Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Days of wine and rosees...


Some of you guessed that when we went away for a few was for a golden anni..50 years.You were right.

I'm 70...

In the words of Diane Von Furstenberg..don't ask how old are you? Ask how long have you lived?:)

I will just say our girls are so very thoughtful.

I won't elaborate on fifty years..

Because I know we are fortunate.

I didn't IG this etc..because many I follow and many who follow me are recently  widowed.. recently even means 20 yrs..A dear auntie Bernice..when she lost Bud her husband..  she said it was like losing her right arm..Bernice did remarry twice more..and is in her nineties on her own now..What a life..

So in respect for all those who are widowed..or sadly separated..I'll just say..take care....

We also celebrated Max's graduation,his birthday and father's day:)

So it was a celebration for all.

I've added a few pics of my fave things in the gardens the last 10 days..Things happen so quickly in succession this time of year..All these plants that were asleep all winter are saying: Look at MOI...

And I am..many times a day.:)

Max went and checked out his residence..He will be a boarder next August.. for football.. his mom..oh his mom..the first to partially leave the nest..

We hope to see one or two of his games..It's not close like Oli..who we will go regularly..and one game ..Lucas plays against Max..oh lala two different colleges.

I said to J..What if one loses? LOLOLOL.

We are in for a heat wave...

Take care..

How long have you lived?:)


    Not posting on IG: You are so thoughtful and sensative.
    We just celebrated #40.

    1. It just doesn't feel right for me to do..even here I find extrapolating is too show offy.. Happy 40th Larry and Arlene..we are close!!

  2. Monique, your gardens are lovely. Love the arbor. Happy 50th wedding anniversary. So glad you were able to get away and celebrate. Your life sounds so busy. We just had a heat wave. I have been in the pool a lot and also pressure washed the pool tile. I have lived 74 years.😉

    1. You're such a beautiful you have lived 74 years:):):Oh my gosh I make myself busy..We really are not..Just the two of us and family:) And the boys are young men now..THEY are so busy:) LOL That's work pressure washing! Kudos!

  3. Happy 50th Anniversary...that is a reason to celebrate! I love seeing photos of your lovely garden. Balconville looks rather dreary this year. Because I was away I did not get to the garden centers as early as usual. I do have my beloved Lantana. It will be hard for your daughter when her son goes away to school. I remember that feeling, it was gut wrenching for me. We are struggling with the heat, too. Stay cool & happy!

    1. She's crying already:) he's such an easy happy funny boy:) I remember when she left.I bawled.and bawled.Thank you not getting to garden centres was well worth it!!

  4. Happy 50th to you and J! Such an accomplishment. How long have I lived? Now you have me thinking...I wish I could say, honestly, that I've lived my entire 70 years, but something woke me up when I was first diagnosed with cancer in 1998, then again in 2016. I sure do want to make the most of every day because time is such a gift--especially time spent with those we love.

    Gracious, your gardens are just bursting with blooms! I love all your roses, but then I love the peonies, I guess I just love everything I see!

    We're heading for a heatwave, too, so I've already been out to get chores done early this morning. Have a great week, Monique!

    1. A warrior:) I admire warriors..and honestly the "I have lived so many years".. is justifiable when faced with such hurdles..Do we subtract those? Or keep them.I say keep them.I have not walked in your shoes..I walk in different shoes..I am so happy for you that you beat that demon twice..And are enjoying every day of living.xoHeat wave here too all next week..90's..I think when we get a diagnosis.. we are forever changed.No matter what it is.

  5. Happy Anniversary dear Monique and Jacques. You are indeed most lucky. All love is sweet no matter for how long. Hugs from me. Hold each other tight tight xx

    1. I hear you so loud and so clear..In a gentle way if that is possible.This blog is my journal..should the girls read it one dayI want them to know they made joy this anni..:)That's the reason it is here:)

  6. Happy anniversary Monique. You are very thoughtful of others. I am very lucky to have lived for 75 years.

    1. You belie your how long have you lived:) So youthful.Thank you.Yes no need to extrapolate and show cards and gifts and things..Not necessary ..personal and others in mind.

  7. Congrats on 50 years. When we say how long we have been married, folks comment to the same person! yes of course.

  8. Happy Anniversary Monique and Jacques. (I know Jacques reads your blog) Glad you had a celebration, and always enjoy time with your family.

  9. Happy Anniversary, once again! Such a gift to live with your soul mate for 50 years. ♥ Love the balloons and your daughters are so thoughtful. What glorious photos of your garden. It's such a joy in summer to see the fruits of our labor...and labor... and labor - LOL, but so worth it! Such many prettys have come and gone already and roses and clematis are the stars now. Soon the zinnias and dahlias! Oh, I do feel for C! I remember the feeling when my youngest left for an out-of-state school her 1st year of university. We missed her so much!

    1. She is already crying Susan.She is so close to the boys..A great mom..and they love being with her..Its going to be hard.Yes summer is not even here and I feel its flying by..We are so lucky to live in homes we love and land we love.Right gardens are not peak..but everything is so tidy..:) I love it.Big heat wave..things will look tired again:(..Have a great week!!

  10. Monique, I only wish you much joy and happiness as you and Jacques celebrate your 50th. You must celebrate each and every day you have together! Life is precious, and you two live it beautifully. Difficult to imagine those boys playing college football. Time passes so quickly. I returned from five days on the Cape visiting good friends. The weather was perfect, and we simply enjoyed time together taking in the beauty of their garden, the cool breezes, and hours of conversation. Happy Father's Day to Jacques and your sons-in-law.

    1. Thank you Sarah..I know you had a match made in heaven and I think of you often.You have great friends..a dear family.. you focus on being with people you love.You are admirable.So admirable.Oh I know those boys.I would love to. step back in time..Them across the street..innocent..I would love that.I hope you share your trip to The Cape:)

  11. First of all, Happy Belated Anniversary! (I don't know how I missed this!). Yes, celebrate and then celebrate some more because this is special. You have had a wonderful life together and I suspect many more wonderful years to come. I can't believe your boys are ready for college and startng the move out. It's bittersweet, isn't it? I can't even imagine fifty years. That's spectacular! And all the joy and love from those times with your beautiful family. Biggest smiles.

  12. Congratulations on all of the celebrations Monique! xo

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