Sunday, May 19, 2024

A long weekend here in QC..


 Still a lot of rain..Mother's day was sunny but I was away..Tradition..A weekend get away with my two daughters.So much much talking..I love how we all talk about real things and not just the weather.I can basically tell them anything.

About me.And listen..about them.

100 yrs ago..  my first manager..not first ever but first in my career..was a Godsend.She was so perfect for me.While having fled bullies as a pre-teen and early teen to my bedroom..she was my saving grace with what we called sharks in real estate.

When she passed her celebration of of her dear friends.. brought this cookie like spiral cake..I call it Eddie's almond roll.

I made it again slices more like a cookie not a cake..

La Recette

250 grams of cold butter
375 grams of flour
125 grams of sugar
1 packet of vanilla Sugar

Mix and mound all..make a well add an egg.. Mix again...
Let rest..Knead a bit ..roll out..Until you would almost see the Tupperware writing:)

(I always make this sugar crust/dough on my ancient Tupperware the recipe specifically said that..and I have had mine since the first years of my wedding..)Eddie had one too:)

In a seperate bowl mix
200 grams of ground almonds
100 grams of sugar
1 egg white
a dash of almond extract (I add much more..I am a big fan)
enough Rose water to make a paste..

Spread paste on dough..roll up..

Make slits.. brush with egg yolk.. I add coarse sugar .for a sprinkling of crisp sweetness.. I love how the crystals caramelize..the ones that fall on the parchment.
Bake at 375 degrees for ap 45 mins..
It makes a long roll and is such a nice treat with tea or coffee.
Cool slice and serve..small slivers are ideal..Wrap tightly..and keep..if you can.
I just felt like taking out the NEW Rose Water:)

The gardens change so very quickly here in May.

Plus we have had a few days of unreal weather..VERY Provence-like..So very much like it.Those glorious blue skies.. the fresh green..the Irises starting..In fact the LOTV are just beginning  to wane.

In a breath the new gardens ..slip out..

It was so mild..

That I..

Planted the dahlias I bought at Costco..yes I did.

I had bought from a local grower/and not her fault I am certain..but not lucky was I..

I bought a bag of Labyrinth..potted them up a few short days all had shoots!!

When I went back..They had Café Au lait..How could I resist? Since the first bag showed promise..

The bag jumped into my cart.

Same response potted up here:)

So after a couple of weeks..with this weather..I brought them out..and a few days later planted..The root system on all!! Oh my goodness..Only one is looking frail..but its hot and sunny so I am keeping my fingers crossed.

If I can overwinter the tubers..they will go where my garlic is this year..and the garlic will grow here.

My nasturtium seeds have sprouted:). A new variety and my old orange ones..

Cannot wait to see:)

I seeded marigolds..and cosmos and zinnias..All did well last yr.

Geraniums are planted..Wave petunias..and cascade mini ones..A tricolor sweet potato vine(2)..And 2 blueish annuals..Verbena Bonariensis:). ..And ones Derek grew...Ageratum..they may have too much sun where I planted them.

I hope they live by this adage..

Rosemary overwinters beautifully indoors ..that's back out..
I still need some herbs:) And two bicycle plants;)

Chives are great sage died last yr..during summer..a rare..fungus.Dill lol borage..reseeds..
I planted only 4 tomato plants.
Have new guinea impatiens as annuals too..
Potted geraniums on deck..
Looking rather good today:)

Here's to 2024 garden season.
May the flowers be with you:)


  1. Glory be! The growing season has finally arrived. Your pictures tell the story. Isn't it wonderful that most of us enjoy planting and tending living things?

    A girls' weekend away sounds so good. I look forward to that in a few years!

    When you said your mentor in real estate was a Godsend, I remembered some of the women who helped me along life's way. Yesterday, I thought about a dear, old neighbor who was like a mother to me when I was a newlywed. She taught me much about gardening. Your picture of LOTV reminded me of her. She had a field (no kidding!)of them on the east side of her home. Oh, that sweet fragrance....and sweet memories of a dear old friend.

    So hopeful for your dahlias to thrive. Please keep us posted. Happy growing, Monique!!

  2. I loved my mom after 19 so I appreciated every mentor..:) I hear you..LOTV are indestructible:)Glory be is right..In QC everything happens at once.Grateful for the snshine these past few days:) have a great week!

  3. How special to get away with your daughters and enjoy each other’s company.
    I wish I had that with my daughter. We are not close. We are so different. The cookie- cake looks lovely. Something different to try.
    Your gardens look so lovely. Good luck on future blooms.

    1. I love your honesty:) I love it.I am sorry you are not close.I am very different from my daughters too..This threesome works.I am lucky that there is no jealousy between my girls.That helps a LOT.I confide perhaps too much in them..but they are my confidantes.I wish I was a perfect mom like my mom was.I am only a goodie one shoe.She was a true goody two shoes.But not in a bad way.In a perfect way:)I am a bit lot.:)I am glad you have many many great friends.. a dear husband.. your son..your littles and great littles(Still unbelievable:))Tanks for the good wishes on the gardens:)

  4. Happy Belated Mother's Day. I think your trip tradition with your girls is the best gift for each of you. How special to have one on one girl time. I know they cherish these conversations and will keep them as special memories. I need to plant bulbs, but have been less than motivated. Why? I tell myself, "Just do it!" Ha! Ha!
    Weather here has been rainy, which we need. Now it is heating up once again, so I think summer is definitely pushing at the door. Happy May!

    1. It has been so hot.. like caliente :)Ive planted everything but need herbs and such.I hesitate o go buy the remaining things as my neighbour suggested we go to a new nursery..and I won't pester her:) A lot on her hands..So ill wait and see.She is something else:) A master gardener too!I have sown seeds and I am nurturing them:) Your gardens are always beautiful:):):):

  5. At first I thought it was a baguette and then I saw the sugar sprinkles ♥ What a wonderful recipe and just the type of cookie I would enjoy! I still have so much planting to do. Our garden helper said she would be able to work 3-4 hours tomorrow morning (fingers crossed it doesn't rain like it's doing now). I will have her weed, dig and mulch the areas in the garden when I need to plant my zinnias, lisianthus, border begonias, etc. Hopefully, in the afternoon I can plant, plant, plant! I love that you go away for a girls' weekend with C and M! Was this also the fun shopping trip you take with them? Yes fingers crossed for all of our plant endeavors this year and I look forward to seeing all the beautiful colors. You will love New Guinea Impatiens and they are so easy to propagate from stem cuttings! They need a lot of watering though. Your first manager sounds like such a lovely person. ♥♥♥

    1. I tried propagating my new guineas and sadly they did not behave like they do for you:) They are 5.00 a pop here I bought 4 for the baby pond area.The baskets are 20.00 I got three and one is struggling:(. I fear overwatered.But I am patient and I am starving it..Yes its our yearly shopping in the US of A trip:). All the fun little places we do not have.I like our hotel..always the same..Panera lunch and dinner out.. In Fl we discovered..J and I..Aldi..I LOVE their creamer for additives etc..Hazelnut..and I love their decadent honey greek yogurt..That's
      all I buy there.We laugh..a lot:) Caro had to be at the airport the next morning for 6 AM.. off to NYC for business..Oh to be young again.That would have killed me;)HAPPY PLANTING..My wee Iris are beautiful as well as my Van Gogh precious tea pot:) TY.

    2. I'll DM you my method of rooting NG Impatiens. You can do it! I see a trip to Aldi in my near future!! I want the creamer and yogurt you mentioned! . During the holidays they sell wonderful high end crackers for charcuterie also. Poor Caro, hope she was able to sleep on the plane. We had be at the airport at 5 am when we flew to Georgia. Awful. Your are so welcome. I love our years of sharing. ♥

    3. Mee too. ..The Creamer is called...Delightfully Pure..hazelnut..And the yogurt Indulgent Greek honey..calorific but good:)No Aldi here but one in Massena NY a little over 1 hr:)xox

  6. I'm so glad to see and hear that your gardens are well on their way. All so pretty. I am not doing much this year. I'll be having a knee replacement in July so I am not planting tons of my usual pots that I may not be able to care for. And between helping me and caring for the dog, I don't want to leave much else for Larry to have to look after.

    1. Oh you will feel like a million bucks after:) I have aquaintances that have had knee replacements and they are thrilled with the outcome A..And I don't blame you for doing less..:)

  7. Your getaway with your daughters sounds so special, I know you enjoyed your time with them. Your garden sounds lovely. I planted my first peony and it is doing beautifully. If it does well I’ll plant several more later.
    Hope you enjoy the week….

    1. I hope you enjoy your week also:) And Peonies are the showgirls in a garden..fleeting but Glorious..much luck to you:)

  8. You have ALWAYS been so uplifting towards me.
    It's funny how just one pat on the back can color a day with pastels:) Thank you!

  9. May we have a wonderful growing season, everything is so lush and perfect right now. I recently bought some rose water, and I might try the spiral cake :-)

  10. May is such a busy month in the garden. I might have to buy some dahlias, I planted some a few weeks ago but there is no sign of them, I fear they have rotted. Time spent with daughters is precious.

    1. That's what mine did when I tried one time and the other time they bloomed too close to frost.I am really hoping for these:) Happy gardening!

  11. I'm so glad you could do your annual trip with your daughters. That had to be loads of fun. And the garden is looking wonderful. Our LOTV are done too -- alas. Early this year. And the allium have gone to seed. Today we go plant flowers at the cemetery but all my others are in pots. I do have some seeds I need to get in tomorrow, though. Zinnias and cosmos. It might be too late but I'll give it a go. And I am crushing on your butter dish. It's beautiful!

    1. I don't think you are too early! Too late is worse..Bon jardinage!
