Wednesday, September 25, 2024

...Fall on my footsteps.


It is soup season again..I make stock when I have chicken and soups..some stock I reserve for J's risottos..s good.
So this carrot soup is a staple here..

La Recette

I small onion chopped
2 cloves of garlic chopped
4 large carrots cut in equal slices and peeled

Sauté all this in one TBSP butter and one TBSP olive oli

At this point you can add  some grated ginger 
Cover your sautéed veggies with stock..just above that level.
Simmer until everything is soft.
I use an immersion blender and blend and blend.
Smooth smooth smooth
Season with salt and pepper
A dash of hot sauce
About one tbsp maple syrup.
Taste Taste taste. If it's bland..enhance:)Never eat something that is not very good.
unless you have to lol
You can add some cream or milk .
Honestly it needs very little of either but I do soften with some 10% cream.Again,very little.

So easy.
If you want to jujje a carrot soup up a bit..this is my fancy fave.

Carrot Ginger soup with coconut shrimp.
A favored one by my family.

Don't underestimate flower frogs for whimsical cosmos bouquet
or any other:)

I saw a cute photo of Max with his girlfriend after a game taken by someone in her family..
Immortalized now with a little watercolor.
Young love:)

PS I made these banana choco chip good..
I added a splash  of oil..and sugar in the raw crusted top.
Here you go...You can find the recipe here
Just read the comments:)

My dahlias are still so very very plentiful and beautiful.

My bok choy from Susan
Is beautiful.. Like dahlia blooms under organza hats I have finally been able to grow Bok Choy..under a tunnel.A mesh hooped tunnel my friend bought me at Dollarama (Nothing is 1 dollar).
I have started harvesting it for  inclusion in recipes.. and just sautéed with roasted sesame oil and garlic.

The leaves are starting to change.I did put the gardens that house the small mini pond to bed as our maples drop a boatload of leaves and I can't blow them out with all the ground cover.So..I nearly shaved that garden and even shaved all the ground cover..time will tell.

In doing that I see all the things that should not be there..too hard to shovel prune..A painted fern that grew to gargantuan size was murder to take out.

4 tarps full of cuttings and hydrangeas..

Spring and Fall..
All the work.

PS Anonymous  dug in deep again.I am leaving her comment here for all to see..subsequent ones will be removed. I can't keep up a ridiculous diatribe.


  1. Your scoop is very similar to mine. I eat it every dinner. It’s great. Lots of hugs

  2. ...Fall on my footsteps--I like that. It's sure happening quickly, now. Every day there are more and more signs of the change of season. The rains we've had in the past week (and more on the way from Hurricane Helene), have greened everything up, but we know it won't last, as we near October. Those cosmos are lovely. I've always loved their look--feather light and such gorgeous colors. Just one look at those muffins, and I was getting ready to go into the kitchen and try a batch. Doggone it. I'm out of sour cream and Greek yogurt. I guess those ripe bananas on my counter will get baked into something else (or tossed in the freezer). Young love--you captured it beautifully, Monique. Such a gift you have.

    I won't even remind you not to work too hard. The cooler days make it a pleasure to be outside, and I keep reading that all this gardening is good for us...time will tell, lol.

    1. Pam I keep reading it's good for us too..Not sure re my articulations;) I did do a hard garden day the day before we have had rain 2 days.Its so much easier to bake:) You will not regret those muffins.They are just perfect...My husband said to me I don't know when to stop when I get a garden chore in my head.He is right.I am wrong.STOP.I must..It all happens faster than me..Have a good weekend and week:)

  3. That soup sounds so yummy and easy. The food in this retirement center is becoming very boring. I have always loved cosmos but then I can't think of too many plants I don't enjoy. Sweet water color of your grown up little with girlfriend. Even though we share so much my oldest does not talk about girls yet. The younger one who just had his tonsils out received a get well card from his "girl friend" sealed with a bandaid with a drawn heart on it. Take care

    1. Oh my gosh sealed with a kiss bandaid how cute is that? Our eldest doesn't talk about it either.But Max is wide open.It's great that they are both athletes..I love that.That soup is so good and can keep in fridge a few days:) Take care Ga...

  4. OH my! That painting of Max and his girlfriend is exquisite. I love it, so touching. And I have saved the soup recipe. I'm imagining it with chunks of Rick's baguettes! Yum. I never would have thought of a flower frog for cosmos -- that looks just delightful! Happy rest-of-the-week!

    1. Thank YOU..I wasn't sure but his mom..his girlfriend and he liked it so I posted it:) After she saw it.It rained that last two days practicing baguettes..:) I can't keep practicingas they go in the freezer we dont eat it fast enough.But bread IS the staff of life to me having resisted most of my life:)

  5. Yes, it’s almost soup season. Thanks for sharing the fabulous soup recipe. You captured love love ❤️ perfectly. Happy fall.

  6. Banana muffins look great, chocolate and banana is always a winning combination for deserts. Banana cakes, breads, muffins are a great way to use up aging fruit and stay moist. The watercolor painting of the couple kissing is creative, however won't be nice if there is an unwanted pregnancy somewhere down the line.

    1. There you go again..Ms Anonymous with always a dig.Hope everyone sees this.And what IF? It would be handled well.Only lovely people in my family.And who says they aren't just kissing? LOL I think I will leave you here for comic relief because you deserve it.

    2. Anonymous, why such a ridiculous comment? It wasn't neccessary. The painting depicts a sweet moment in time.

  7. Un petit mot doux pour débarrasser votre bouche de l'amertume de cette pauvre âme. Je monte à l'étage pour préparer cette soupe aux carottes cette minute !!

  8. M, I grew Cosmos from seed. One grew taller than me. Not a single flower!

    1. Mine were so late blooming..they did much better in a big big pot last yr than direct sown..
