Sometimes you read a recipe and you know you MUST try it..if only for one ingredient..that you would have never thought of~
Les Gourmandises d'Isa..When I spotted this..
Rose Perfumed Tarte Tatin..Could
you resist?

It is delicately perfumed..not overwhelming at all.. subtle elegant addition~
Rose Water can be found almost anywhere I think now..

I am certain there are different qualities.. but I have been happy with this brand..I also have Orange Blossom Water by the same company..The bottling could be prettier:)
I made the tart in a 5 inch cast iron skillet..It's tiny..But this is best eaten the same day..and really Jacques is the sweet lover.I admit to taking a sliver and it is out of this world.
I could have eaten the whole thing.So glad I made it small..I quartered the recipe.

See how small the pan is?:)
La Recette..Courtesy of Isa.
1 1/2 Cups of flour
1/4 cup of sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2/3 cup unsalted chilled butter
6 tbsps cold cold water
8 apples peeled , cored and divided each in 6.
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup butter
1 tbsp Rose water
You will need a 10 inch cast iron skillet for this recipe ..or a stove to oven casserole.
Mix dry ings for the dough..add cold butter that you have grated or cut up in small pieces.. mix.. add a bit of water until it forms a ball..flatten and wrap in ref. at least 30 mins.
In your pan on med- high heat.. put sugar and water.. without stirring but occasionally gently moving the pan.. let become gold and caramelized ap 10 mins.Remove pan from source of heat.
Add butter and gently combine.
Place apples on top to almost cover the entire surface.. and sprinkle rose water between apples.
Cover with your pastry dough tuck in the edges..(I forgot!)It still was lovely but not as perfectly done as Isa's..and I have made these before..My mind was on the perfumed roses I am certain! Bake for ap 45 mins in a pre-heated 375 degree oven
Cool 10 mins and invert onto a serving dish.
This is lovely she recommends with yogurt or even whipped cream infused with Eau De Rose:)
Ooh Ice Cream could be tasty too.
Her recipes are tried and true:) And delicious.

I have a confession:) She had 2 recipes that caught my eye that day perusing her wonderful blog..General Tao Shrimp:)We are huge fans of General tao Chicken..soo I knew we would appreciate shrimp too...

La Recette~
1 lb (454 g ) de grosses crevettes, crues, décortiquées(large shrimp cleaned and deveined)
2 cuillères à table ( 15 g ) de fécule de maïs(corn starch)
1 oeuf, battu(beaten egg)
3 cuillères à table ( 25 g ) de farine(flour)
1/2 cuillère à thé de poudre à pâte ( levure chimique )(baking powder)
1/2 cuillère à thé de sel(salt)
1/4 tasse ( 60 ml ) d'huile végétale(vegetable oil)
2 cuillères à thé d'huile de sésame(sesame oil)
1 cuillère à table de gingembre râpé(grated ginger)
1/4 tasse ( 60 ml ) d'oignons verts, coupés rondelles(spring green onions,sliced)
1/4 tasse ( 60 ml ) d'eau(water)
2 cuillères à table de vinaigre de riz(rice wine vinegar)
60 ml (1/4 tasse) de sucre(sugar)..I used maple syrup
1 cuillère à table de fécule de maïs(corn starch)
1 cuillère à table de sauce soya allégée(light soya sauce)
2 cuillères à table de sauce aux huîtres(oyster sauce)(i used Noc Chuam)
2 cuillères à table de ketchup
( Hot chili flakes and sezchuan peppercorns if you like.. we are used to very spicy GT is not for everyone..I would start w/ Isa's recipe.. then add..WE are hot lovers)
Oignons verts pour garniture More spring green onions for garnish..and toasted sesame seeds..I like using Yin and Yang:)
Enrober les crevettes de la fécule de maïs.(Coat shrimp w/ corn starch)
Dans un bol, mélanger l'oeuf, la farine, la poudre à pâte et le sel.(in a bowl mix egg flour ,baking powder and salt.(I doubled this)
Ajouter les crevettes et bien l’enrober de ce mélange.(Add shrimp and coat well)
Dans un grand poêlon anti-adhésif, chauffer l'huile à feu vif.(In a sauté pan heat oil on high heat)
Ajouter les crevettes et cuire pendant 3 minutes en remuant souvent jusqu'à ce que les crevettes soient dorées à l'extérieur.(add shrimp and sauté ap 3 mins..stirring frequently until golden on the outside)
Mettre les crevettes dans une assiette. Réserver.(Place shrimp on a plate and reserve)
Ajouter l'huile de sésame, le gingembre et les oignons verts dans le poêlon.(Add sesame oil,ginger and green onions in pan)
Cuire à feu moyen-vif pendant 5 minutes. Ajouter l'eau, le vinaigre de riz et le sucre.(cook med-high ap 5 mins..add water..rice wine vinegar and sugar..again I replaced the sugar w/ maple syrup)
Laisser mijoter jusqu'à ce que le sucre soit complètement dissous.Warm.. simmer until sugar dissolves)
Pendant ce temps, délayer la fécule de maïs dans la sauce soya.(Meanwhile mix corn starch with soya )
Ajouter le mélange de sauce soya, la sauce aux huîtres et le ketchup dans le poêlon.(add the soya mixture,the oyster sauce(I used Noc Chuam..less)..and ketchup in the pan..
Laisser mijoter pendant 2 minutes ou jusqu'à ce que la sauce épaississe(simmer briefly until sauce thickens).
Remettre les crevettes dans la sauce et mélanger pour les réchauffer(Add shrimp to sauce to warm and coat).
Servir sur un beau grand nid de riz et parsemer d'oignons verts émincés.(serve on a lovely bed of rice and garnish w/ spring green onions)
I thought I would see if French is easy for everyone to understand.. the volumes are similar:) The words?
My husband gave the whole meal.. 11/10.
I think that about sums it all up!
Merçi pour un excellent repas
Les Gourmandises d'Isa.P.S..
Why didn't I think of this before?

Now I feel like I am on a holiday:)

In France:)