Tuesday, October 15, 2024

C'est tellement beau..


Not peak yet..But oh so pretty.

Saturday found areas without power and windy..(the cause) but sunny with gorgeous white puffy clouds..I went out looking for beauty.I don't have far to go..

I met a past client with his dog:) Years ago..years..he was nice enough to let me take pics of him.He was nice that many yrs ago..still nice.

People are always surprised when I say..from the back:) I love them:)

My husband said something so wise..he often does..he rarely comments on things but when I mentioned again I love taking photos from the back he said it's because nothing is forced..(fake) So true.

One of our daughters hosted Thanksgiving.. on her own..her husband is a hunter and he usually is away this weekend..it was delicious..the whole family..I adore when we are all together.

I come home late..WIRED and I don't sleep a wink lol..

We eat early..by 5.30-45.And we don't eat a lot..nor after that until the next AM..At family gatherings..I star when I get there..5..and stop eating at 11..No wonder I don't sleep;)

Wired.. We are quiet..these evenings are full of conversation and laughter.The big boys still come..I just love that.LOVE that.

So I brought desserts.. my cupcakes were not great.my icing broke..:(

My cookies were just ok..I tried a new recipe..but these were a hit.Pecan Pie bars.

I was glad to be able to pick a bouquet for her.

Gosh those dahlias..I remember when zinnias thrilled me:)  I still like them ..but..:)

Enjoying Disclaimer on Apple TV

No frost yet..  so dahlias will remain..underground.

Have a great week:)


  1. Late wishes for a Joyeux Thanksgiving, Cher Ami!! And it's lovely hearing that you did---we have just lately had a wonderful weekend put on OUR Dance Card---Oldest Son, our DDIL and their GrandDaughter will be with us for ours!! Little hearts dancing.

    How I love your strolls amongst the ALMOST---those sun-kissed trees with all the little pink smooches on their cheeks, your fleeting greeting of an old friend, the DAHLIAS (my Mammaw had a great relationship with both Park and Burpee, and saved seeds from her dinner-plate Mauvish-to-White ones for several harvests, for their research). One in a vase made a lovely offering on each side of the pulpit in their small church. And we just spoke of PECAN bars---every now and then, I rummage through bags and sacks and boxes and jars of (usually Amazon) orders Leah has made on a whim or for a holiday, and yesterday's was a bag of pecans, so we decided on making a pan whilst the cleaners are in the other part of the house on Thursday. My Mother's recipe for "KAY-RO Pecan Pie" spread out over a thinner surface, with the crust recipe from "Mountain Mama" chocolate dessert---(ground pecans also in the crust for a fleeting nutty whish of cookie in the crisp bite)---one recipe I have on a little steno page in Mother's left-handed, unmistakable script. She was left-handed, and after one two many teachers had swatted her fingers, she could write equally well with either hand. And I never noticed until a few Thanksgivings ago that the recipe has 1/4 t. cinnamon---a NONO for me, except for baked apples and snickerdoodles. I ignore it and hope I'm shriven of the crime.

    Those back-pictures---someday when we meet for coffee, or happenstance on the street, I'll have saved my egg-and-butter money all these years, and will incognito commission just ONE of those intriguing, inestimable treasures just to hold in my hand. Especially one I treasure in thought, from 2007 and a stroll with a small gamin of a GrandDaughter of three---an old soul in a tiny frame, and still our fairy-girl in black or purple or deep Loden-Green, still such a talented artist and a knitting-needle savant of the first order. I love best about you the way you love those YOU love. And that's a gift in every photo, every line. My Thanksgiving will certainly include thanks for YOU and this window on another world, freely thrown open to the sights and sounds and scents from your bountiful Table of life.

    1. Rachel..my email is to the right of this ..if you have a photo of the backs of you two..if you would like I would try and paint it for you (free of course) I don't sell my little people..I give them when I want to:).So if you wish..send me the photo of it.. someone can scan it for you..:)then you attach it to an email and send it to me:)
      How LOVELY family will be with you for your very special Thanksgiving..Reason enough for thanks:):):)The BEST dance card.
      A lovely thought that your mother loved dahlias as well.
      My mom's fingers were swatted by nuns.. piano lessons.....Imagine these so called teachers.Oh lala I won't get into it:)
      Think about it ..as it would be my pleasure..if I see I can achieve something:)


  2. Those pecan pie bars sound divine. Like you, the dahlias thrill me, and I mean thrill me :-) I'm going to email you a photos of zinnias with monarch butterflies feasting on them....this man plants over 2,000 zinnia seeds every year and raises monarchs also. I just realized that I'm not receiving blog notifications when you comment, so my apologies for just posting your comment today.

    1. No problem..I think most of us who still blog do it for memories:) Not popularity:) Oh thank you would love to see!!
