Wednesday, May 1, 2024

...Tiny Treasures..


So..since I painted this so dear to my art watercolor gleaned from a photo my daughter took of me  and Lucas..ap 15 yrs ago..I corrected my right arm:) It's uncanny what the scanner picks up..all to say it's all better a clip frame beside the original pic in the sunroom.

I remember as if yesterday. It felt like heaven. 

It has been an unusually cold ..wet ,dark Spring..slowly things are peeking up..but ever so slowly.

I am so cold:(

My poor little Cicely Mary Baker fairies have seen better times..missing arms..legs even one headless one..paint off..cleaned in fall and put into hibernation..still like our birdhouses..falling into decrepit states.

A while ago..Marie ..

Posted and a little bracelet caught my eye..the bracelet was ok price wise..perhaps 17.00 at the time..but shipping 23.00..I thought this cannot be lol.I send boxes to the US..well one in particular for that.. but a weightless bracelet? So I texted and asked if it was an error.Unfortunately no  reply.

So I thought..let me try's far from what I was looking at..but I will keep practicing.

In the of Jacques' very favorite desserts are date squares and I don't blame him.

These are the best.. and Anne Lindsay herself dubbed them that.I have made many recipes..this one is always tops.

Anne Lindsay was a hero of mine..I must have 4 of her books and I have kept them.

This goes back..a long I am 70 now..
She was a mentor.
I loved having mom..Since I was 19...So I relied on mentors..In the garden..In the kitchen..At work..

Oh a side note.I bought dahlia tubers at Costco on two occasions..starting them indoors.. We shall see;)

Happy May first.
Take care.


  1. Thanks for the date square recipe. My store just stopped carrying the good ones, and opted to do a terrible, dry gluten free version, so I'm looking forward now to making my own. Happy May!

    1. I know you will enjoy these.She was an icon here:)

  2. Hi Monique, Our April showers have given us many beautiful blooming trees and early flowers.The garden centers are fully stocked and I can hardly pass by without wanting to stop and buy for Balconville. Too early! Take care.

    1. Yes too early for me..sooo many showers..sooo many and thundering.. and lightning..fierce..You must be you know what soon:):):

  3. Oh, good luck with the Dahlia tubers. I have tried so many times. No more!
    I hope your weather improves quickly. It's May, so warm up and tons of new growth are a breat away. I promise.

    1. Thanks A:) Not sure if I will dig these up and keep..but so far in the house in pots too I had given up..amazing how these were packaged..if I do save some..IF..I will repack exactly..

  4. Thanks for sharing the date recipe. The bracelet is so fun, difficult to believe the shipping is that much. Love your painting, so very sweet. Good luck with the dahlia tubers. They are so beautiful. Happy May.

    1. I had given up..but trying again..I saw a variety I loved..and then another so why not try again:) I know..and the sorry not sorry part was the seller never answered....

  5. Monique, your little bracelet reminds me of the Lolly Bracelets that my friend Janice makes with her precious grandchild. What a fun new hobby. Your bracelet is charming, and much more meaningful because you created it! Cold and dark here this morning with heavy thunderstorms last night and obviously in the area today. We need the rain, but storms make me nervous. Expecting my sister for a visit, so eager for her to arrive. As I read your post, my eyes glance over to the sidebar. The photo of you and J with the boys ~ absolutely the best. They dwarf you and J, so handsome and grownup! Happy May, my friend! May sunshine soon brighten your days.

    1. I bet your visit will be heartwarming and fun:) I love your Lolly bracelet..the one I saw..Vday I think..Loved it.We had thunder also.. and loads of rain.Sarah..the boys have grown since that photo last summer:) J and I have not:)Have fun!!

  6. First of all, you did a splendid job on the bracelet.It's lovely! And that watercolor is so precious. I love it beyond words. I'm saving the date bar recipe. It looks fabulous and the crumble would be a good one for any kind of crumbly dish! I love your early spring blooms. I think we are on the way now, even though it's still rather cool. But getting there! My neighbor grows beautiful dahlias. I get to enjoy them without the work!

    1. Lucky duck:). My two immediate neighbours are gardeners also..One now gets her husband its a lot..And my other may one day move..That's the thing about getting older.. things become too much..It's the cycle of life..You won't regret the date bars:) J's faves.. amongst other things..
      I am ready for a warm up..Still chilly here..:(

  7. Absolutely love that painting of you and Lucas. What a treasure! And the bracelet is fun and looks very well made. My daughter used to make jewelry (but that's on hold until her littles are older), and I always enjoyed seeing what she'd come up with. Such a great creative outlet.
    Oh my, those date bars look delicious. I must buy some dates and try your recipe. When I was young, growing up on the farm in central Minnesota, everyone baked bars of all sorts, because they were faster to finish than cookies. The Scandinavian influence was pro coffee and desserts and we fit right in, lol. I remember those date nut bars. They also made little round date-filled butter cookies. They were good, too.

    It's always a treat to see your pictures and hear about what you're doing. Have a wonderful week, Monique!

    1. Pam you too:). I am partial to that painting also because of the feelings associated with it.I was but I didn't care..It's like when we had sleepovers.. I didn't care if I stayed wide awake with them beside me:) I felt like the luckiest girl to have these treasures..I said in my heart I can stand anything for these moments:)
      You had a lovely childhood Pam:)Oh I don't think that bracelet is well made;) But I will try again.
      Take care:)

  8. You did a great job with the bracelet! So cute. And the date bars...saving the recipe and thank you for sharing it. The orange rind and juice must be the special ingredient that makes them the best! I love that painting of you and Lucas and I remember the photo. ♥ We've had some really nice weather since we've been back from Georgia, but windy! Things have come and gone here already, might still post some of the photos but I had birthday and art museums pics to post first :) I love your little garden fairies...aging as we are also, LOL. I hope you have better luck with the dahlias this year. I've read that the soil temperature should be 50 or above before you put them in the ground. Air temp, continuously above 50F at night. Too much water will cause them to rot. Fingers crossed!

    1. I saved the recipe and found out I already had it :) ♥

    2. I don't know where my yesterday's comment went...Don't you find its windier every yr? We found the same in Fl as here..I wasn't sure I had shared this one before..So good:) The coffee is imperceptible ..but makes it so good.Here's to our gardens:)

  9. I’m excited about your dahlia tubers. I hope they do well. I also hope you’ll report on them. I love Dahlias, but I have never been able to grow them.

    1. That have all sprouted indoors:) I am hopeful:) I can't believe how much better they ae than ones I bought from a grower:( Not sure I will dig up and store but I might:)

  10. Love ❤️ yr watercolor figures 👍 Parisbreakfast

  11. Just a quick, quiet moment before Second Cup to tell you Thank You for all the joy of your words and pictures and photos, and for sharing your own Joy at the small things, the gracious things, the little touches that keep us zipped and snapped and bring a twinkle or a happy tear. Sharing from your Brimming Cup of curiosity, talent and sheer Good Will is a daily treat, and I wish you a fabulous Mothers' Day with your Lovies. God Bless everyone you love, and everyone who loves you.

    1. Rachel.You just brought a tear to my eye.
      How gracious of you in your thanks and good wishes.
      Thank you...So much.
      I am wishing those same things back to you.

  12. The bracelet is so fun, love bracelets like that. Love your painting, so very sweet. My local dahlia grower texted me the day before Mother's Day and said I should plant the dahlia tubers so now we wait and hope. Hope you had a nice weekend in NY.

    1. I started mine indoors so I will get them used to outside:) Ive dug holes:) Cutting down on tomatoes and I did not start indoors.Bought plants:)

    2. I only plant Celebrity tomato plants in my Earthboxes. The rest of the tomatoes I get from the farm where I have a membership.

    3. I might try fabric things..containers..for the tomatoes..then I can move the bags where I pull the garlic out..
