Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Football,Dahlias and a great little cake.


I can honestly say there are bouquets to be picked every day.. A love affair..

I have said that should my tubers not survive.I can only hope Costco carries Tasc tubers next yr.I'll buy more.

We went to Max's first football game..where he is in residence.

Number 9 he is..

My husband had checked the weather and rain was in the forecast.We hopped in with our daughter..

She had not seen the forecast:(

She is so funny..always so cute so on point clothing etc.. she had brought a raincoat thank goodness..

But the rain..was TORRENTIAL.Rained all the time we were there but mostly TORRENTIAL.

Our clothes were sopping wet and weighed a ton.My husband's wallet..and money and cards even..:(

We had chills.. See my daughter's foot..that's the umbrella in front of her dripping on her foot.

I mean we laughed a lot.. but inclement weather ..wow.

Boys played well and won.

Our other grandson was playing that night ..but in Mtl..not anywhere near here nor our home..so we had to skip that one.

Because the boys are older..all games start at 7.30 PM now..except a select few..Close to our home..we are ok..but that is Oli's team:( 

And as we know..he is out.

So first game ..lol..taught us..that torrential may not be for us;)

As initiation..  all the boys on Max's team had to shave their head.. and two strips of eyebrows..Oh lala his beautiful hair..

I for one miss it.

I made another little marbré cake.. I just have Marbré de Karine on the copy I have..

I just love my Pullman loaf pan..a gift from L-A and J..Paris.. E.Dehillerin. 3 1/2 x 3x 7 .

Every little loaf is perfection.

On this loaf though I added a simple syrup of water,sugar and rhum on top when I took it out of the oven..

I make a few of these cakes some simple some middle some more steps..for a simple one..this won is very very very good.

They are Provence to me.Back in our pied-à-terre there on all 3 occasions.. I would buy the bag of Bonne Maman petits marbrés to have ..So many things I love..because of Provence.

La recette

3 eggs

180 grams sugar

1 tbsp vanilla (I used vanilla sugar and vanilla paste)

100 grams of crème fraiche..I used sour cream CF is near impossible to find here

160 grams flour

1/2 packet of baking powder which is about 5 .5 grams

60 grams melted butter

14 grams unsweetened cocoa powder.

In a bowl mix all ings except cocoa..divide in two..to second one add coocoa powder and mix..I added some milk to moisten more slightly

I then put each batter in 2 sep piping bags and piped each alternatively in my pullman pan.

Swirled with a knife..

Baked at 340 F for 40 -45 mins.

Toothpick should come out clean.

I used the simple syrup.

One thing I learned from another of my recipes,if you wrap tightly with cling wrap..it will stay moist longer..

I'll post other marbrés in the future..

I bought  tulip bulbs.. exactly these 50..Tasc..I won't mind planting all those...Nor my garlic..

Just not Truly anticipating with glee fall garden clean up.

It's the neverending onslaught of leaves and tarps filled with 

everything we have grown that we chop off..

Gluttons for punishment.

Just ask The Goddess of Oy..


  1. Hi Monique, Your Dahlias are to die for!! What month does one plant the tubers? I know that I have seen dahlia tubers at Costco and some point, but I can't remember if it was spring or fall. I'm going to try your marble cake too. Looks delicious!

    1. Hi Kathy..Costco had the dahlia tubers very early Spring..I bought one bag.. and started INDOORS..in pots..there were 5 or 6 to a bag.When I saw how healthy the tuners were.. I bought another bag.Started those indoors also..It was exciting to see sprouts on all..After our last frost date here..I planted them outside directly in the earth.I did put stakes at the same time..but I see I will need much taller stakes as some are. over 10 ft.I planted them all together in a sunny sunny spot.And as soon as the flower buds started..I put organza bags.I also added diatomaceous earth.I have earwigs here..It sounds like a lot of work but for the rewards..it really isn't.I hope this helps.

    2. Thank so much! I'm going to mark my calendar to start looking in March (New York).

  2. It's a joy to look at all the beautiful photos on your blog. I love the flowers in your sterling coffee set! Such a great idea!! The cake/bread looks delicious too. Enjoy all you bulbs!

  3. Hi Monique, Is it "fashionable" to use tarnished silver now. I see that look around a lot. I will have to take mine out as it is all tarnished! You are a devoted grandmother. I would never make it through a game with weather like that. An experience to remember. Your dahlias are beautiful. I have never grown them and unless they can be planted in containers it's too late for me.
    Have a good week.🏈☔️🌺

    1. I see dahlias sold in containers..so I am certain you can:) Try one.. stake it and watch it grow:) I really think you can.The rain was an experience..LOL

    2. Stainless steel is better than silver, always fashionable and a good buy at the Dollar Tree.

    3. Lol..I have had these for 70 yrs..in my life..they were my mom's... total sentimental value..Dollarama (Canada) Dollar Tree.. they don't come with memories.

  4. Goddess of Oy—-That is hilarious M
    I give you credit for 1. Going to FB games and 2. extra credit for sitting through it in horrible rain.
    I’ve started my clean up. Baby steps for now. Just removing the supper ugly stuff. AND all my cosmos that grew nice and tall but failed to bloom. What’s up with that? No more Dollar Store seeds!

    1. Funny..but not..last yr my cosmos were so great I saved the seeds..Well they have just grown so tall and leggy and break at earth point:( Small blooms..I think I will start ripping out the uglies too A.. So maybe cosmos prefer new seed every yr.. Also mine were in a pot last yr..? Marigold seeds however..Wonderful..Ya just never know..?Thanks for the push:)Glad you can get out..you heal so well!

  5. Your dahlias are gorgeous. They look so beautiful in your silver teapot. Kudos to you for attending the football game in pouring rain. That’s dedication. The cake looks delicious, I shall make it. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I think it's our last rain game;). But thank you..and the cake is jut right..not too sweet..and moist:) Have a good week Linda.

  6. Oh, you do know how to style photos! That dahlia and silver. Sigh. I remember going to Kevin's games in all sorts of weather. Not fun. But you go and make the best of it. I have not heard the term marbre. Or Bonne Maman marbres. What are they and what do they look like? Finally -- LOVE the Goddess of Oy!

    1. Bonne maman petits marbrés look like these but small ..individually wrapped in their iconic part gingham bag..we would grocery shop locally and you know the BM aisle was a whole aisle.. and packed..yogurts same..all so beautiful and different.Ill send you a photo.. when we would return home..we rarely wanted a big dinner as lunch was our main meal..so a bit of baguette..olives..cheese..and a small sweet..these hit the spot..:)Have a good week Jeanie..looking forward to your trip and pics:)

  7. Oh, torrential rain! I got caught walking in NYC once. I have never been so wet. Every inch! The rain would roll off the umbrella down my back. A sight to behold for sure. Your photos are fab as always! Those tulips!!! Why did they have to shave their heads?

    1. Yes rain rolls right down your back..Honestly J's wallet was wet with contents..IN his pocket..Our clothes weighed so much..Initiation..:(The eyebrows and hair.. two slits in eyebrows..Imagine.I would quit football lol;)

  8. I was up late yesterday and happened on an old film about football in Texas with Billy Bob Thornton. All about the camaderie, unfortunately the injuries as well. Couldn't stop thinking of your boys ! Here's to the season. Lovely little cake ❤️

    1. I watched Friday Night Lights too..Both..I know the injuries:(. Once I had to leave a game in tears:( One of my Littles on his back..I am not made for tough sports.I love their courage and dedication..I really do..and yes that camaraderie..is like none other.But Im a nana.A sensitive.

  9. OHHHH, Those clotted-cream DAHLIAS against the antiquity of the silver!! The deluge, your intensity of devotion, shining pates and half-brows and then I said MARBRE' before your words could catch up to tell me. We had the most delectable marble-cake for our birthdays this week---a mere, not-specially-ordered, but placed on the front porch table by a courier---whipped-frosting from KROGER, which has been our go-to for birthdays for several years. Even one year when Leah "made" granddaughter's Harree Potter cake, round layers with pink frosting, misspellings and creases from Hagrid's mighty hand, she ordered the marble layers and a two pound tub of their "whipped" to tint and spread at home because the family is so partial to that oeuvre.

    This one was the most moistest, creamy pudding-ey cake, so soft and not crumbly, but with what a friend once called a "rainy-day baker's cupboard crumb," so apt to both your and our circumstances.

    And now, half-dressed for Cat Food, Cranberry, Clorox and whatever not-c's on the list, I'm delaying going out for provisions by staring into those pink tulips as if they're Gandalf's Gazing Ball. I'm going to capture and print that one---maybe frame it, even, with all the pink pretties we've idled our days clipping and framing and Amazoning for the ever-disappearing walls behind them. My birthday gifts included pink hot-potter trivets, a pink rug for beside my bed, and a big box of Black-and-Whites from New York City.

    Applauding your kitchen prowess, your garden genius, your Grandmother Devotion---and envying every one in a gentle, supportive non-jealous way---I try to save Jealous for your paintings. Brava!!

    1. Awww..Rachel..some people come into our lives for reasons unknown..Your lovely poetic words always fill ME with awe.So inspiring how you think of past memories..analogies..etc.Thank YOU.A very happy belated BIRTHDAY! And many many more to come:)

  10. As I read about you all sitting in the pouring rain to watch Max's game, I couldn't help but think about how strong the bond of love is for our families. Most of us parents and grandparents would walk over hot coals for our kids and grands (walking over hot coals might have felt pretty good after the soaking you all had!). That kind of commitment changes young people. Your boys will never forget that you were always there for them.

    Oh Monique, I think it's wonderful that you're already thinking about next spring's tulips. That's the spirit!!

    Thank you for the beautiful photos and the recipe. It sure sounds good!

    1. I'm not sure they will remember..I didn't have grandparents..but I remember very little of my youth and parents and family:( They died when I was 19.. so about Lucas' age..My brothers had left home..I wonder what age we remember a lot?It's been yrs we have been going to football..so maybe they will:) This was something lol..Thank you. And yes we would do anything for them.They are not needy though..they have such formidable parents:). I couldn't resist the tulips;);). Have a great week!

  11. Beautiful blossoms, as always. Do you ever use the Pullman lids when baking bread?

  12. I hope the rest of the games will be drier, I have been soaked to the skin. It will be interesting to see if the all players hair grows back at the same speed lol.

    1. Max has done this before..I just never get used to it.I think he's got a great head of hair:) Too wet for us we have decided:)

  13. The Goddess of Oy. That angel cracks me up. Hair grows, and is a part of the fun of his first year in Uni I guess! There are worse hazing practices I think! That rain, oh my. How dreadful! I bet you could not wait for the game to be over. You are a star to have put up with it, lol That is called LOVE. Your flowers as always stellar. That loaf. Oh my, it looks right up my alley. Bookmarking this one. We love a good marble cake in my family. The best of both worlds! Hope the rest of the football games are much dryer and that Oli heals well. Also that the fall cleanup is not overly taxing!! xoxo

    1. It will be taxing:) But Ill get through it..My heart is with Oli right now..You get it:)

  14. I'm no late to the party! I forget to open my blog's email for days at a time. And there you were. OY for me too! Oh my gosh, that rain! I don't think I could have lasted the entire game. I hope the temperature was warm at least. You are troopers and I'm glad they won! The temps here have been unbelievable! So warm and beautiful, but dry, dry, dry. I've had to drag hoses to the gardens to keep them from drying out. I love your bouquets and the flower picking is so much fun at this time of year. I Googled Tasc dahlias and their farm is in Ontario so I doubt I will find them here. I saw one of their other retail partners is Canadian Tire. Oh my, your marble cake looks sooooo delicious! ♥♥♥

  15. We were freezing..Butfor at least one week here so hot even in 100s on back deck this week and dry.Im hanging on..Ithink I could toss a few pots..2..at least.I should probably start cutting the gardens back in this glorious weather but in all honesty it’s too hot and I know it will all be over one day..Andat least one more week here of summertime..Vive l’été!

    1. I can't imagine wet and cold! You deserved best Nana and Papa awards! ♥ I was going to toss 2 pots, then I saw a local garden center add for mums and winter pansies so I prettied up my containers. Pulled out the petunias and other annuals that had seen better days and added the pansies and mums. They will look great until the first hard frost. Then, I won't mind garden clean up. My J and I golfed today :) Our week ahead looks like summer all the way to the first day of fall. Not complaining one bit. Vive l'ete, encore!
