Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Football,Dahlias and a great little cake.


I can honestly say there are bouquets to be picked every day.. A love affair..

I have said that should my tubers not survive.I can only hope Costco carries Tasc tubers next yr.I'll buy more.

We went to Max's first football game..where he is in residence.

Number 9 he is..

My husband had checked the weather and rain was in the forecast.We hopped in with our daughter..

She had not seen the forecast:(

She is so funny..always so cute so on point clothing etc.. she had brought a raincoat thank goodness..

But the rain..was TORRENTIAL.Rained all the time we were there but mostly TORRENTIAL.

Our clothes were sopping wet and weighed a ton.My husband's wallet..and money and cards even..:(

We had chills.. See my daughter's foot..that's the umbrella in front of her dripping on her foot.

I mean we laughed a lot.. but inclement weather ..wow.

Boys played well and won.

Our other grandson was playing that night ..but in Mtl..not anywhere near here nor our home..so we had to skip that one.

Because the boys are older..all games start at 7.30 PM now..except a select few..Close to our home..we are ok..but that is Oli's team:( 

And as we know..he is out.

So first game ..lol..taught us..that torrential may not be for us;)

As initiation..  all the boys on Max's team had to shave their head.. and two strips of eyebrows..Oh lala his beautiful hair..

I for one miss it.

I made another little marbré cake.. I just have Marbré de Karine on the copy I have..

I just love my Pullman loaf pan..a gift from L-A and J..Paris.. E.Dehillerin. 3 1/2 x 3x 7 .

Every little loaf is perfection.

On this loaf though I added a simple syrup of water,sugar and rhum on top when I took it out of the oven..

I make a few of these cakes some simple some middle some more steps..for a simple one..this won is very very very good.

They are Provence to me.Back in our pied-à-terre there on all 3 occasions.. I would buy the bag of Bonne Maman petits marbrés to have ..So many things I love..because of Provence.

La recette

3 eggs

180 grams sugar

1 tbsp vanilla (I used vanilla sugar and vanilla paste)

100 grams of crème fraiche..I used sour cream CF is near impossible to find here

160 grams flour

1/2 packet of baking powder which is about 5 .5 grams

60 grams melted butter

14 grams unsweetened cocoa powder.

In a bowl mix all ings except cocoa..divide in two..to second one add coocoa powder and mix..I added some milk to moisten more slightly

I then put each batter in 2 sep piping bags and piped each alternatively in my pullman pan.

Swirled with a knife..

Baked at 340 F for 40 -45 mins.

Toothpick should come out clean.

I used the simple syrup.

One thing I learned from another of my recipes,if you wrap tightly with cling wrap..it will stay moist longer..

I'll post other marbrés in the future..

I bought  tulip bulbs.. exactly these 50..Tasc..I won't mind planting all those...Nor my garlic..

Just not Truly anticipating with glee fall garden clean up.

It's the neverending onslaught of leaves and tarps filled with 

everything we have grown that we chop off..

Gluttons for punishment.

Just ask The Goddess of Oy..