Tuesday, June 18, 2024

xxxOh lala it seems I never posted this.....


All long gone:( Why does everything go by sososo fast?


  1. OH LALA, OH LALA….times a thousand! A most delightful garden, a most delightful gardener! Thank you for sharing🌼xo, V.

  2. Bonjour Monique, Is that last photo of Bridal Wreath? If so we had it in the mix in garden when I was a girl. My mother also had lots of Iris, Peonies, Lillies of the Valley. In his later years my Father enjoyed puttering around and making certain everything looked up to par. I guess I am thinking about him since he died 32 years ago today and today my youngest grandson turns 9. One life ended and a new one began. It's a comforting thought. Oh, how I digress. Our weather is horrible! 95 yesterday with major gusts of wind. Almost got blown over on Balconville watering all of my distressed plants. Hope all is well with you🌞

    1. Bonjour! I remember as a young girl.. I was 6-7 ..so well over 60 yrs ago..our street in Mtl had Bridal Wreath spireas also:) I made tiny bouquets and gave them to my mom..Each little cluster is a bouquet:)I think I grow mostly old school :) My dad died 50 yrs ago.Same as my wedding..that night..:(The birth of your grandson on the same day IS a comforting thought.Wonder if he had something to do with it.. Hot as an inferno here too..but no high wind..both together are certainly arrrrgh.Take care!

  3. I know...a person waits all year long for our favorite flowers and once they've bloomed, the clock starts ticking, and they're gone. But that is the way of our lives, too. Seeing your irises reminds me of a time when hubby and I were out for a walk. We passed by a deserted, old place, and there, in a weedy ditch, was the most glorious iris I think I've ever seen. It was brilliant purple and orange. Nothing subtle about it--heck, it probably glowed in the dark, lol. I think there are probably lots of life lessons I could glean from that, but one thing I know, if you truly look for beauty, you will find it. Thank you, Monique, for always sharing beauty with us.

    1. Pam..the clock starts ticking! I love that! Well not that it does but your way of describing the hurry these plants are to show off then leave..I'd like to be like that Iris you spotted.A lovely optimistic anecdote:)I agree about if you just LOOK..you will SEE:)

  4. I can see why you love your garden so, Monique. It is beyond exquisite. Those irises! Sigh! They are so fleeting, aren't they? Last night (well, early this morning -- 5 a.m., when I hit the bathroom -- I saw a beautiful doe -- happily munching my sweet peas. I couldn't shoo her away but I guess no pretty pink blooms for me this year! It must smell divine!

    1. She appreciated your sweet peas:( But darn.I must admit when I saw the ground hog IN my potager..I freaked out.All the dill..like should I have served smoked salmon? LOL they get to me these hungry huge hamsters...:(

  5. Your gardens are so beautiful! xo

  6. Monique, your gardens are lovely. The Iris are divine. I do wish blooms would last longer, so we can really appreciate their beauty. The anonymous bloggers need to allow third party cookies in their privacy settings in their browsers, so their name shows up.

  7. We’re all beautiful for a while 🥰
    CAROL GILLOTT, Parisbreakfast

  8. Your garden is fabulous. I’m always amazed that your garden is at the same stage as mine on the west coast yet started so much later. Once those shoots start to appear in spring they hit the ground running. I’m waiting for my lilies to open now and my dahlias to get a move on. Grandkids and the garden, my cup runneth over! 🥰Angharad.

    1. Grands and gardens two of the very best in life:). But.. they grow by leaps and bounds..sooo fast.Faster than our own children did:(Love that too..hit the ground running:) So many good thoughts here!

  9. I'm so glad you shared these and Happy 1st day of Summer! Good Grief, where did Spring go??? I want to my foot on the brake pedal of time. The first photo is enchanting, and such gorgeous, colorful iris. And, what a lovely, lush spirea. I love the story of you picking bouquets for your mom in your comments. ♥

    1. Love that. putting the brakes on the pedal!! Time ..flies..It stands still for none of us...Have a great weekend!

  10. So happy your shared! Your blooms are jewels! I've never had good success with iris. Not sure why, but they don't bloom much. I need to talk to an expert. Yes, time goes by so fast. Here we are about to welcome July! Oh, my!!! Happy summer, Monique!

    1. A blogger instagrammer who is no longer with us..(:()told me to raise the irises up..I did and it seems to have been beneficial:)Happy summer to you!

  11. So happy your shared! Your blooms are jewels! I've never had good success with iris. Not sure why, but they don't bloom much. I need to talk to an expert. Yes, time goes by so fast. Here we are about to welcome July! Oh, my!!! Happy summer, Monique!

