And No Takeout Thank You Very Much~:)
I am never alone for dinner~
Wednesday night I was ..
In the morning..before work..I thought..I'll just have a bagel for dinner:) Or cereal~
But I cracked.. I was listless after a long day at work..and wanted to play..
The game I wanted to play..was cooking and baking of course~Too wet and too late for the garden..Too humid also!
So I spoiled myself by making a trial version of a meal I instantly had palpitations for when I saw it at
Peanut Butter Ravioli Wontons~

It was a heavenly little dish..That I will do and do again.
I remember my childhood friend and I having this at a resto ..maybe 15 yrs ago..I loved it then..
You know what?
It's even better at home~
I used dumpling wrappers..that I had..but the recipe calls for WonTon wrappers..it worked..I tried some as Raviolis..some as wontons..Of course both taste luscious.
She mentions her little son ate all the sauce even:) He has my kind of taste buds~
He is a lucky little grenouille to have such a good cook mommy.
Merçi Isa~
La Recette~
(Stuffing)1/2 livre (250 g) de porc haché
1/2 lb ground pork1⁄4 tasse ( 60 ml ) de châtaignes d'eau, égouttées et hachées
1/4 cup drained chopped water chestnusts1 œuf
1 egg2 échalotes vertes émincées
2 spring green onions thinly sliced1/2 cuillère à thé de sel
1/2 tsp salt1 cuillère à table de sauce soya ( allégée en sel )
1 tbsp light soya sauce1/4 cuillère à thé de poivre
1/4 tsp pepper ap 50 Won Ton Wrappers
Mix all these ingredients and put ap 1 tsp in each wrapper/moisten the edges and fold the way you like to make yours making certain all edges are sealed.
I added a touch of sesame oil and some fresh ginger~
You boil them for ap 5 mins in water or in a chicken broth..This is the way to make WonTon soup also..
To make the peanut butter raviolis..follow the above method..but you serve in the sauce..
The sauce is in 2 parts w/ a type of thickened soya sauce and the peanut sauce..
La recette
La recette :
1/2 recette de raviolis won ton
1/2 a recipe of wontonsSauce au beurre d’arachides :
Peanut butter sauce1 tasse ( 250 ml ) de bouillon de poulet
1 cup chicken broth..use less if you want a thicker sauce2 cuillères à table de sauce Hoisin
2tbsps hoisin sauce1/4 tasse ( 60 ml ) de beurre d’arachides
1/4 Cup Peanut Butter1 gousse d’ail hachée
1 minced garlic clove1 cuillère à table de vinaigre de riz
1 tspb rice wine vinegarSésame blanc
sesame seedsSirop de sauce soya :
Soya Syrup5 cuillères à table de sauce soya allégée en sel
5tbsps light soya sauce1/2 cuillère à thé de sucre
1/2 tsp sugar1/2 cuillère à thé de fécule de maïs
1/2 tsp cornstarchFor the peanut butter sauce..
In a casserole heat the chicken broth with the hoisin..off the stove.. add the rest of the ingredients except the sesame seeds and blend to a smooth consistency.. add peanut butter if you wish ..
For the syrup
Ina small casserole mix all ingredients and heat stirring constantly until thickend.
I placed the warm sauce on my plate.. added the raviolis and dotted w/ the syrup and put a bit more peanut sauce on top..sprinkled w/ green onions and sesame seeds..We had the full version Friday night and my husband love it to bits too.Like Isa's little grenouille:)