Tuesday, October 1, 2024

October 1rst.

Still... Still:)

Be still my heart.:)

I made our favorite red pepper jelly..The recipe can be found on a way back post. Here

Made our favorite apple crisp..You can find the recipe here..I doubled the topping and added more apples..I have tried at least 20.This is the all time winner.It's from Cuistot..and the reviews are stellar...


I have started putting some gardens to bed..albeit so much is still popping..The geraniums..zinnias(I am letting those go to seed)dahlias,nasturtiums..French marigolds..They are en masse..I am not a yellow orange person but that bed with the nasturtiums and F marigolds w/ dill and sorrel and chives and parsley ..Thyme..garlic chives.. is outstanding:)

Cute bumblebee moth:)

I'll be planting my tulips soon:) 

And it's October..Just like that..

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