Amazing how invested we become when our children/grandchildren are participants. We had no one interested in playing sports, though I do love the atmosphere of a football game in the fall! We will begin our Christmas decorating the day after our American Thanksgiving….just a week and a half away! Sending you all good wishes for this season!

    1. Thank you Nellie! It is amazing lol.I only had brothers and hated football .Lol.I seem to have developed a liking for it.Only when my grandsons play though lol:)Have a good week!

  4. Lovely post, Monique. I'm glad you are feeling better - our bodies do let us know when we work them too hard! Your gignome is darling, and the enchanted cottage you found is the perfect place.
    What excitement in the football game. Poor C. I hope he heals well.

    1. I know I felt so bad for him ..seeing him being carried off:(All yr..all yrs..of training..and this the before to last game of his high school yrs.Classy dad.

  5. So much wonderful to comment on in your post! Painting, cooking, baking, decorating, and FOOTBALL! Pleased to know that you are feeling better and enjoying it all. On our Thanksgiving there will be 12 of our family gathering at a cozy country restaurant. Eating out has it's advantages but there is no place like home...My Christmas decorating has changed over the years.I used to put up 4 trees (artificial)! Now that I have down sized my living space so must the decorating. I have saved all of our special family ornaments but I won't have the joy of discovering them and placing them on the tree. It's all fine, My two grandson's are coming over to help decorate. There is special excitement surrounding the lighting on Balconville!!! Continued joy during this holiday season.

    1. Im so happy for your Balconville and how you adapted so very very well..A role model.Have fun with your grandsons and at TG..No clean up is nice;)

  6. Monique, I am so glad that you are feeling better. It's amazing how grateful we are for our health when we've struggled and overcome. Your gnome is adorable and those cookies and pot pie, oh my! A perfect meal! I'm not one bit surprised that you and your family are invested in the boys. That is love. Such a privilege to be a grandparent!

    1. It is such a privilege.I did tell my daughter she was instrumental in the closeness having lived across the street all those yrs and letting us have them whenever,lol..And the coastal trips..All that has come to an end..but it made us get to know them so well..Luckily Noah an open book and quite there is a lovely closeness and familiarity there..He's no wallflower lol;);)Oh I health..some things I;ll have forever but when something is added on..OY.So when it all abated..I was most grateful

  7. Lovely post. So glad you are feeling better. Getting older more things go wrong. I don’t like football, such a rough sport. I am getting ready to put up our new Christmas tree. You are so right about the lights not lasting. Love your cute gnome and the pot pie. Comfort food at it’s best.

    1. The first yr all the lights the next yr..less the next none.We don't even pack it up tight like our other one..Susan recommended leaving it up stored..which we do..Oh well flashy bright white lights this yr.Ive already ordered warm white for next yr;) Yes I guess everything has best before dates..even our bodies;)

  8. I have loved all your photos on IG and love them again here. You have a real talent for curating "like" content and putting it together in the most entertaining way. The Gnome, toadstools, that cottage/shed, the toadstool cookies, all lovely. I am happy to read that you are feeling better. Its no picnic getting older and trying to figure out a new way to do the same things we used to but in a gentler way that is not so hard on our aging bodies. Those grandsons of yours help to keep you young! I think it is wonderful that you and J enjoy their games so much. Family love is the best love of all! xoxo

    1. It certainly has been my best love.:)As it is yours.Yes I think our bodies have best before areas more than others.It just turned out this way the post:) Lucky draw:) Have a great week!

  9. So glad to hear you are feeling better and back to doing what you love. I do love your gnome and the other one on the side bar I spotted. ♥ Both stinkin' cute! They will bring a smile to whoever sees them. How exciting about the boys' games. Sad to hear about the regular QB but glad Max filled his role so well. Good luck to them in the Finals!!! Whenever our daughters had tennis matches my stomach always churned when we watched. Same happens now at the boy's baseball games. So much fun. I love that charming cottage. What a find!

    1. Max is so intent and focused..They all take football to heart.I am impressed with their devotion.I never had that lol..Only for family.Oh me too happy to have my working legs back..Tre is up..started writing cards..snow today.I love all this!

    2. Your home must be lovely. You are always so well organized ahead of Christmas. Me, not so much - LOL. The weather has been very pleasant here the past few days. John and I may even play golf tomorrow! Next week will be an entirely different story. So cold!!! I hope to get outdoor lights placed this week and start decorating indoors next week so I can get it all done before my jury duty begins :-(

    3. That jury duty:( Today I;; do some outdoor lights..its sunny..ish and milder..You always get caught up:)

  10. Thanks for alerting me to the art tutorials from Jean Haines. I have subscribed :-) So glad to hear that you are feeling better. You've added some cute photos on your side bar. I am enjoying the daylight in the morning as I wake up early like you, and I hated going to the gym in the dark at 6:30 a.m.

    1. I wish I hated going to the gym..what? I hate gyms..Happy for you.No gyms for me;`) Oh you will love her tutorials..and her nails;)

    2. I think you might actually like my gym. We are all over 60, and at the time of the day that I go, there are only four of us and we mostly smile and don't socialize. We have a workout to do lol. I strengthen my legs and arms on the equipment.

    3. Both in my case need strengthening:) No I wouldn't lol.Trust me.:)

  11. Is there a pool 🏊 near you? is so good for sciatica. But not most over-active Aqua-gym classes. Even just walking back & forth in the shallow end does amazing things for muscles & lower back 🙏 xxx Parisbreakfast

    1. No..funnily enough we always had a pool except here..And I'm not really a public bather..but I truly appreciate your suggestion.It is far better ..and I am going to keep stretching:)

  12. Hi, Bonjour, C'est Rita dans le Maine. It's been awhile since I've been on Blogger and to visit your blog. Oh, it makes me as pleased as ever, to see the beauty that you create and that you surround yourself with. I was sorry to hear about your back and glad you are managing. Rita at Sketchbook Wandering.

    1. I'm fine! It was short lived I am very grateful.Just a pinch here and there.But SO grateful..Hope you are well Rita and thank you!

  13. Lovely painting and have a great week now! Take care!
    Love from Titti

    1. I love YOUR gnomes Titi..I remember them in your home:)Bonne semaine!

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