Saturday, May 25, 2024

...All about the gardens..


It really is..

May is the month where a lot happens here..more toward the end like now..

Which means I am out there primping and fluffing and weed whacking and weeding..

Tending to the clematis and their unruly growth..winds play havoc on them..and a few are susceptible to tiny worms making homes in Annabelle hydrangeas..both get them at the same time.Pinch them off if you can..They often need tying but one night can have them wound up where you cannot untangle at all.

I also water the seeds..I sowed.

I will never sow in cool weather again.

In warm humid weather as we just had within 3 days..cosmos and zinnias were up..

What a waste when I used to sow them too early.

We think everything is early so I am happy I will have annuals to enjoy.

Honeysuckle and such bushes Jacques trimmed yesterday..used to be end of June.

I snipped the dahlias the way they showed online to have more branches to the plant etc..

Time will tell

The bridal wreath spireas are outstanding this year:)

Tree peonies..always first to bloom.

I am not complaining:)

Have a great weekend:)

We are loving this series..

It is a very emotional series..not for the faint of heart.

On another note..we started ..

My husband..not so I think I like it:)I know I am late to the party..

Also watched..

Hard to watch..very sad..

Great acting..not sure why no know..GG..AA.. etc..

I thought they all acted very well..

"I used to be a brother"



  1. Monique, your garden just gets better every year! When I scrolled back and forth, looking at your pics, I couldn't help but think that a lovely spot like yours is an oasis for the soul. Nature's beauty feeds us--and restores us. It sure doesn't happen without a lot of consistent effort though, so you are to be commended.

    I also pledge not to try to plant any seeds before it truly warms up! This year I waited and my zinnias were coming up within two days. I don't think I've ever seen them do that. The conditions must have been just right.

    Makes sure to sit down often in your garden, so it can give back to you. Enjoy this last week of Marvelous May!

    1. We both discovered the same thing! No rush for sowing seeds...counterproductive..the wait is too long!Everything is so pretty before the dastardly devils appear in the fowm of bugs that decimate blooms:( Thank you for your kind words:) Here's to gardens!

  2. Your gardens look heavenly. Between the tree peonies and the sweet little hedgehogs. It all looks like a park. I did watch the Iron Claw, so sad. I also watched Bridgerton, all 3, waiting for another episode. I will also look at the first series you watched, We Were the Lucky Ones.

    1. Be prepared to shed tears:( But it is excellent Linda..True story of courage beyond my wildest dreams.....They are ok..nothing compared to Ca gardens..but..:)

  3. Such lovely, lovely images from your garden. It's been so cold here that I haven't yet sown cosmos or zinnias. They will catch up once the sun shines its warmth on them. Peonies are opening here now, too. I do lovely their blowsy blooms. Lots to be done in the garden these days. The weeds flourish in the cool weather! Have a good week, Monique.

    1. I think I have way more invasive plants than weeds..SO MANY.Disheartening..But as of now..I am on top of it..looks wise..( ripping out not getting rid of the rhizomes:( )Truly I will nevr sow in cool weather again..
      I hope all your garden dreams come true:)

  4. I have no gardening skill but I deeply admire wonderful gardens and appreciate the very hard work that goes into them. Yours is beyond beautiful. I love the flowers, of course, but also the little touches--the plaques, the mushrooms, everything. I still need to sow my cosmos and zinnias, which I'll do in pots and take a chance they make it. Meanwhile, I will savor moments looking at your garden.

    1. What's up with this? Now I am gone:( Jeanie my cosmos in pots did soooo welll! You will see:)

  5. It is the most beautiful time of year! The grass is emerald green and everything is so lush. Your tree peony is beautiful! My yellow one bloomed this year! It took a break last year - LOL. Too bad they don't have more abundant flowers like the regular peonies. I love the 3 Hedgehogs! I've been enjoying watching less television and reading more in the evenings. I've read some wonderful books! A little late to the game on some of them also :)

    1. I love to read..TV is 7-9 then I read 9-10.30. J watches his shows when I come up:)I love a good book.. They aren't all winners though..But thankfully it's Libby so not $$ in case and no book collecting.Yes lush and gorgeous.I had a yellow tree peony but she left for good..This one has 6 big blousy blooms..I think our early rain helped..Overcast.windy and rainy today..J is mowing the lawn..His new treadmill arrives tomorrow..after 20 stopped..Nice people on the phone..motherboard and they don't make the parts anymore.He didn't hesitate and ordered a new one.It's his morning religion:)I admire his tenacity:)Have a great week!!

    2. PS I had read We Were The Lucky Ones.. you may like it.Heartwrenching read though:(

    3. I still haven't purchased another one...plz let me know what kind J bought. I hate the big monitors on all the new ones. All I want to do is walk and watch my own tv not all the videos and coaching apps. I recently finished The Nightengale, The Women, Glass Castle, and am reading Killers of a Certain Age now. ♥

  6. One of my good friends (SF) lends me books she has purchased for her book club with her sisters.

  7. I always love seeing photographs of your gardens Monique. They are so beautiful and a wonderful testimony to the hard work which you put into them. I am sure this is what keeps you fighting fit so good for you! Keep doing it for as long as you can I say! I am late to the Bridgerton party as well. I have only watched one episode so far of We were the Lucky Ones, and have not watched the last program mentioned, but I might. I always appreciate so much what you share. You are a star! xoxo

    1. Oh my .. you are star BAKER!! It's just because of mentors later in life that I took up gardening..the girls were teens so I was in my 30's and knew nothing.Then sites like Gardenbuddies etc..and whoa do I make loads of mistakes..My gardens are getting old like me:)

  8. What stunningly gorgeous photos! I am so envious of your beautiful garden. I miss having land. I can now only garden on my deck, and that isn’t nearly enough for me. We used to live on an acre, and I remember when the peonies would open, how glorious the fragrance, and how beautiful the blossoms.

    1. One day I may be stepping into your deck shoes:) We never know..I am sure it is girl on IG moved from a home to a deck garden and we call it Balconville..she is a francophile:) She makes such a beautiful balconville:)
