Tuesday, June 18, 2024

...Charismatic personality pots:)


My neighbour asked me if I wanted rhubarb:) It just doesn't grow for me..:( I said yes of course..

Because Jacques loves it.

I made a small batch rhubarb jam..gleaned from here ..

So nice of her..

The next day..I decided to try and recreate the delicious muffins we had in Maine..

Let me tell you..I find..that.... for me:) If I come back from somewhere with an idea..a taste.. a little je ne sais quoi..that lingers..it's a win win for that place.

This place had the BEST CC cookies.. 

And the BEST breakfast muffins..

So I tried to recreate the apple ones..and decided to throw caution to the wind and make rhubarb ones also.

Yrs ago..one of my daughters gave me Frida.. then one day I spotted the cutie ..that I plopped a string of turtles in..

Funnily enough..The Kiss was from a nursery here years ago..She is heavy..When I bought the type of jade..it was minute.One little branch...The girl said..this will never grow in the KISS..Lol look.

Never is a huge word.

Never say never

The first pot and plant came almost idem..I have watered it once and it grew twice lol.

I had gone grocery shopping for a get together at my daughter's home..and found this planter and pot..and bought it for her..as her hostess gift..

I came home and regretted not adding to my family lol..

Back to the store and here she lives;)

The muffins are so good..but I have to tweak still.:)

I made apple pie filling as the centre of the ones in Maine had about a TBSP of it in centre..

And of course the rhubarb ones got my rhubarb jam.

The base is..Dorie Greenspan's Allspice Crumble Top Muffins.

All over the net:)

So I have been asked..about these pot plants trailing plants..

To water I remove them from their fancy faces..(They are nestled in the faces in original plastic pots)and soak them in a vessel containing water..

Like I do for my large indoor fern..

Frida..I cannot remove the pot because her hair trais from one side of my sink windows to the other..

So this is the best way I can show you..

Above..soaking in a vessel of water..two of them.

When they go back in the holders..the birdcage goes here:)Hi Susan:)

These are two that I have in the sunroom in a corner..I remove them from the lamp stand..carefully ..tuck under and soak..

Once quenched..they go back in these holders that had two glass vases, but this..I kind of liked:)

They nearly ..touch the ground once in the holders..The light  above..is pretty with them in winter.

And yes I baby them.

I think I'm a nurturer:)


  1. Love, love LOVE the charming personality pots….they certainly all love you! … they grow as to please their nurturer ! I enjoy my little smiley planters also…although my plants aren’t as prolific as yours, they do have a way to curl around the windowsills. Your posts always make me smile. 😁 (And a bit hungry too!😁) Wishing you a lovely day, V. (Virginia)

  2. I'm absolutely wild about your happy pots full of greens and loveliness! I've never grown these particular plants (except the jade; someday I'll post about my jade, named "Little Keith.") I love your watering technique and I don't know why I never thought of it. I think our recent rain overwatered my jade and mini-basil plants. I know the pot has drainage holes but apparently, it needed more. That or the heat but the pot is still wet three days later! The muffins look delicious. I know what you mean about finding a special taste on a trip. The rhubarb treats sound good! Happy week!

    1. It seems everywhere I go..Provence..even Paris..I find something I need back home.OI sound like such a globe trotter lol.Im not.Had the pleasure of a few trips..Done modestly not fancy hotels..But there's always something..like the toaster in our Paris Apt..LOL I came home determined to find one..It came o live with us a week later when I found one:)You will be off before you know it!
