Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Still summer...


As you can see I love these little cakes..I found this one on IG Mine did not rise as much but I did not put the strip of butter on top..

You can find the recpe in English..HERE

I used coffee cream she used full fat 35%
I forgot to line a strip of butter on top..:)
Very vanilla very good.
I added a simple syrup on top with some rhum.Rhum and vanilla go hand in hand:)

I made cookies that I brought to my daughter's..look how cute to wrap individually.. here.

I was fascinated with these cookies.. On IG.. and I had fun making them,she used 00 flour..I had none left and used AP flour I feel it may have made my cookies crunchier I will try again with 00 next time I pick some up..
You can find the recipe here and it is translated..by ladfoodie:)

Summer is holding on so tightly.. the last 10 days really mucho caliente..no rain and none in the forecast.Beating records.. 
Some trees starting..but not fall yet.. Marigods zinnias and dahlias blooming their heads off.
We celebrated Oli's 15 th birthday ..
He's so easy..easy as a Sunday morning .:)A beautiful Sunday morning.

Still painting..and telling my little stories:)

Take care..

And PS to the anonymous person who insists on thinking he or she is so smart and funny with their critical comments.I will keep deleting you.
As Oli would say: What's the point?
My mother taught me if you have nothing nice to say..shut up..Lol she didn't put it that way but I am..and I can voice it even more disparagingly;)
So move on..throw your silly  you think they are funny darts elsewhere,as I check my blog and your sarcasm will not be found. 

You are my first derogatory person here..IN YEARS and years.
I knew bullies in my youth..and even at work..
So easy to delete you here;)
And not all anonymous people are cantakerous..just you.You know who you are.


  1. Interesting the addition of yeast. Looks yum as does your post .... always x

    1. Its really baking powder:)Pretty sure.. because levure can be both usually levure chimique is BP..But I can't see east working in this:)

    2. Thank you! I will now give it a go. Love plain little cakes.

  2. Dangerous cake but Dalias cause no harm 👍 Parisbreakfast

    1. Little slivers are not bad at all:). Listen..I am what I am lol..a bakerand a baked good lasts forever here.:) Everything we eat is home made..no processed foods.. etc..so what can I say:) Look away..lol Carol.Never buy a dessert..never eat out.

  3. You create such beautiful baked goods! I'm keeping that idea for folding the napkins around cookies--would make darling gifts, as would the small pound cakes. I don't know the name of the stunning dahlia, all pink and coral and creamy, but I would name it "sunset." We are struggling with heat and drought right now. The lawns are brown but my zinnias and the lonely tomato plant out back just keep on chugging along. It sure does pay to plant the survivors! Always love to see your Paris people. Enjoy your week, Monique, and thank you for sharing here with us!

    1. Thank you:). Lol people like the anonymous comment I deleted are making me rethink this whole thing.lol..She is called Labyrinth and boy can the colors vary..1/3 are this color..s..and the others..mauve and white:)Terribly dry and hot here also..But Ill take it.. I can just imagine when I put the gardens to bed..I shall freeze..;)

  4. Monique, Who could hold a candle to your baking!!! Too bad I can only see it, not taste it.Summer is hanging on here also with temps in the high 80's and no rain. I have had to discard a couple of plants from Balconville but I keep watering the rest. I am getting my money's worth this year. My health has taken a turn in the road so there will be some new treatments. I wish I could get off this merry go round. My 9 year old grandson had his tonsils removed yesterday and he was proudly going around saying "my ga and I are surgery buddies"! I am blessed to have two wonderful children and those grandson!!!! Take care

    1. Blessed indeed:) Oh I want you off that merry-go-round too:( Jump off..go right ahead..and to whoever is taking care of you may wisdom be placed in his or her hands and may you be well forever.Take care..Thinking of you..

  5. You and your fabulous baking. I love that you share your finds here. The cookies packed individually are darling. Those other cookies are so pretty and original. Lucky you, getting to enjoy the last bite of summer with your beautiful blooms. Sorry a poster is leaving sarcastic remarks. They must be miserable in their own life.

    1. Oh they are just short and cutting:) LOL..I live for kind..Had enough unkind 10-15 ..So I talk back now.;););)Thank you:) You're not a bully:)

  6. People are crazy. Your mean anonymous commentor must be an unhappy individual. I’m glad you are able to delete.

    1. BTW, Having some issues with IG again. Missing your paintings. And these flowers are so lovely.

  7. Monique, I don't know how I missed the info about the anonymous negative person. I was looking back at your post and saw your last comments. I truly don't understand why our world has shifted and so many people think it's okay to pour out their you-know-what on others (I'm trying to stay civil, but it really burns me up!). I've said it many times before, you create beauty, then you are kind enough to share it with all of us. A heartfelt thank you. I am very sorry for the frustration this has caused you.

  8. Oh I cannot believe anyone would post mean comments on your beautiful posts!

    Well, I guess I can because there are sad, lonely people with nothing better to do. I'm so glad you're able to let it roll away.

    The cake looks so very good! I went to the garden center for the first time in two years this past week! I bought some sweet violas for my winter containers. I'm far enough south to keep them blooming most of the winter. With building our house, I haven't had time or money for gardens but I'm making plans for spring & doing a little bit this fall.

  9. Monique, beauty as always! You make me want to make cookies, but we both know I won't. I was the baker (except for the bread), but I rarely bake now. Perhaps for fall I will be in the mood. Just too hot to heat up the kitchen, but mostly no motivation.
    I can't imagine someone being critical of you! Glad you are deleting and taking control. Keep painting and telling your little stories. I still want you to make them into a book. I would buy a set. By now you have enough for a series.
