Wednesday, May 20, 2009


We have strayed away from saucissons in the last 10 yrs.. but our trip to France..made us like seeing and enjoying them..all over reserve:)

every turn of the Marché.. every turn of life.. being back here..home..

Reminds us how we still love saucissons..even if they are.. here..from France:)

Avec une baguette.. du vin.. C'est la vie~ La Belle Vie~


  1. Pretty presentations ~ beautiful photos. It's so nice you can revisit your trip, not only through photos but the actual food, too.

    Thank you for sharing! xo~m.

  2. Wonderful photos. I miss the incredible food in Paris and have accepted the fact that I won't have a decent baguette again until I go back.

  3. Hi Monique,
    My husband and I were just talking about saucissons we had on our vacation and the wine. Delicious! Love your photos as always and I long to go back and enjoy the feel of the air there.

  4. Cathy and Tracie..I know you know what I feel:)It is a longing..It really is..One day..Paris..My friend is there and went to Ladurée:) She e-mailed me and said she found it!:)

    Mary..Europe would embrace you and vice versa ! When you go.. we will be watching you:)
    It's so you.

  5. The saucisson is always better in it the way they make it or being in an outdoor cafe enjoying it (with a glass of red), that makes the difference? Your photos take us there...thanks!


  6. Oooohhhh - this looks wonderful. Beautiful saucisson, beautiful photographs!

  7. J'ai découvert ton blog en passant par Les gourmandises d'Isa. bravo!
    Il faudra juste que je prenne plus longuement le temps de venir noter quelques recettes qui me plaisent et surtout celle des nans. A bientôt.
