I have a new cookbook..I have been waiting for this one..I had been fortunate enough to see the "proof" and knew I would love to add it to my collection..I really don't have that many cookbooks..I have my mom's Jéhane Benoit's.. a few that my husband bought me the first few years of our marriage:)Pol Martin.. etc:)People used to go to his office and sell them.. he knew I needed all the help I could get~ Truly....
I have some that clients have offered me.. some I have picked up..and some from friends..
But many I gave to my daughters in a bag or two the last time we moved ..I don't know if they kept them..
But I do have 2 bookshelves w/ books and 2 drawers filled w/ cut outs and printeds:)
I have one from
Jain about California Cuisine and
Mary Screen Doors and Sweet Tea..where my
polka dot shortbreads originated:) and one I bought on
Hélène's recommendation that I love:)La Cuisine Des Fées~I like looking at cookbooks..no..I love looking at cookbooks..
I nearly forgot the recent
Moroccan one:)
My husband said I can't love something..I can like it..I said have you read my blog? I LOVE:) He knows..and he reads it~
In a nutshell 2 bookshelves.
This is my latest aquisition and it is stunning..
Maria Loggia.I made her Pear and Beet salad and it is delicious~

I perused the book the evening I received it.A wet rainy October night by the fire~
What a treat!!
It is just great.I bought the English version as it was the original version..but it is available in French and I first saw it in French at a lovely bookstore a friend took me to.
The recipe seems long but it's not really..
It's a matter of blanching your mandolined pears in a syrup comprised of water, sugar and cinnamon,cardamom , lemon juice and rind.. clove.. then baking them on parchment until crisp..turning over once..next time I would not slice as thinly w/ my mandoline~
The beets are roasted at 425 in foil w/ EVOO , a bay leaf and thyme..garlic..s and p..~She called for red but I had rich orangey golden ones..
Cooled..then peeled and thinly sliced..
The recipe adds goat cheese and hazelnuts..I used a soft cheddar and toasted pine nuts..
The recipe calls for mâche..I had arugula and Boston..
The dressing is Sherry Vinegar..Evoo ,garlic,Dijon ,hazelnut oil salt and pepper..
On a large platter or in ind. bowls you arrange the sliced beets in a concentric form overlapping slightly..add your mâche..scatter the pears..add goat cheese and nuts..Drizzle w/ dressing and serve immediately.
I will make this again:)